Civil Service Periodical Network Thesis Center Model of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

Full text of scientific and technological practice and innovation (5)

Preface: I have sorted out 5 reference examples of scientific and technological practice and innovation for you to refer to. I hope it can help you get inspiration in writing and make your articles more rich and profound.

 Scientific and technological practice and innovation

Chapter 1: Model of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

one science and technology practice Activity analysis

Students' scientific and technological practice has always been a good tradition of our school innovate We have achieved excellent results in comprehensive competitions such as entrepreneurship competition, and in special competitions such as the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition, the National "Challenge Cup" Competition, and the "Freescale" Smart Car Competition. But in recent years, with the development of schools and scientific and technological activities, the scale of students has expanded, and there are many kinds of competitions, which makes the training effect of students' innovative practical ability in scientific and technological practice activities unsatisfactory. Especially with the establishment of the new campus and the formation of the teaching structure of the two campuses, students pay more attention to the study of theoretical knowledge in textbooks, lack comprehensive application ability, lack a strong atmosphere of scientific and technological practice, and loose training system. There is a wide variety of scientific and technological practice activities without a good connection plan, which makes students not form a systematic and coherent practice training, and distracts students' attention and learning energy. The incentive mechanism between teachers and students is insufficient, so that when teachers guide students in scientific and technological activities, students can not get good encouragement in participating in scientific and technological practice activities. They have greatly affected the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students to participate in scientific and technological practice activities and the cultivation of students' scientific and technological innovation practice ability. Therefore, the proposed operation mode of students' scientific and technological innovation practice base focuses on solving the problems in our scientific and technological practice activities, further promoting students' scientific and technological innovation level, and improving the scientific and technological practice training system.

2. Operation mode of student scientific and technological innovation practice base

To establish the operation mode of students' scientific and technological innovation practice base, first of all, sort out the courses closely related to students' scientific and technological practice, so that students can fully learn and master the relevant methods and skills in scientific and technological practice in normal course learning and course experiments. Secondly, it explored the overall planning method of various types of student scientific and technological activities at all levels, set up corresponding training programs for students' scientific and technological activities in view of the diverse forms and different objects of scientific and technological practical activities in our school, and make overall arrangements to improve the efficiency and quality of students' participation in activities. During the construction of students' scientific and technological innovation practice base, the research has improved the incentive system for teachers and students to participate in scientific and technological practice activities, improved the enthusiasm of students and teachers, established professional training teacher teams and students' scientific and technological innovation activity groups, and further improved students' innovation practice ability.

2.1 Linking students' scientific and technological practice with course experiment content

Relying on the teaching practice center and the student science and technology innovation base of the college, we coordinated with the related courses such as "MCU principle", "EDA (Electronic Design Automation) foundation", and set up the experimental courses of "MCU synthesis" and "EDA synthesis" on the experimental platform developed by the experimental center itself. Combined with the course of "College Student Training - Interface Technology" in the new campus, the integrated experiment of single chip microcomputer teaches freshmen and sophomores the basic principles of single chip microcomputer and peripheral circuits, and guides students to conduct operations including: IO (Input Output) port operation of single chip microcomputer, timer operation of single chip microcomputer Five basic experiments, including LED (Light Emitting Diode) display control, keyboard and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) programming, serial communication, MCU ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) control, MCU DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) control, temperature sensing control The photosensitive sensor controls four improvement experiments and the open experiment of waveform generation system. In combination with the Beijing EDA competition for college students, MSP430 MCU lectures and experimental courses were set up. Improve students' understanding and programming ability of MCU. On the basis of the course of "Electronic Training for College Students" (the campus) and in combination with the characteristics of the basic course of EDA, the EDA comprehensive experiment has set up four basic experiments: clock division, water light, key and LED control, keyboard and LCD control, FPGA (FieldProgramma bleGateArray, field programmable gate array) control ADC and FP-GA control DAC Three improvement experiments such as DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) generation, and two open experiments such as arbitrary waveform generator and signal spectrum analyzer. Further deepen students' ability to design and apply electronic systems. In addition to the above basic contents, the college students' scientific and technological practice guidance group is also equipped with teachers in different fields, such as embedded, video signal processing, 3D display, motor control, robot, etc., to provide advice and guidance for students' scientific and technological innovation practice.

2.2 Overall arrangement of science and technology activities for students at all levels

Based on the innovative practice base of college students, we will establish a linkage publicity and training mechanism for undergraduate instructors. Students' interest groups in science and technology practice are set up in the new campus and the campus of the campus, and the open training mode is adopted. The new campus pays attention to the cultivation of basic ability and appropriately improves students' innovation ability. Combined with the Engineering Training Center, the Engineering Training Center provides the site, and cultivates the basic skills of the first and second year students such as "circuit welding and debugging". At the same time, a single-chip salon is set up to lay the foundation for future scientific and technological practice activities. The headquarters focuses on the cultivation of innovation ability. Relying on the innovation practice base for college students, and in conjunction with the Students Association for Science and Technology, we set up an open laboratory for students, providing training and venues for third and fourth graders in unit circuit design, FPGA application, and system design. In the two campuses, "Feng Ru Cup" science and technology activities were mobilized to encourage students to participate in science and technology production activities to warm up the next year's "Feng Ru Cup Science and Technology Production", "Undergraduate Electronic Competition", "Challenge Cup", "National Information Security Competition", "National Embedded System Invitational" and other discipline competitions. At the same time, it lays a certain foundation for the graduation design of the fourth grade students. The scientific and technological practice activities of students are sorted out, providing guidance for students to participate in scientific and technological activities, so that students can participate in various activities in a planned way. Most of the students have participated in the training of single chip microcomputer, FPGA, etc., and some of them have received the training of embedded system, video processing, motor control, robot, etc., which can play a role in the follow-up scientific and technological practice such as subject competitions. SCM/FPGA is the main content of college students' electronic contest and electronic talent skill contest, and can also be used to participate in Feng Ru Cup and information security contest. It is also the basis of embedded invitational contest and challenge cup. Make overall arrangements for students' scientific and technological activities, improve the efficiency of students' scientific and technological practice activities (students of different grades and different practical abilities, carry out personalized training at different levels of foundation, improvement, and integration), and maintain the continuity of students' scientific and technological practice activities.

2.3 Establish and improve the incentive mechanism for teachers and students

Incorporate students' scientific and technological practice activities into the daily curriculum system, set up "college students' electronic practice interface circuit" (new campus), and divide students' scientific and technological practice activities together with "college students' electronic practice" (headquarters campus), on the one hand, improve students' enthusiasm to participate in scientific and technological practice activities, on the other hand, it is reflected in teachers' year-end assessment performance, So as to improve the enthusiasm of teachers to participate in scientific and technological guidance. In the "science and technology practice activity base" of the headquarters campus and the engineering training center of Shahe campus, a normal chemistry competition training mechanism will be formed, and the training of subject competition will be included in the course practice link. After selection, a "student science and technology activity guidance group" was established. The group is mainly composed of the School of Electronic Information Engineering and teachers from other colleges who are enthusiastic about guiding students' scientific and technological practice. A complete and effective training guidance system will be established, with the head of the college of undergraduate education as the team leader, the instructors of science and technology activities for various competitions and senior students who have performed well in science and technology activities as consultants, and the undergraduate counselor as the activity leader.

3. Operation effect of students' scientific and technological innovation practice base

Through the operation of students' scientific and technological innovation practice base for several years, the following achievements have been made in various scientific and technological innovation practice activities and base construction.

(1) It has formed a scientific and technological innovation practice base for electronic information students running in two campuses, and has cultivated 285 people so far. Under the operation mode of the two campuses, a multi-level and multi elevator team leader cycle scientific and technological practice training program has been set up, which effectively drives the enthusiasm of students to participate in scientific and technological innovation practice activities, and improves students' practical ability and innovation awareness. It has formed a benign and sustainable development chain of students' scientific and technological innovation practice.

(2) A guiding group for students' scientific and technological practice activities was established under the leadership of the college and department, which concentrated the outstanding teachers of the school, set up corresponding practical courses in all grades, carried out targeted and normalized teaching and training, and formed a team of experienced, stable, professional and comprehensive scientific and technological practice training coaches.

(3) He organized and wrote the Instruction Book of Single Chip Microcomputer and EDA for electronic information science and technology innovation practice. On the basis of summarizing the guidance experience of students' extracurricular science and technology practice activities such as Beihang University Electronic Contest and Feng Ru Cup for many years, he extracted the circuit modules, tool modules and design methods commonly used in students' science and technology practice activities, and designed the minimum system of single chip microcomputer and FPGA, It has been popularized and quoted in students' scientific and technological practice, which has played a very good guiding role in students' participation in various scientific and technological practice activities.

(4) In the 2012 Beijing Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition, it won 3 first prizes and 13 second prizes in Beijing; Won one first prize, one second prize and two third prizes in the "Embedded" Invitational Competition of 2012 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition; In the 2012 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition "Information Security" Invitational Competition, he won two first prizes and one second prize. In the 2013 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition, it won one national first prize, five national second prizes, nine second prizes in Beijing, and six third prizes in Beijing. In 2014, Beijing Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition won 9 first prizes, 7 second prizes and 18 third prizes.

4 Conclusion

Chapter 2: Model of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

The Geography Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High School (2017 Edition) requires teachers to innovate the cultivation methods of core literacy in geography, and carry out a variety of geographical practice activities in natural, social and other real situations. For this reason, the author tries to move the classroom to the outdoors and realize the cultivation of students' geographical core literacy in scientific and technological practice activities.

1、 Interpret the curriculum standard and determine the practical goal of scientific and technological innovation

The second chapter of Geography Elective 6 in Senior Two of the new curriculum standard mentions that the learning goal of this chapter is "to tell the main measures for prevention and control of certain environmental pollution in combination with the surrounding living practice". The first section of the textbook talks about the biological evolution of water bodies (assimilation, oxidation, decomposition of aquatic animals, plants and microorganisms). The author integrated the contents of the two, combined with the pollution of East Lake and Tanlai River in Jiayuguan City, where the school is located, and the fact that Jiayuguan City purified water quality by introducing "ecological floating islands", and determined the goal of scientific and technological innovation practice activities as: the exploration of the mystery of ecological floating islands in Jiayuguan.

2、 Determine the investigation site and route, and formulate scientific and technological practice plan in combination with surrounding resources

Jiayuguan City is located in the middle of Hexi Corridor, with poor natural conditions, and is a serious water shortage area. In recent years, many lakes have been built through artificial measures, but while the water area has increased, a series of water pollution phenomena have also occurred, among which the East Lake ecotourism scenic spot with the largest water area is the most obvious. Therefore, the East Lake ecotourism scenic spot has become the No. 1 spot for field practice, mainly for the discovery of water pollution problems; Since the spring of 2019, Jiayuguan City Garden Bureau has put a large number of ecological floating islands formed by aquatic plants in the Daolai River Ecological Park, which is close to the school and can be reached by 10 minutes' walk. Therefore, the Daolai River Ecological Park has been determined as the No. 2 site for field practice and the main practice site for this exploration activity, It is used to observe the samples of aquatic organisms on ecological floating islands and to interview and investigate the staff of the Landscape Bureau; We will put the final place of practice in the school, namely the biological laboratory of No. 3 Middle School of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. - site 3, for the verification of the ecological floating island exploration results.

3、 Implement scientific and technological practice activities through interpretation of geographical core literacy

Part 3: Model of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

Key words: primary school students; Scientific and technological innovation; Mathematical practice activities

Put forward: technological innovation, science and technology power. The Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform clearly proposes to actively develop and reasonably use various curriculum resources inside and outside the school. The comprehensive practice of primary school mathematics is the activity task of primary school students to experience and accumulate life experience, apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems, and improve students' mathematical application ability, innovation ability and practical ability through activities. Mathematics comprehensive activity practice class is one of the important contents of mathematics teaching. Its curriculum goal is to improve students' interest in learning mathematics, understand the importance of mathematics, constantly expand students' vision in mathematics application practice, and stimulate students' innovative potential. This paper carries out scientific and technological innovation activities from the comprehensive practice of mathematics, analyzes the existing problems, and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and safeguard measures, hoping to promote the effective development and implementation of scientific and technological innovation activities in primary school mathematics.

1、 Problems Existing in Primary School Students' Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities

(1) Lack of correct understanding of the connotation of scientific and technological innovation education

At present, many primary school administrators are opposed to carrying out innovative education in mathematics comprehensive practice class, mainly because they do not know the connotation of scientific and technological innovation activity education, what is scientific and technological innovation education, and their role in China's education and students' all-round development. As a result, many teachers do not attach importance to scientific and technological innovation education, and even think that the development of scientific and technological innovation activities is a waste of students' valuable time for learning, resulting in the extreme reduction of students' enthusiasm for participating in innovative activities. Although some school administrators have recognized the importance of innovative education, they have separated innovation from education and failed to effectively infiltrate into primary school mathematics teaching, which has led to students' innovation away from reality and affected the quality of their works.

(2) Lack of complete system for scientific overall layout

It should be a long-term and complicated work to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities in mathematics comprehensive practice class. However, many schools do not attach importance to innovative education, and lack scientific layout of this activity. They also take innovative activities as a temporary task, even in order to have a good reputation in the competition, resulting in low enthusiasm of students for scientific and technological innovation; The comprehensive practice classroom teaching method is single and lacks effective teaching system. Students' achievements in scientific and technological innovation activities are mainly some simple productions or scientific and technological essays, and scientific and technological innovation activities tend to be formalized.

(3) Lack of individualized development of hierarchical teaching

In our scientific and technological innovation activities, students' cognitive and thinking levels are different, and their innovation methods are also very different. In the activity class, teachers ignored the personality differences between students. In teaching, they used a standard to treat students, and the teaching content was also stereotyped. Often, teachers raised the level of knowledge, which led to some students' incomprehension, and arbitrarily lowered the level of knowledge, which led to some students feeling that knowledge was too superficial and meaningless to learn. In a word, there is no hierarchical teaching for students' knowledge level in the activities, which seriously hinders the personalized development of students in scientific and technological innovation activities.

2、 Strategies for primary school students to carry out innovative scientific and technological activities

(1) Change Educational Concept and Strengthen School based Curriculum Development

To promote the orderly, healthy and sustainable development of scientific and technological innovation activities, school leaders need to establish the concept of innovative education and attach importance to scientific and technological innovation activities. According to the actual situation of our school, consciously and systematically actively organize scientific and technological innovation activities to provide an environment and atmosphere for the cultivation of students' innovation ability. For example, the school can define the goal of scientific and technological innovation activities in mathematics comprehensive practice class. In the activity, every student should have the opportunity to experience and feel the familiar science in life, and teach scientific knowledge and innovative skills. The school can display the achievements and significance of scientific and technological innovation by means of corridor window display, murals, etc., change the understanding of primary school students and teachers on scientific and technological innovation, and provide a strong guarantee for the school to better carry out scientific and technological innovation activities.

(2) Exploring educational model and forming school family social integration

The physical and mental growth of pupils is greatly influenced by family, school and society. Some students' parents are engaged in civil engineering, machinery, electricity and other work. Therefore, in activities, teachers can effectively use these resources to cultivate students' awareness of scientific and technological innovation. For example, when learning the lesson of "Perimeter", teachers can ask students and parents to jointly use the rolling method, surrounding method, etc. to measure the data of various circles' perimeter, diameter or radius. In the process of measurement, parents can guide students, so as to realize the organic combination of school, family and society. The school should also invite experts from time to time to give lectures on innovative activities and parent child science popularization activities to improve parents' awareness of innovative education and understand how to cultivate students' innovative ability. And then realize the integration of school, family and social science and technology innovation education.

(3) Improve the evaluation system to improve the long-term effectiveness of activities

In order to realize the smooth implementation of scientific and technological innovation activities in mathematics comprehensive practice class, teachers should not only carefully design and organize the activities, but also constantly improve the activity evaluation system, so that the activity process evaluation and activity result evaluation can be effectively combined. Use evaluation to stimulate the initiative and innovation potential of students to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities. In the activity, teachers should conduct real-time guidance and timely evaluation on students' innovation process and results, and the evaluation system advocates diversification. The process and results of scientific and technological innovation activities are regarded as an indicator of students' comprehensive quality evaluation at the end of the semester. In order to achieve the effectiveness and long-term development of the activities.

3、 Safeguard measures for scientific and technological innovation activities of primary school students

(1) Fund guarantee

With the increasing emphasis of the school on science and technology innovation education, the education department has continuously increased the funds for science and technology innovation activities of the school and introduced advanced hardware facilities. The school also set up a certain amount of research funds for research on scientific and technological innovation activities. In addition, certain financial support will be given to teachers' professional skills training, material collection and sorting, etc., to provide an effective material basis for the smooth development of scientific and technological innovation activities.

(2) Incentive guarantee

In order to make scientific and effective development of scientific and technological innovation activities, teachers and students who are outstanding in the activities should be given certain spiritual and material support. For example, teachers' and students' works are displayed on the campus screen or on the bulletin board to publicize their creative ideas. In addition, some portraits, deeds, and inspirational celebrity quotes of scientists or inventors at all times and in all over the world will be displayed irregularly. Provide effective incentive guarantee for scientific and technological innovation activities. Pupils are the hope of the motherland. In scientific and technological innovation activities, only by constantly tapping students' innovation potential and cultivating students' innovation ability can they better adapt to the needs of the development of innovative society in the new era.


[1] Shu Yiping. The Status Quo and Countermeasures of Science and Technology Innovation Activities for Primary School Students [J]. China External Education, 2014 (13): 194

Chapter 4: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

[Key words] Innovation and entrepreneurship; college student; Scientific and technological innovation; social practice

1. The significance of college students' scientific and technological innovation in social practice

National leaders have encouraged people to actively carry out mass innovation and entrepreneurship on many occasions, which is a good policy signal. Only the steady progress of various innovative undertakings can promote the continuous progress of China's economy. With the development of the times, China can no longer rely on simple labor to create a huge economy, but should gradually integrate into high-tech production forms. In this situation, the heavy responsibility of constantly accelerating scientific and technological innovation and strengthening the competitive chips between countries falls on enhancing the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Only when scientific and technological capabilities are constantly updated can we grasp the initiative and voice in the international arena. As the young generation of college students is the backbone of building the country, so the work of scientific and technological innovation needs the full participation of college students. At the same time, college students cannot develop alone, and their abilities need to be strengthened. Through social practice, the comprehensive ability of college students can be well cultivated, so the social practice of college students will greatly affect the economic construction of China. When colleges and universities cultivate students' scientific and technological innovation ability through social practice, they can mainly build some scientific research sites, practice bases, and joint training with major enterprises in discipline construction. It is also to make social practice and innovation and entrepreneurship truly linked to form an organic whole [1], which can ultimately promote the development of social science and technology, Promote the development of scientific research in China.

2. The impact of college students' scientific and technological innovation on social practice

2.1 Enhance students' innovation ability

If college students want to really do something well, they will not be able to achieve results in all their work if they do not go deep into the society to investigate and contact the actual life. At present, social practice is the second classroom for college students besides learning, which can rapidly improve students' abilities in all aspects. At the same time, social practice also provides students with an opportunity to contact the society and enter the society, which can enable students to connect their theoretical knowledge with real life and solve various problems encountered by students in real life. At the same time, for students' theoretical knowledge, knowledge that is not combined with practice is thin and rigid. Only by combining with practice and seeing others' production achievements, can we innovate from another perspective and create scientific and technological achievements needed by society. At the same time, only when students have practical activities can they be more clear about their own position, and in the subsequent work and study can they make more appropriate plans to make their innovative work better in the future.

2.2 Understanding social needs

The process of college students' learning theoretical knowledge is divorced from the social reality, and it is also monotonous. However, if they blindly separate from the real social reality to learn, they will fail, because no matter which university trains students, they will eventually return to the society, and only the society is the place to test talents. Similarly, students' innovation ability can only be tested by going deep into the society through practical work. And through in-depth social practice, understanding the needs of society for talents can also help students redefine themselves and cultivate themselves as talents needed by the country and society [2]. With the continuous development of the times, colleges and universities in various regions are increasingly aware of this problem, gradually giving up the traditional closed door model, but actively cooperate with the society, strengthen the connection with enterprises outside the school, and strengthen the innovation work of the school by understanding the needs of the society. At present, the commonly used way is to strengthen the communication between the two through the mode of mutual visits between schools and enterprises, so that the training of talents is more convenient and targeted, so that both can benefit from it.

2.3 Accelerate the transformation of scientific research achievements

Any scientific research achievement needs to be finally transformed into materials needed by the society, which is a successful innovation. This is also true for college students in the process of scientific and technological innovation. We need to link our scientific research achievements with the reality of social production and life, and finally we can test whether our innovation ability is up to the standard. The transformation of scientific research achievements is a complicated but meaningful thing.

3 Current situation of students' scientific and technological innovation social practice

At present, the state and all sectors of society are vigorously calling on college students to participate in the social practice of scientific and technological innovation. Because only in this kind of practice can college students really increase their talents and promote their all-round development. However, in fact, the number of college students participating in the social practice of scientific and technological innovation is not as large as expected. Due to various constraints or factors, college students are unwilling to spend energy to participate in such work. This requires the state to actively increase stimulus, encourage college students to actively respond to the call of the state, actively participate in the social practice of scientific and technological innovation, and contribute to the construction of the country.

4 Conclusion

College students' innovation and entrepreneurship is a major upsurge in the current society. It is also something that the country needs to continue to adhere to. Only by putting themselves into social practice, can young people make real achievements, not be eliminated by the society, and can they truly transform the theoretical knowledge they have learned into social practice, Finally, it will promote the development and construction of the country and give play to its own light and heat for the development of the national economy.


[1] Liu Zhixin, Wang Dongliang, Nie Qinyu Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of College Students in the Context of "Internet+" -- Review of "Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education of College Students in the Context of" Internet+"[J]. News and Writing, 2018 (5): insert 5

Chapter 5: Model of Scientific and Technological Practice and Innovation

1. Make graduate students jump out of the traditional educational thinking pattern in the practice of scientific and technological innovation

University is the golden age of innovative practice. College students are full of creative enthusiasm and the most innovative vitality. However, because the traditional assessment system still takes academic performance as the main standard, most college students seem to pay more attention to the study of theoretical knowledge in the classroom and the improvement of performance, while ignoring the application and practice of knowledge. It is a typical phenomenon that whether in professional courses, experimental training courses or participating in research projects, they are better at directly accepting and being limited to the existing knowledge system, content and methods, directly asking teachers and seniors to bring and absorb them, rather than being willing to experience breakthrough or set to innovate from a subjective perspective, Because they think it is easier to master and acquire skills through direct learning. Therefore, in practice, it is particularly important to guide college students to break the traditional thinking and change from "one-way thinking mode dominated by learning" to "two-way thinking mode dominated by thinking and supplemented by learning". Stimulate the interest in independent learning and enthusiasm for scientific research, cultivate the ability of college students to take the initiative to learn, think and innovate, promote the development of college students' personality, so as to broaden the professional and knowledge of college students and gradually cultivate the spirit of innovation.

2. The main role of college students should be fully played in the practice of scientific and technological innovation

The cultivation of scientific and technological innovation practice ability of college students in China is deeply influenced by traditional educational methods and models. At present, from the perspective of the teaching methods adopted by teachers, the indoctrinating knowledge teaching method is still popular. The main body in teaching and scientific innovation practice is still the teacher, who is still controlling the overall situation. In the scientific and technological innovation activities that college students participate in, they are just an executor. College students are often more willing to obey orders and requirements under the shackles of traditional ideas, This not only closes the free thinking and imagination space of college students, but also strangles the training and cultivation of college students' innovative thinking, and delays the improvement of college students' innovative ability. Although "teaching" and "learning" are inseparable, the traditional top-down "teaching" to "learning" method is obviously not conducive to the development of college students' own potential. We should play the leading role in guiding college students' scientific and technological innovation practice, and give full play to the main role of college students. To help overcome the thinking inertia that college students have formed and stimulate their innovation desire, we must take scientific and technological innovation activities or participation in scientific research projects as the carrier, stimulate their potential through activities with rich content and diverse forms, cultivate college students' innovative thinking, innovative spirit and innovative ability, and cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems. However, it should be remembered that all scientific research and innovation practice activities should encourage and support college students to participate in academic activities with both professional and interesting characteristics while ensuring normal teaching.

3. In the practice of scientific and technological innovation, we should pay attention to adapting measures to local conditions and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and pay attention to the cultivation of college students' personality and the exploration of their ability

Innovation ability is never innate to individuals, but can be fostered. College students have individual differences in intelligence, personality, interest, emotion, knowledge level and comprehensive ability to deal with problems. Therefore, the traditional "one size fits all" and "all-in-one" educational guidance model should pay full attention to the existence of these differences. At the same time, teachers should combine the characteristics of disciplines and specialties, open their own laboratories, As an open experimental place for scientific and technological innovation activities of college students, after college students enter the laboratory, they should be taught in accordance with their aptitude and guided according to the circumstances, giving them full academic freedom of choice, not imposing research or projects that students are not interested in, but relying on their interests and hobbies, making full use of their knowledge or expertise in a certain area, To stimulate their interest in learning, give full play to the subjective initiative of college students, and fuel their innovative awareness, motivation and passion; At the same time, in the research of innovative projects, it is necessary to give college students space for personality development. They can put forward new methods and new opinions, and can also question teachers, discuss and solve problems and problems with teachers, so that teaching and learning can benefit each other and promote each other. The cultivation process of college students' innovation ability should be gradual. Teachers should guide and enlighten college students in a timely manner, and at the same time make a correct evaluation and recognition of their achievements. This can not only help college students quickly master and use knowledge, improve experimental operation skills, but also help cultivate college students' awareness of innovation.

4. Actively create a good scientific research atmosphere and humanistic environment for college students in the practice of scientific and technological innovation

People have never existed in isolation, and the impact of objective factors on the growth and success of college students cannot be ignored. For example, family environment, social environment, teaching environment, laboratory and study room and other environmental factors will directly affect the development of college students' learning efficiency and innovation ability. The surrounding students' learning style, school teachers' teaching style and other humanistic environment will also affect students' willingness and desire to acquire knowledge. At the same time, between teachers and students There are complex and diverse interpersonal relationships among students and members of scientific research groups. These external factors have a certain impact and restriction on whether college students can effectively carry out innovative scientific research activities. Therefore, teachers need to actively create a good scientific research atmosphere and humanistic environment in practical activities, provide necessary experimental equipment and experimental equipment and sufficient material security, and also provide a quiet working environment for college students to get along well with college students, coordinate and deal with contradictions and disharmonious factors among college students, establish a good sense of cooperation Team spirit and social responsibility enable college students to carry out their scientific innovation activities smoothly without external interference, and ensure that college students can devote their energy and time to scientific research and achieve more innovative research results.
