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 Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Cooperate with PEPS Textbook Magazine

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Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Cooperate with PEPS Textbook Magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 41-1098/O CN
  • 1003-2215 ISSN
Competent unit: Henan Education Press
Sponsored by: Henan Education Press
Postal code: 36-89
Published in 2007
Format: B5
Published at: Henan
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle)

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Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Introduction to Textbook Magazine of Cooperating with People's Education Press

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students, Mathematics for Grade Eight, Cooperating with the Teaching Materials of People's Education Press was founded in 2007. The circulation cycle is monthly, the director of Henan Education Press, and an academic journal sponsored by Henan Education Press. The magazine is an auxiliary material for eighth grade students to learn mathematics. It not only provides basic knowledge points and exercises, but also focuses on cultivating students' mathematical thinking and problem-solving ability. Through a series of thinking training and expansion questions, the magazine encourages students to use what they have learned to solve more complex and creative problems. The contents of the magazine are closely combined with the teaching materials of the People's Education Press, providing readers with comprehensive and accurate learning materials. The magazine covers all the knowledge points of eighth grade mathematics, including algebra, geometry, probability and statistics. For each knowledge point, the magazine explained in simple terms to help students understand and master the core concepts. In addition, the magazine is also equipped with a large number of examples and exercises to strengthen students' ability to understand and apply knowledge points through practical operation.

In addition to the explanation of basic knowledge points and exercises, the magazine also pays special attention to cultivating students' mathematical thinking and problem-solving ability. In each issue of the magazine, there are some challenging thinking training questions and expansion questions. These questions are designed to guide students to use the knowledge they have learned to solve more complex and creative problems through analysis, reasoning, induction and other ways of thinking. These questions can not only stimulate students' interest in learning, but also cultivate their independent learning ability and innovative spirit.

The magazine also pays attention to the connection with real life. By introducing examples and problems in life, students can feel the application value of mathematics in reality. This connection with real life enables students to better understand the meaning of mathematics and improve their ability to solve problems. In general, magazines are excellent learning aids. Through a series of thinking training and expansion questions, students are encouraged to use what they have learned to solve more complex and creative problems. At the same time, the magazine also pays attention to the connection with real life, so that students can feel the application value of mathematics in reality. If you are an eighth grade student, or a math enthusiast, this magazine will be your right-hand man on the way to math learning.

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Column Setting of Teaching Materials and Magazines in Cooperation with People's Education Press

Expert blog, famous teacher class, problem-solving skills, sloppy, funny mathematics, competition garden, ability improvement, comic book

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Honor Information of Teaching Materials Magazine of People's Education Press

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Subscription of Textbooks and Magazines in Cooperation with People's Education Press

Address: Building 1, No. 17, Yuehu South Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, 450044.

Math, Physics and Chemistry for Middle School Students · Mathematics for Grade 8 · Instructions for Contribution to Teaching Materials and Magazines of People's Education Press

1. The discussion should focus on the new findings and conclusions and views of this article. Do not make a literature review, and do not repeat what has been described in the results section.

2. References are coded in sequence, in the order in which they appear in the text. It is better to have at least 10 items. Direct quotation shall be marked with specific page number, and general quotation can be marked with page range.

3. The topic uses the least words to express the most valuable information, and omits words without specific meaning such as "research on", "observation of", etc.

4. The note is placed after the text (endnote). The note number is marked with [1], [2], [3]... and the full text is sorted uniformly. The note serial number in the body is uniformly placed in the upper right corner after the sentence containing the quotation (sometimes it may also be a word or phrase) or paragraph punctuation mark.

5. Indicate the names of all authors, the names of their work units, cities and postal codes (in Chinese and English), as well as the birth year, gender, native place (specific to the city or county), highest educational background, professional title, job title, main research direction, e-mail address, detailed address and telephone number of the first author.

6. The general knowledge content in the field of the subject should be excluded, and the content in the introduction should not be included in the abstract; Do not make self-evaluation on the content of the paper; Do not simply repeat the existing information in the topic; There are no mathematical formulas, chemical structural formulas, illustrations and tables, and no reference numbers are introduced.

7. The name and number of the funded project to which the research achievement belongs should also be provided with English translations of the title, author's name, organization, keywords and abstract.

8. The first level headings 1, 2,..., the second level headings 1.1, 1.2,..., the third level headings 1.1.1, 1.1.2,..., and so on. The title level is generally not more than 4 levels.

9. The charts are numbered and placed in the corresponding position of the text according to the order of appearance in the paper. The photos shall be clear and the line drawing shall be proportional. It is better to edit and save the image in JPEG or TIFF file format separately.

10. It is strictly prohibited to submit more than one draft, plagiarize or plagiarize, otherwise the author shall be responsible for all consequences. This magazine has the right to modify its works. If you do not agree with the amendment or abridgement of this journal, please indicate it when you submit your manuscript.

Address: Building 1, No. 17, Yuehu South Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City, 450044.