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 Middle School Chemistry Journal

Annual pricing: ¥ 264.00/year

Middle School Chemistry Journal Provincial Journals

Classification of academic journals CSSCI Nantah Journal Peking University Journal CSCD Journal Statistical source journal Ministerial journals Provincial Journals

  • monthly Publication cycle
  • 23-1187/O6 CN
  • 1007-8711 ISSN
Competent unit: Harbin Normal University
Sponsor: Harbin Normal University
Postal code: 14-102
Published in 1983
Format: B5
Published at: Heilongjiang
Language: Chinese
Review cycle: within 1 month
Influence factor: 0.04
Cited times: 100
Database inclusion:

Included by HowNet (middle) Included by VIP (middle) National Library Collection Collection of Shanghai Library

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Introduction to Chemistry Journal of Middle School

High school chemistry magazine (monthly) was founded in 1983 as an educational journal. Accelerate the pace of general education reform, promote the research of chemical education theory and professional basic theory, improve the level of chemical education, and serve for cultivating talents and producing more and better scientific research achievements. It aims to be "an assistant in learning chemistry and a staff officer in teaching chemistry". All articles published in each issue are based on the high school chemistry textbooks and curriculum standards. The article strives to popularize scientific and technological knowledge in a lively way, which is easy to understand, short and concise. Since its inception, the magazine Middle School Chemistry has continuously updated its columns and increased the amount of information. It has become an indispensable and important reference journal for chemistry teachers in secondary schools across the country. The contents of the published articles can be directly used by teachers throughout the country for teaching. Many teaching methods, experimental methods and teaching aid production have universal promotion value. Therefore, it plays an important role in improving the quality of chemistry teachers in secondary schools, implementing teachers' job training and adult continuing education.

Column setting of chemistry magazines in middle schools

Teaching research, textbook research, chemistry and society, learning garden, lesson preparation notes, experimental research, methods and techniques, and test question research.

Honorary Information of Middle School Chemistry Journal

Middle School Chemistry Magazine Subscription

Address: No. 50 Hexing Road, Harbin 150080.

Instructions for Contributors of Middle School Chemistry Magazine

1. The manuscript shall be reliable, accurate, creative, scientific and practical. The argument shall be novel, the argument shall be sufficient, the data shall be reliable, the writing responsibility shall be borne by itself (plagiarism is strictly prohibited), and the words shall be refined.

2. The names shall be arranged in order under the title, and the arrangement shall be determined at the time of submission. The name, organization, detailed address and postal code of the author must be clearly written. When signing multiple authors' manuscripts, the consent of other authors must be obtained, and the sequence must be arranged. No change will be made after receiving the notice of recording.

3. The article should be between 2000 and 2400 characters, and the format should generally include: title, author and unit, zip code, content summary, keywords, text, references, etc. Article title characters shall be less than 20 characters.

4. The charts in the article should be typical, as few as possible and refined, and the tables should use three line tables; The black line chart shall be used in the drawing, and the lines drawn shall be smooth, smooth and even in thickness; The unit of measurement shall be subject to the recently promulgated "The Legal Unit of Measurement of the People's Republic of China" by the State Council, and no illegal unit of measurement shall be used.

5. In order to shorten the publication cycle and reduce errors, all contributions should be in word format, and please specify your contact details.

6. The editorial department has the right to delete and revise the incoming manuscript. If you do not agree to delete and revise the manuscript, please make a statement in the incoming manuscript. Our journal has been included in many domestic academic journal databases at the same time. Please state in your contributions if you do not agree with the inclusion.

Examples of Chemistry Magazines in Middle School

On the Value Basis of a Society Ruled by Law -- On the Revision of the Word "Legal Belief"

Thoughts on the Quality of Legislation in China

How Does Law Grow -- Reading "The Growth of Law" and Comparing with "Philosophy of Law"

Manifesto of the Historical School of Law -- Analysis of On the Contemporary Mission of Legislation and Law and Savigny's Influence on the Historical School of Law

On the Construction of Chinese Legal Culture

The Value Orientation of China's Legal System Reform in the Transitional Period

On Confucian Culture and Contemporary Legal Construction

On the vagueness of legislative language

Rethinking on "What is Constitution"

The Constitutional Dimension of Citizens' Economic Rights -- Comments on the Key Points of the Issue of "Constitutional Construction" in China

The Development of Chinese Constitutionalism in the Period of Social Transformation

Re criticism of Traditional Cultural Criticism -- The Legal Belief Foundation and Analysis of Constitutionalism

Rethinking on the Perfection of Administrative Reconsideration Jurisdiction System in China

Study on the Grassland Ownership System in China

On the Development History and Trend of National Compensation System

On the lessee's preemptive right

On the Elements of Legal Personality of Commercial Subjects

On the Limitation of Trademark Right

On the concept of civil juristic act

Exploring the System of Unauthorized Punishment in China

Data information of middle school chemistry journal

Influence factors and cited times

Number of magazine articles

Analysis of the Papers Published by Middle School Chemistry Magazines

Analysis of main funded projects

Project supported References
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education (09YJA880021) three
Heilongjiang Higher Education Teaching Reform Project (JG2013010353) one
National Education Science 11th Five Year Plan (GHA093011) one
National Education Science "Eleventh Five Year Plan" Ministry of Education Planning Project (GHA093011) one

Analysis of main funded projects

Funded projects References
Heilongjiang Higher Education Teaching Reform Project four
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund of the Ministry of Education four
Planning Fund Project of the Ministry of Education three
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Late Funding Project of the Ministry of Education three
Special funds for basic scientific research of central universities three
Guangdong Educational Science Planning Project two
Hubei Educational Science Planning Project two
Key Topics of Teaching and Research in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province two
Fujian Provincial University New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan two
Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department one
Address: No. 50 Hexing Road, Harbin 150080.