Civil Service Periodical Network Thesis Center Example of scientific and technological innovation

Full text of scientific and technological innovation cases (5)

Preface: I have compiled 5 reference examples of scientific and technological innovation cases for your reference. I hope it can help you get inspiration in writing and make your articles more rich and profound.

 Science and technology innovation cases

Part 1: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases

[Key words] Information age; Scientific and technological archives management; innovation research

1 Introduction

With the arrival of the information age, the level of information technology is constantly improving, and scientific and technological archives have also produced a certain degree of development trend. While carrying out innovative research on its management work, it has obtained a series of powerful support from information technology such as computer and network technology, effectively solved the problems encountered in the management work, thus improving the management efficiency and ensuring the improvement of management level.

2. The significance of the development of scientific and technological archives towards informatization

With the advent of the information age, the wide application of information technology has become a general trend. At present, information technology has been widely and significantly applied in various sectors of society, bringing about tremendous changes and improvements in people's daily life, work and learning. On the other hand, accounting archives often do not only include mechanized document collection and sorting in a simple sense, but also represent the crystallization of labor and wisdom of relevant file managers in the process of their management. The large-scale application of information technology in scientific and technological archives management can not only effectively improve the efficiency and level of scientific and technological archives management, but also reduce the workload of staff, liberate the labor force, and thus make progress in economic benefits. At the same time, using computer and network technology to collect and sort out scientific and technological archives can also avoid duplication of labor and waste of human resources; It can save material costs, reduce costs to the minimum, and ensure the quality of scientific and technological archives management. In addition, while analyzing the data of scientific and technological archives, it is also possible to generate inspiration for new products, which is conducive to the research and development of new products, so as to obtain better economic and social benefits.

3. Innovative strategies for scientific and technological archives management

3.1 Strengthen informatization construction

First of all, informatization has become the development trend of all sectors of society. Therefore, scientific and technological archives management should also follow the trend of the times, integrate information technology, and strengthen information construction and development. In the past, the management of scientific and technological archives was generally recorded and sorted in paper form. The storage time was limited, and it was not conducive to storage. It was easy to cause loss or damage to scientific and technological archives, thus causing adverse effects on the research work of scientific researchers [3]. Therefore, adding informatization to the management of scientific and technological archives and backing up the contents of paper documents can effectively improve the management level of scientific and technological archives and reduce the loss rate of scientific and technological archives.

3.2 Improve scientific and technological archives management system

A perfect management system can solve various management problems of internal structure. In the process of informatization management of scientific and technological archives, it is urgent to establish a relatively perfect scientific and technological archives management system. The perfect management system of scientific and technological archives should include the time and method of borrowing archives, the access to relevant archives or the online download method of the network. In this way, standardized, perfect and comprehensive management of all aspects of scientific and technological archives can effectively improve the level and quality of archives management, and strengthen the security and durability of archives management.

3.3 Innovative ways and methods of scientific and technological archives management

The innovation of scientific and technological archives management is essential in the overall innovation concept, so we should pay special attention to the innovation of scientific and technological archives management. In the process of research, it is easy to find that the original scientific and technological archives management method often only meets the basic management needs of archives. Even so, it still consumes a lot of human and material resources, resulting in unnecessary waste of resources [4]. Therefore, in order to improve the status quo of scientific and technological archives management and improve the management efficiency and level, relevant archives management personnel and organizations should optimize and innovate the original management methods and methods in combination with the favorable development direction and ultimate development goal of archives. In the process of innovating the management methods of scientific and technological archives, we should also be good at applying modern information technology. The current automatic, efficient and scientific concept of computer and network technology coincides with the development direction and goal of scientific and technological archives management. Therefore, we should reasonably use information technology to manage scientific and technological archives, and promote the effective innovation of its methods. At the same time, we should also improve the information awareness of scientific and technological archives management personnel and clarify their understanding of scientific and technological archives management. Ensure that the scientific and technological archives management personnel always have a rigorous working attitude in their work, and regularly train the management personnel, strengthen the computer training, and improve their proficiency in operating the computer management system.

3.4 Expand the scope of scientific and technological archives management services and innovate management services

In the information age, innovation in the management of scientific and technological archives should broaden the scope and ways of management services. First, the relevant departments of science and technology archives management are required to expand a query function based on the application of network technology, so that the personnel of the management department can directly access the service channel through this function, and then obtain the archive information and data they need. In addition, for the application of informatization foundation, the science and technology archives management department should also set up a complete science and technology archives information network, and put it into archives management and use on the basis of ensuring that the content and structure of the website are set up scientifically and reasonably, In this way, it is more conducive for the personnel of the scientific and technological archives management department and scientific research staff to effectively query the required information and data through the network. From this point of view, the expansion of this service function has brought great convenience to archive management personnel. In addition, while broadening the scope of scientific and technological archives management services, we should not ignore the importance of relevant laws and regulations. In the process of establishing archives information network, we should strictly abide by relevant regulations, and ensure the rationality and legitimacy of the content and structure settings.

4 Conclusion

In a word, as more and more domestic scientific research work and scientific research projects are carried out, scientific and technological archives have become more and more important. Therefore, the management of scientific research archives has gradually become the focus of more and more people's attention. With the advent of the information age, innovative research on scientific research archives management has become an important issue for archives managers and organizations to consider. At the same time, as the relevant scientific research archives management personnel and organizations, they should pay close attention to the development level of the times and the promotion of information products, constantly improve their own information management level, integrate computer and network technology into the scientific and technological archives management, so as to achieve the informatization, efficiency and automation of scientific and technological archives management.


[1] Li Weizhong. Innovative Research on Archives Management in the Information Age [N]. Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, 2017, 15 (3): 149-152

[2] Su Meiling. Research on Science and Technology Archives Management in the Information Age [J]. Office Business, 2017, (7): 86, 88

[3] Wang Li. Talking about the road of integrated development and innovation of scientific and technological archives in the era of big data [J]. Shanxi Archives, 2016 (1)

Part 2: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases

1、 Current Situation of Scientific Research Archives Management in Grassland Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences is the whole school for the archives work of the provincial academy to regularly transfer archives to the provincial archives. The archives of the provincial hospital shall be collected daily and supplemented regularly by each department of the hospital when performing its work functions. The archives office of the Academy is responsible for inspection and organization of filing, which is in line with the requirements of archives management, based on the principle of easy storage and utilization, filing according to the work category, and taking the actual work of the provincial academy of agricultural sciences as the foothold. However, the traditional filing method lacks integrity and independence for the scientific research institutions directly under the Academy. In view of this situation, in 2010, our hospital called on all scientific research institutions directly under the hospital to establish independent files. Based on the construction and management of archives work in the past 10 years, this research tries to solve the problems that the borrowing management method in the archives management work of directly affiliated units cannot meet the confidentiality needs of the research group, the quality of archives collection is not high, and the utilization of scientific research services is insufficient. Taking the archives management of the Grass Industry Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences as an example, this research explores the innovation of scientific research archives management mode.

2、 Taking the archives work of directly affiliated institutions as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation of scientific research archives management

At the end of 2011, the institutions directly under me completed the construction of scientific research archives and set up an independent archive warehouse. At the beginning of the construction, there were 237 volumes of archives, and then some management methods were initially formulated. At present, the archives are well preserved. However, the collection of scientific research archives is insufficient, which is not conducive to the realization of the practical value of archives. Analyzing the reasons, the following points need to be improved. 1. Borrowing management needs to be improved. The traditional borrowing method is that scientific and technical personnel can borrow archive materials after performing borrowing registration procedures and being approved by the leader in charge of archives. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not take into account the balance between the mutual reference and confidentiality needs of the research group, and cannot guarantee the research group's demand for the confidentiality of the achievements within a certain period of time, which leads to the business department's unwillingness to hand over materials or delay in handing over, resulting in incomplete archived materials, which in turn affects the original intention of academic reference and exchange. 2. The collection work needs to be improved. (1) The current collection method is not conducive to ensuring the archiving quality. Archives management personnel shall regularly notify and organize archiving. The business department files and archives. The disadvantage of this method is that the research group occasionally has the phenomenon of disordered links between documents and lack of archive materials, which leads to the utilization of archive materials and can not better meet the scientific research and innovation needs of the unit. (2) The scientific research project was filed after completion, with good integrity, but poor archiving quality. In the past practical work, the archives department chose to organize the filing and archiving after the completion of the project. This is because, on the one hand, to maintain the organic connection between documents, the filing is complete; On the other hand, it provides convenience for the research group to reuse project documents within the project cycle. However, due to the long cycle of agricultural projects, the business department has insufficient space and technology for the storage of archive materials. Sometimes, documents are lost and damaged, which is not conducive to the integrity and long-term storage of scientific research archives, and the archiving effect is poor. (3) The inspection quality of archived materials is poor. In actual work, archive management personnel did not participate in the formation process of scientific research documents, did not grasp the organic links between documents, and did not achieve the expected results in checking the arrangement and missing of documents in the volume. 3. The utilization of archives is seriously insufficient. Taking the archives work in 2011 as an example, all kinds of scientific research archives, such as equipment and periodicals, were read only 41 times in the whole year, and the utilization function of archives was not fully explored. Archives were kept more than utilized, and the utilization function of archives was not fully explored.

3、 Actively serve and explore the innovative management mode of archives of directly affiliated institutions

1. Improve the borrowing method and improve the confidentiality of documents - "two-level approval". In order to meet the demand of the research group for the confidentiality of scientific and technological achievements within a certain period of time, the "two-level approval" system is adopted for the borrowing of personnel outside the research group within the specified period, that is, the archive materials can be accessed only after the approval of the project leader and the leader in charge of archives. After the specified confidentiality period is exceeded, only the registration procedures can be performed. 2. Innovation of collection methods - collect materials with a clear aim. This research is based on the Interim Provisions on the Management of Scientific and Technological Research Archives, combined with work practice, and aims to improve the quality of archiving by targeting the archiving work and assisting in performance appraisal. (1) Innovation of collection methods. First, before the scientific research project is approved by the unit, the Archived Materials Questionnaire (see Table 1) shall be obtained and signed for approval. According to the scientific research plan, the filing content, filing time and filer can be recorded. The archivist can supervise the filing work to the filer in stages according to the expected filing time, and collect materials with a clear aim. The archive materials questionnaire is based on the archive scope specified in the Interim Provisions on the Management of Scientific and Technological Research Archives, and the archive content is preliminarily determined in combination with the archive situation of the materials formed in the process of previous scientific research activities. The form is formulated by the archives management personnel and supervised by the Academic Committee of the Institute. Second, evaluate the archiving work of the archivist according to the Quality Table of Archived Materials (see Table 2). Design quantitative scores, participate in year-end performance appraisal, and stimulate archiving initiative. For filing quality assessment, on the basis of full score, score will be deducted according to the nonconformity. The quality assessment of archived materials includes five items: collection quantity, collection time, non original quantity, damaged quantity and missing page quantity. The total score is 30 points, and the full score of each project is 6 points, which is set as 3 score grades. Quantify each score, calculate the total score and participate in the assessment according to the specific filing quality. (2) To improve the quality of inspection, we must master the highland of organic links between scientific research documents. The scientific research management has gradually transformed from "management" to "service", and finally takes serving scientific research as the foothold. While mastering the theoretical basis of archivists, archivists need to deepen their understanding of the organic relationship between the formation process of scientific research documents and documents, clearly know "which documents I want to collect", "when to file", and "which documents are not generated as scheduled, and the delay is reasonable", so as to reduce excessive dependence on the filing of the research group, At the same time, increasing the understanding of the work of the research group can effectively improve the quality of scientific research archives management. On the one hand, there are rules to follow in the formation of scientific research archives, which should be further studied. It can be divided into project research materials, award application materials, new variety approval and registration materials, patent application materials, achievements transformation materials, scientific research management materials and other categories. Through research, we can grasp the organic links between documents. On the other hand, it is necessary to actively promote the implementation of the proposal that the archive administrator should participate in the main stages of the scientific research project, and at least participate in the formation process of 1-2 important documents, or the document formation process that the administrator needs to understand more, which will further deepen the understanding of the document formation process and formation rules. 3. The innovation of utilization method - actively serving scientific research. (1) Combine the performance to dig the value of archives. Deeply excavating the service and scientific research function of archives, combined with performance appraisal, can strengthen the utilization of archives and further improve the integrity and archiving quality of archives. First, based on archived materials, mine assessment information and quantify performance scores. Take the work of the unit as an example, collect the original or scanned copies of relevant scientific and technological innovation supporting materials for previous performance assessment, and verify the performance score. Now we are exploring to extract performance appraisal information based on the archived materials of this year. On the one hand, it can avoid the tediousness of researchers' repeated provision of materials; On the other hand, it can ensure the timely filing of important raw materials that can directly reflect the value of scientific research. Secondly, based on the Quality Table of Archived Materials, set the quality score of archive work, add it to the annual performance appraisal, fully affirm the archiving work of the archivist, stimulate the archiving initiative, and improve the archiving quality. (2) Publish the archives catalogue to promote academic exchanges. Periodically publish the catalogue of archives and filing materials that have been published, further enhance the utilization function of archives, and promote academic reference and academic exchange.

4、 Discussion

Part 3: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases

Keywords: big data; Scientific research archives; Transformation of scientific and technological achievements

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating its evolution, the cross integration of multiple disciplines and fields is deepening, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, Internet of Things and big data are mutually enabled. The characteristics of penetration, diffusion and subversion of scientific and technological innovation are reshaping the mode of economic development and social ethics. The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is not only the foothold of scientific and technological innovation, but also the value embodiment of scientific and technological innovation. In 2016, at the National Conference on Science and Technology Innovation, the Academicians' Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, it was emphasized that "promoting the integration of science and technology and economy is the focus of reform and innovation, and is also the place where we have a big gap with developed countries. We should accelerate the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and foster a good innovation pattern of integration of industry, education and research, upstream, midstream and downstream links, and large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Scientific and technological innovation is not just the research in the laboratory, but must transform the achievements of scientific and technological innovation into the real power to promote economic and social development. " Due to the documentary value of archives, when the ownership disputes and intellectual property disputes occur in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the transformation archives of scientific and technological achievements can play the role of authentic and reliable legal vouchers in a timely manner. Whether the construction and management of achievement transformation archives are standardized and in line with the actual work needs will directly affect the management efficiency of achievement transformation. According to the investigation of similar units, most of the achievement transformation materials previously formed achievement archives (or scientific research project archives) together with achievement research project materials, award submission materials and other relevant materials for unified management. As the focus effect of scientific and technological achievements transformation becomes increasingly prominent, the original records and use frequency formed in achievements transformation work increase, and the preservation value increases. Based on the principle of convenient archives preservation and utilization, it is necessary to separate the original records of achievements transformation from the achievements archives (or scientific research project archives) to become a first-class category, which can be managed as achievements transformation archives, and construction and management research brook no delay.

1. Special value of scientific research archives

For scientific research, archives and data are quite different in value. The value of scientific research materials lies in their flexibility and efficiency. They can quickly form a reference around work, with a strong reference nature, and play the role of disseminating knowledge and promoting experience. The scientific research archives rely on the public power in the procedure, which not only has the function of proving its sole credibility, but also has certain knowledge reserve value and social memory value.

1.1 Voucher value

Processed files form data. Generally speaking, materials are copied directly, and their reference nature is paid more attention to when they are used. They play the role of spreading knowledge and sharing experience, such as various documents, collections, compilations, newspapers, periodicals, books, etc., which do not have the function of reference in law. The scientific research archives completely record the whole process of a scientific research project from its birth to its end, and its comprehensiveness, integrity, systematicness and even accuracy far exceed that of scientific and technological data. Scientific research archives are the basis for product finalization, production and shutdown, equipment use and maintenance; As a first-hand material and original information, it has certain legal effect and plays an important role in tracing the source, correcting responsibility and even intellectual property disputes.

1.2 Knowledge reserve value

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and technological innovation and knowledge innovation are the only way for enterprises to survive. The development of any science and technology is based on the previous scientific and technological achievements, and the endogenous scientific and technological achievements are the core competitiveness of a unit. The thoughts, experiences and lessons contained in scientific research archives are also valuable wealth. They are not only the basis for current product manufacturing, but also the cornerstone of new product development. They are also textbooks to improve the knowledge structure and R&D ability of researchers.

1.3 Social memory value

The social memory value of scientific research archives is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, by building a memory engineering platform to publicize the history of Chinese scientific research, scientific research celebrities and their scientific research spirit will be passed on to future generations; The second is to share scientific research technology and scientific research information by building think tanks. Scientific research archives reflect the scientific and technological development and industrial development of a country in a certain period from different angles, reflect the scientific and technological development context of a certain profession, are the epitome of the times, and have a certain scientific and technological history value. At the same time, the scientific research archives contain the dynamic track of the evolution of the designers' ideas, and imply the scientific research spirit of researchers who are not afraid of difficulties and contribute to the country, which plays a guiding and incentive role for successors.

2. Innovation of scientific research archives management in the era of big data

2.1 Change of archive management concept

In the era of big data, the traditional archive management model has been unable to meet the needs of people in modern society for the development of archives. The development of various computers and cloud technology has provided new media for archive storage. The concept of archive management of people in the era of big data has also changed, not only focusing on the collection, sorting and storage of archives, At the same time, more and more attention is paid to the utilization and service functions of archives.

2.2 Collection and processing of archive data

In the era of big data, the collection and processing of scientific research archive data has also undergone great changes. The first is the collection of archive data, which needs to integrate the original relevant data, archive the network data, sort the data, clean and structure the data, and establish a database for all fields of scientific research. Supported by the integration and management of heterogeneous multidimensional and multi-source big data, the unified standards and specifications of big data in all fields of scientific research are established, Form the index ontology of scientific research archives. Based on ontology, realize data mining, analysis, utilization and knowledge service of all dimensions.

2.3 Build a comprehensive service platform for scientific research archives management and application

For scientific research archives innovation management collaborative research to solve scientific research knowledge intensive platform, a scientific research archives management platform integrating research, learning, management and innovation, archives the whole process of scientific research, including research materials, process documents, achievement documents, etc. Starting from the digitalization of scientific research archives resources, to online archiving, archives management system, to the knowledge of archive data resources, and finally to the integration and utilization of scientific research archives and other full archive life cycle business needs, focusing on all aspects of scientific research archives management, adhere to the construction idea of digital digital knowledge-based smart archives, Build a unified scientific research archives management and application comprehensive service platform across the province.

3. Utilization strategy of archives achievements transformation

In order to further improve the efficiency of achievement transformation, enhance the effect of achievement transformation, and promote the benign development of achievement transformation, we should give full play to the advantages of the government, achievement research and development institutions, enterprises, etc., integrate multiple resources such as policies, funds, achievements, teams, and work together to create a comprehensive service platform for scientific research archives management and application with credibility, applicability, and influence. This platform is an integrated integrated platform integrating archive resource digitalization, archive resource management, archive resource knowledge and archive resource diversification service. It includes achievements, transformation transactions, information interaction, effect tracking, third-party evaluation and other functions in the archive resource diversification service module layer to carry out comprehensive services for transformation of scientific and technological achievements. It will effectively narrow the information gap between the two sides, make scientific and technological talents, achievements and technologies better serve enterprises, provide information support and market services for different subjects, and reduce blindness and duplication of work. First, through the comprehensive service platform for the management and application of scientific research archives, a project establishment mechanism for scientific and technological achievements was established. The achievements information shall be immediately published on the platform and scientific research achievements archives, and be timely released to innovation subjects, enterprises and relevant audiences, and spread through various communication means of the platform, so as to expand the audience and the publicity of scientific and technological achievements. Second, on the basis of scientific research achievement archives, track the transformation of achievements through informatization. Through the platform, the cooperation between achievement research and development institutions and innovation entities and enterprises is promoted to achieve achievement transformation transactions, and the whole process of achievement transformation is tracked to fully understand the application effect of achievement transformation. And establish an interactive mechanism for achievements transformation. In the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, achievements research and development institutions and enterprises should fully communicate to fully understand the applicability of achievements and enterprise needs. In addition, after the achievement transformation transaction is concluded, both parties should continue to interact and feedback on the problems in the achievement application process, and reflect the achievement transformation effect in a timely manner, so as to urge the achievement research and development institutions to continuously optimize and upgrade the achievements, so as to adapt to the production needs of enterprises and improve the achievement transformation effect. The third is to evaluate the effect of achievements transformation through the platform or by introducing a third party. Through the understanding of achievements archives and tracking by the platform or a third party, and in combination with the application of achievements in enterprise production, we should follow the principles of science, rationality and fairness to comprehensively evaluate the effect of achievements transformation, form the basic theory and data of achievements negotiation, and price achievements transformation transactions Provide basis for price negotiation.

4 Conclusion

The era of big data is a new environment that scientific research archives management cannot choose and get rid of, and it is also a new opportunity that scientific research archives management faces. The technological revolution triggered by big data will continue to affect archive work from the application level and methodology level, making it possible for archive data mining and the development and utilization of archive information resources. Scientific research archivists should seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, follow the trend of "big data" in archive management, and promote the development of archive big data work. Based on the new environment, we should efficiently collect and sort out massive scientific research archives, improve the efficiency of the development and utilization of archives resources, and provide a resource guarantee and data sharing platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements while solidly promoting the process of information sharing of scientific research archives resources, so as to track the efficiency of achievements transformation.


[1] The State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Big Data Development [N]. People's Daily, 2015-09-06 (1)

[2] Zhao Danyang. Research on the development, utilization and service mode of scientific and technological literature information in the digital environment [D]. Changchun: Jilin University, 2012

[3] He Nanyang. Research on the Construction Strategy of Archives System Platform Based on the Life Cycle of Scientific Research Archives [J]. Archives Work, 2020 (3): 78-79

Chapter 4: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases

Key words: information construction; astronomy; Scientific research archives; file management


Based on the research and analysis of Zijinshan Observatory (hereinafter referred to as Zitai)'s inventory of scientific research archives and newly collected archives in 2019, explore the management mode and resource construction of scientific research archives based on the latest version of STA integrated archive management system, standardize the management, development and utilization of archives formed in the process of scientific research project research, while strengthening archive management, Further promote the management of scientific research archives at Zijinshan Observatory. Based on the development of the informatization construction of archives management in the author's unit, this paper discusses how to give play to the existing experience and create more achievements in the next step of work, in order to promote the further upgrading of the informatization of archives management.

1 Overview of archives management of astronomical scientific research projects

The archives of astronomical scientific research projects mainly refer to various scientific and technological materials with conservation value, such as observation records, written materials, pictures, videos, etc., formed by the observatory in the course of specific scientific research and observation, academic exchange activities, or related research and development of astronomical observation instruments, Because the professional scientific research archives of astronomy are generated from the practical activities of astronomical observation and research, these materials are highly professional and confidential, and are also first-hand and systematic reference materials obtained in experimental research activities [1]. The archives management of astronomical scientific research projects can provide systematic reference materials for specific research projects, which is conducive to the smooth progress and conclusion of the projects.

2 Problems and drawbacks in the archives management of astronomical scientific research projects

2.1 Incomplete scientific research archives management system

The management of astronomical scientific research projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is formulated in accordance with the Archives Law of the People's Republic of China and the Institute's scientific research project management specifications. Although it meets the archive management standards, the actual situation of the scientific research archives of each institute is diverse and distinctive, so it is difficult to synchronize the scientific research tasks assigned and the scientific research documents proposed, There is no synchronization between the level of submission and the review and award of scientific research achievements as well as the inspection and filing of scientific research archives. In addition, all scientific research institutions may not be able to incorporate all scientific research archives into the management system or not into the scope of scientific research personnel's work duties. In addition, there is a lack of supporting infrastructure, and there is no effective supervision mechanism for the collection and management of scientific research archives, So that the management of scientific research archives is too casual and not systematic [2].

2.2 Incomplete collection and arrangement of scientific research documents

The specific person in charge and participants of the astronomical scientific research project are the main body of the project archives, especially the main body of the formation of the original records. China's Interim Provisions on the Management of Scientific and Technological Research Archives clearly pointed out that the main person in charge of the scientific research project should be responsible for the filing work, but because the actual operators have weak awareness of file management, The accumulation of archive materials is not valued. In scientific research practice activities, only attention is paid to the application for project establishment and the publication and reward of scientific research achievements, ignoring the filing and sorting of scientific research archives. The materials finally handed in are seriously missing pages, or only the project establishment contract has no acceptance materials. The reasons for this phenomenon are complex, and in many cases, the archive management personnel cannot force it.

2.3 The degree of intelligent and digital construction of scientific research archives management is relatively low

In the past, the management of scientific research archives mainly focused on paper materials, which was difficult to manage and high in cost. The method of manually managing scientific research project archives could not meet the current needs of archives management. At present, the archives management departments of many observatories have not systematically established the archives management platform, which is mainly constrained by funding constraints. Modern instruments and equipment are not fully configured, and even there is no standardized archives management system. The efficiency of archives access is low, affecting the efficiency of scientific research archives management.

3. Scientific research measures for informatization archives management

3.1 Research and development of independent management procedures with the help of information technology

Taking the author's unit as an example, the project has established the management process of Zijin Mountain Observatory's scientific research archives, defined the division of responsibilities and data collection methods of scientific research archives management, sorted out the "Zijin Mountain Observatory's Scientific Research Project Archives Management Measures (Trial) V5", "Zijin Mountain Observatory's Scientific Research Project Archives Filing Scope and Sorting Manual (Trial) V4" and the filing scope of the MASTA project Work flow and sorting rules. During the implementation of the project, with the Zitai Information Construction Center where the project team is located as the core, the scientific research department, the scientific research team and the personnel department jointly improve the management system of scientific research project archives, form a full-time and part-time management team of scientific research project archives, and establish a more perfect organizational structure. The project research process is based on the management of Zitai scientific research archives, Track the whole process of scientific research projects, understand and analyze the data collection and sorting in the formation process of Zitai scientific research archives, and even find the problems in the file directory and the directory in the file during the handover when entering the archive management system later by visiting the brother research institutes inside and outside the Academy of Sciences (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics) In the scientific research archives management method and a series of measures and programs, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has integrated the archives work with scientific research and management work, streamlined the workflow, improved the working mechanism, defined the archiving scope, developed a practical archiving process, and independently developed the "Standardization Procedure V1.5 for Scientific Research Archives Catalog" And "Standardization Procedure for Contents in Scientific Research Archives V1.7" are used to guide the sorting of scientific research archives and connect with STA integrated archives management system; At the same time, it explores the way to play an active role in the management of Zitai scientific research archives in the process of scientific research archives resource construction. As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

3.2 Development and utilization channels of astronomical archives information resources

3.2.1 Laying a foundation for scientific research topic selection and project approval is an important evaluation standard for a good scientific research topic. As a high-tech and high-level research field, scientific research topic selection of astronomical theory research should not only grasp the general direction, but also pay attention to its influence in this field. Therefore, innovation should be made in topic selection, Don't follow the beaten track. In this regard, it is necessary to effectively and comprehensively analyze the historical astronomical archives in the database in combination with information technology, find out the laws of historical astronomical research, as well as the current research hotspots and difficulties, fully study the scientific research archives, analyze the reasons why no project has been established in the past, and improve the feasibility of scientific research topics. Because the project establishment requires comprehensive data, the application for project establishment must have true and complete files as the premise. Its data and materials lay a theoretical basis for the submission and review of scientific research achievements, but the integrity of scientific research data collection is the basis for the application for project establishment.

3.2.2 Using new technologies to improve the informatization level of archive management Currently, as far as archive management is concerned, there are many new Internet technologies that can be applied to this work, such as cloud computing, big data, and the currently popular blockchain technology. Studying them can actually be linked with astronomical archive management. For example, sorting out the data in the archives, establishing a database, finding the laws between the data and analyzing astronomical phenomena, and using the decentralized characteristics of blockchain technology to prevent the astronomical archive data from being illegally changed, so as to improve the informatization level of archive management and effectively promote the improvement of archive management.

3.2.3 The development and utilization of scientific research archives should ensure the authenticity and accuracy of information. Information is an important information service way to meet the needs of high-level and high-level research, such as astronomical research, decision-making reference and academic discussion. It is through the mining of relevant high-quality domestic and foreign literature and other types of knowledge carriers that have high research and application value, Form new information products to serve the file users. Information information has the following types: first, select key topics according to the needs of users, conduct in-depth investigation and research, search and review the literature required by research topics irregularly, and transmit the results to users; The second is the translation service for literature materials. For example, some file managers have poor foreign language skills and are difficult to read foreign literature directly, so they can use the literature retrieval translation service to achieve their own retrieval and use of foreign first-hand literature; Finally, for the classified editing of archives management topics, relevant information should be transmitted to the archives users in a timely manner, and information technology identification work should be done well. For example, many initialization data of astronomical archives management work have detailed observation records, experimental analysis records, discussion and demonstration and other data, In order to find the corresponding data more quickly in the future and determine the retention period, technical materials with high scientific and technological content should first be identified by professionals to determine the preservation value of their archives, and be kept and bound according to scientific categories. Technical materials with conservation value should be applied for project topics according to requirements, Collect the final approval and released project task documents completely so that they can be updated and used later.

4 Conclusion

At present, astronomy is an important scientific field that several major scientific and technological countries in the world are competing to study. China, as the largest developing country in the world, is unwilling to lag behind. Therefore, we should do a good job in supporting management related to astronomy, in which the management of related scientific research topics is an important work. With the rise of emerging technologies represented by big data, cloud computing and blockchain, The management mode of scientific research archives has new characteristics. I hope relevant managers can make full use of new technologies to make innovations for scientific research archives management and promote the continuous development of science and technology.


[1] Zhang Lei, Bao Limin. Problems and countermeasures in the management of scientific research archives in colleges and universities [J]. Science and Technology Information, 2013 (25): 232+261

Chapter 5: Model Text of Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases

Medical archives are closely related to medical research achievements. As the main object of medical records, medical research achievements often include the efforts and efforts of researchers. These achievements have intellectual property rights and must be protected by law within a certain time and scope. Therefore, for the medical reports, clinical data and relevant documents with special value recorded, corresponding confidentiality levels should be set according to the national confidentiality law to ensure that these medical science and technology archives have certain confidentiality and restrictive protection measures under the premise of giving full play to their use value. The main work of medical research archives management is to collect, systematically classify and compile relevant medical research data and achievements. Its basic principle is to ensure the integrity, systematicness and safety of medical science and technology archives on the one hand, and to develop and utilize the value of medical archives to the greatest extent for the development Social progress and human health help.

2、 Establishment of medical science and technology archives management mode with user demand as the ultimate goal

Therefore, according to the working conditions of this department and the author's years of experience in scientific and technological archives work, this paper understands the relevant literature, and puts forward some suggestions on the suggestions and exploration of the management mode of medical scientific and technological archives with users as the ultimate purpose.

(1) Improve archive awareness

Consciousness leads to conscious behavior and purposeful action. First of all, we need to improve the file awareness of relevant staff, not only need to pay attention to the preservation and management of files, but also need to have a clear understanding of the use value of medical science and technology files. Archives management departments should update the service model, strive to develop medical science and technology archives resources, and establish corresponding platforms (such as databases and websites) to provide better services for archives users. In addition, the archives office should also actively publicize the information in the collection to the outside world, so that more people can understand the available archives resources, so as to attract potential users of archives widely and maximize the utilization value of archives.

(2) Improve management system

All behaviors must have norms, and the management system is the guarantee of these norms. To improve the utilization efficiency of medical science and technology archives, we must improve the level of archives management. A sound management system is a strong guarantee for the management level and utilization efficiency of medical science and technology archives. Based on the actual needs of file users, establish and improve the file service mechanism, enrich the service means and methods of file utilization, and provide diversified and personalized services for all kinds of people. The services provided by archives in China mainly include file information inquiry, borrowing and information processing, which are relatively simple and not simple enough. Applying information technology to archive utilization service can make the query and utilization of archive information more convenient, and more consistent with the habits of contemporary people to obtain information. It can effectively attract more scientific researchers, medical staff and other user groups, and improve the utilization efficiency and service quality of archives.

(3) Strengthen the infrastructure construction of archives

Infrastructure is critical for preservation, management and utilization. Strengthening the basic construction of archives is also a powerful measure to improve the utilization efficiency of medical science and technology archives. All archives management departments should adopt various means to strengthen infrastructure and provide more convenient conditions for archives users. This paper believes that we should strengthen the basic construction of archives from the following aspects.

1. Optimizing the quiet and clean environment of the archives can enable medical archives users to focus more on the data and information in the archives, while the spacious and bright place also enables the archives to provide services for more users at the same time. Providing users with printing, copying and other services in appropriate places can also provide convenience for file users in need.

2. Increase the reserves of library resources With the continuous development of medical science and technology, some medical science and technology archives generated in medical practice have been far from meeting the needs of some scientific researchers. All archives should pay attention to resource sharing and introduce important archives representing the domestic advanced level for researchers to use.

3. Making full use of existing science and technology, improving the efficiency of file utilization, digitalization and informatization of file resources are the inevitable trend of the development of medical science and technology archives in the future. Applying information technology to archive management can significantly shorten the time for archive users to query relevant information, and it becomes easier to obtain resources. Through the establishment of a special archive resource network, people can remotely search and use the 395 resources in the archive through the network, instead of going to the archive, which saves a lot of trouble. The efficiency of file utilization has been improved.

4. Scientific and reasonable classification of archives can make users' retrieval more accurate and fast. The archives office shall fully understand the contents of each file and classify them from multiple perspectives. For medical science and technology archives, they should be classified in detail according to the differences between specialties and disciplines, and based on this, a comprehensive retrieval system should be established. In this way, file users can have a preliminary understanding of all kinds of files, and accurately locate the file resources to be queried according to their own needs, avoiding unnecessary waste of time.

(4) Adjust the file compilation and research system

To improve the utilization efficiency of medical science and technology archives, we also need to attach importance to the compilation and research of archives. The fast pace of the information age has put forward new requirements for the compilation and research of medical science and technology archives. Archives managers need to fully explore the potential use value of medical archives, and timely propose relevant editing and research topics according to the development of medical research at that time. On this basis, a series of achievements with high utilization value are compiled and researched through mining various archives information resources. These achievements should be highly practical and can guide medical research and medical practice.

(5) Attach importance to talent cultivation

The arrival of the information age has brought a big explosion of knowledge. The development of modern science and technology has a profound impact on all aspects of human society. Knowledge based management talents are an important basis for strengthening the management level of medical science and technology archives and improving the efficiency of archives utilization. With the accelerating process of archives informatization, archives management personnel in the new situation need to timely understand and master the development status of new technologies, constantly expand their knowledge, and comprehensively improve their quality in order to cope with the rapidly changing situation of archives management and improve the management level of medical science and technology archives. Medical science and technology archives contain abundant information. Only by mastering information technology and computer network technology, can we better establish and use medical science and technology archives database and retrieval system, help scientific researchers quickly and accurately search for the information they need, and improve the efficiency of archives utilization.

(6) Establish a new user oriented application platform