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 Math PHS Magazine

Annual pricing: ¥ 208.00/year

Math PHS Magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 21-1329/G4 CN
  • 1009-0320 ISSN
Competent unit: Liaoning North Journal Publishing Group Co., Ltd
Organizer: Liaoning North Education Newspaper Publishing Co., Ltd
Postal code: 8-202
Published in 2004
Format: A5
Published at: Liaoning
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Category: Education
Cited times: 3
Database inclusion:

Wanfang Collection (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Collection of Shanghai Library National Library Collection Included by HowNet (middle)

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Introduction to Math PHS Magazine

Math PHS (Monthly) was founded in 2004. It is in charge of Liaoning North Journal Publishing Group Co., Ltd. and sponsored by Liaoning North Education Daily Newspaper Publishing Co., Ltd. The CN number is 21-1329/G4. Since its inception, it has received much attention and praise from the industry and readers.

The column setting of Math PHS is reasonable, with clear context and wide coverage; The proportion of the content of the article is appropriate, the focus is prominent, and overall consideration is given. There are not only authoritative guiding articles written by experts, famous teachers and excellent front-line teachers, but also interesting and story strong short articles. The articles are novel in form, lively in language, and full of childlike interest, opening up the eyes of young readers, developing their intelligence, enlightening the wisdom of young readers, helping young readers to experience the beauty in mathematics, and making the magazine very interesting.

Column setting of Math PHS magazine

Famous teacher guidance, PHS Paradise, thought spark, fun square, mathematics in life, small discovery, cartoon mathematics, mathematical fairy tale, kaleidoscope, mathematical hospital, mathematics English

Honorary Information of Math PHS Magazine

Mathematical PHS magazine subscription mode

Address: No. 205, Zhongshan Road, Shenyang, 110002.

Instructions for contributions to Math PHS Magazine

1. Please do not submit more than one draft and put an end to academic misconduct.

2. For references, the author, title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and start and end page numbers shall be indicated; Citation of journal articles shall indicate the title, year, volume (issue); When quoting newspaper articles, the publication date and edition shall be indicated. Unpublished materials should not be included in references.

3. If the paper involves the research content related to the fund project, the name and project number of the fund or funding institution shall be noted. When submitting the paper, a copy or electronic file of the project approval work shall be attached.

4. The title should be highly general (the author's own English title is also encouraged); Long articles can use multi-level subtitles, but try not to exceed three levels.

5. The manuscript shall include the author's name, unit, professional title, telephone number, mailing address and e-mail address.

Mathematical PHS magazine data information

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of the Articles Published by Math PHS Magazine

Address: No. 205, Zhongshan Road, Shenyang, 110002.