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 Composition tutorship for primary school students - early magazine

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Composition tutorship for primary school students - early magazine Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 22-1048/G4 CN
  • 1671-1726 ISSN
Competent unit: Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd
Organizer: Northern Women and Children's Publishing House
Postal code: 12-122
Published in 2009
Format: A5
Published at: Jilin
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.03
Cited times: 296
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) Wanfang Collection (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Composition tutorship for primary school students · Introduction to the first ten day magazine

The magazine was founded in 2009 by Jilin Publishing Group Co., Ltd. and sponsored by Northern Women and Children's Publishing House. The CN number is 22-1048/G4. Since its inception, the magazine has received much attention and praise from the industry and readers.

It is suitable for primary and secondary school teachers and Chinese lovers; Publication of Chinese teaching hot spots, teaching methods; There are many famous columns such as classroom construction, writing guidance, intelligent reading, etc.

Composition tutorship for primary school students · column setting of early magazine

Preface, distinguished teacher style, theoretical discussion, intelligent reading, classroom construction, writing guidance, teaching perspective, experience exchange, and education

Composition tutorship for primary school students · Honorary information of the first ten day magazine

Composition tutorship for primary school students · magazine subscription mode for the first ten days

Address: No. 4646, Renmin Street, Changchun City, 130021.

Composition tutorship for primary school students · Instructions for contributions of the first ten days magazine

1. The title number shall be arranged in the order of "one", "(one)", "1", "first" or "first", and generally "①" is not used. According to the specific content of the article, the serial number can be appropriately reduced, but cannot be used in reverse order.

2. The journal adopts the anonymous review system. Please provide the author's name, brief introduction (unit, title, main research direction), mailing address, zip code, telephone number and e-mail on another page.

3. Please put notes in the text (with parentheses); The references shall be marked according to the format requirements of this journal, not in the form of footnotes or endnotes, but in the end.

4. The abstract of the article should be independent and self explanatory. The content generally includes the research purpose, methods, main results and conclusions. It should be a complete short article with 100-200 words; Provide more than 3 keywords.

5. Please observe academic norms and academic ethics. Citation shall indicate the source, text notes shall adopt footnotes, and references shall adopt endnotes. Please do not copy, plagiarize or submit more than one manuscript. The writer shall be responsible for his own work.

Composition guidance for primary school students · data information of the first ten day magazine

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Composition tutorship for primary school students · Analysis of articles published in early magazines

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
Fujian Educational Science Planning Project one
Guangdong Educational Science Planning Project one
The 12th Five Year Plan for Educational Science in Jiangsu Province one
The 12th Five Year Plan of Xuzhou Educational Science one
Address: No. 4646, Renmin Street, Changchun City, 130021.