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 New Composition · Magazine for Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School

Annual pricing: RMB 196.00/year

New Composition · Magazine for Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School Provincial Journals

New Writing

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 14-1274/G CN
  • 1009-9433 ISSN
Competent unit: Shanxi Publishing Media Group
Sponsor: Shanxi Sanjin Newspaper and Media Group Co., Ltd
Postal code: 22-65
Published in 2001
Format: B5
Published at: Shanxi
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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New Composition · An Introduction to the Magazine for Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School

New Composition for Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School was founded in 2001. Its circulation cycle is monthly, the director of Shanxi Publishing Media Group, and an academic journal sponsored by Shanxi Sanjin Newspaper and Media Group Co., Ltd. The magazine is a professional journal dedicated to cultivating the writing ability and emotional expression ability of primary school students. With a new perspective and concept, the magazine focuses on the inner world of primary school students, and encourages them to show the quality of composition through true feelings, interesting story content and unique creative style.

Magazines have significant advantages in cultivating students' writing ability. According to the writing characteristics and needs of primary school students, it provides a wealth of writing skills and methods, including how to conceive, how to select materials, how to use rhetorical devices and so on. These skills can not only help students improve their writing skills, but also stimulate their creative inspiration and cultivate their independent thinking ability and innovative spirit. The magazine focuses on students' emotional expression ability and encourages them to express their true feelings in writing. It believes that only true feelings can move people's hearts and arouse readers' resonance. Therefore, magazines guide students to pay attention to people and things around them, stimulate their emotional experience, and encourage them to integrate real feelings into their compositions. This expression of true feelings not only improves the quality of students' writing, but also cultivates their emotional literacy and humanistic care spirit.

Another notable feature of it is its rich interest and story content. It selects a large number of interesting and storytelling materials, which not only meet the cognitive characteristics of primary school students, but also stimulate their reading interest. By guiding students to incorporate these interesting and story rich materials into their compositions, magazines cultivate students' imagination and creativity, and improve their reading comprehension and writing ability. The magazine fully respects each student's personality and creativity, and encourages them to play their own unique style in writing. It believes that every student is a unique individual with different interests, hobbies and ways of thinking. Therefore, by providing diversified writing materials and themes, magazines can stimulate students' creativity and let them show their personal talents in writing. At the same time, the magazine also provides a platform for students to display their works and learn from each other by setting up links such as readers' works display and interactive communication.

New Composition · Column Setting of Middle and Upper Grade Magazine of Primary School

Rubik's cube picture Jianghu _ Little writer's show, Rubik's cube picture Jianghu _ Famous teacher's small class, Rubik's cube picture Jianghu _ Large picture horizon, Rainbow composition castle _ Fresh planning for this issue

New Composition · Honor Information of Primary School Middle and Upper Grade Magazine

New Composition · Magazine Subscription Mode for Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School

Address: Building 2, Yunlu Street Community, Liuxiang South Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Zip code: 030001.

New Composition · Instructions for Submitting to the Magazine of Middle and Upper Grades of Primary School

1. You should be responsible for your contributions, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The magazine has the right to modify the recruitment manuscript. Any manuscript accepted by this magazine shall be deemed as the author's consent to authorize this magazine to use its works, including online publishing rights, new media value-added service rights, etc.

2. The references are numbered in the order in which they appear and listed at the end of the text. All literature authors within 3 are listed, and those above 4 are listed in the top 3, followed by ", etc.

3. The title, content summary and key words are limited to 20 words, and the subtitle is limited to 18 words; The content summary shall be no more than 300 words; The keywords are generally 3-5, separated by semicolons. Attention should be paid to the capitalization of English titles. English keywords should be in lower case (except for words that should be capitalized).

4. Notes mainly include explanatory notes and citation notes. Interpretative notes are further explanations or supplementary explanations of a specific content in the body of the article; Citation notes include excerpts from the original texts of various references, and the abridged original texts should be noted in detail.

5. The author's profile includes: the author's name, date of birth, gender, nationality, native place, degree (education), work unit (full name), professional title, and research direction. Please also attach the contact number, email address, detailed mailing address, zip code, etc.

6. Abstract: The abstract should objectively reflect the information of the main content of the paper, be independent and self contained, and generally not exceed 300 words.

7. If it is a national, provincial or ministerial major scientific and technological research project or an innovative scientific research paper, please also explain in the letter of introduction.

8. The article generally has an introduction and a body, and the serial number starts from the introduction. Arabic numeral grading numbering method is used for the main body, generally one, (one), one, (1).

9. Arabic numerals (including century) shall be used for the statistics and calendar year in the text; The Gregorian calendar year shall be indicated in parentheses after the dynasties and emperors.

10. Submission method: understand the submission method and requirements. Some magazines may require that contributions be sent via email, while others may use an online submission system.

Address: Building 2, Yunlu Street Community, Liuxiang South Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Zip code: 030001.