Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Introduction to Aquaculture

Selected Introduction to Aquaculture (9)

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 Introduction to Aquaculture

Part 1: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Keywords Aquaculture Learning; Construction; development

"Aquaculture" was newly opened by Huzhou Normal University in 2012 major As a part of the agricultural specialty, it is deeply bound by the traditional concept of "light agriculture, different agriculture", and faces many difficulties in the development process of the specialty: first, the social recognition of aquatic products specialty is not high, and most students think that this major is inferior; Secondly, examinees and parents are overly worried about the employment situation of aquaculture major. Because they are not clear about the employment situation of this major, they unilaterally believe that aquaculture major is not good for employment, poor working environment and low labor remuneration. Therefore, most students are unwilling to apply for this major. In the past two years, there have been few first choice students of aquaculture major in our school, many of whom have no choice but to adjust their willingness. Their professional ideas are unstable, and many parents do not agree with the aquaculture major, fearing that their children will still be unable to "jump out of agriculture" after finishing college. These may cause some students to change their majors or even drop out of school.

However, aquaculture occupies a prominent position in China's large-scale agriculture. Aquaculture is a food and land saving industry. It does not compete with grain for farmland, nor with livestock for grassland, which can ease the pressure of food production. Aquatic products are high-quality food with high protein and nutrition, known as "healthy food" [1]. At present, the scale of aquaculture in China ranks first in the world. In 2012, the total output of aquatic products in China was 59076800 tons, of which the aquaculture output was 42883600 tons, accounting for more than 70% of the world output [2]. Aquaculture has become one of the pillar industries in China to earn foreign exchange through export. Lester Brown, a famous American ecological economist, believes that one of China's two major contributions to the world is "aquaculture". In addition, Huzhou Normal University, backed by South Taihu Lake, has always been a land of fish and rice with well-developed aquaculture industry, and has a unique geographical location for running a school. Aquabiology and water environment are the most important construction disciplines of our school, with key disciplines of aquatic biology in Zhejiang Province, key scientific and technological innovation teams of freshwater aquaculture in Zhejiang Province Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Conservation and Development Technology of Aquatic Biological Resources, Zhejiang Academician Expert Workstation. Aquaculture specialty is a brand specialty that our university should focus on building, is also one of the important supports for applying for master's degree and building Huzhou University. It has good scientific research and experimental conditions and teaching staff, which has laid a solid foundation for the construction and development of aquaculture specialty.

In view of the difficulties and challenges faced by the construction of the new aquaculture major in our school, the author believes that we can give full play to the high-quality school running conditions and disciplinary advantages of our school's aquatic biology, strengthen the professional publicity of aquaculture, strengthen professional ideological education, create a unique talent training model for aquaculture professionals, and cultivate a solid foundation with a wide range of adaptation, Aquatic biotechnology talents with innovative ability can broaden employment channels and guide college students to start businesses to meet the needs of economic and social development. Specific measures are as follows:

1. Improve the quality of students in aquaculture

Excellent students are an important basis for professional development. Through strengthening enrollment publicity, excellent students can be attracted to engage in aquaculture. The main measures are as follows: First, construct the website of aquaculture specialty of Huzhou Normal University, and comprehensively introduce the specialty through videos, pictures and words. Through enrollment publicity, examinees and parents can have a new understanding and comprehensive understanding of the major when filling in college entrance examination volunteers, including the connotation, social needs and development prospects of aquaculture major. At the same time, relying on the breeding base and breeding laboratory of the specialty, popularize the knowledge of aquatic biology, publicize the importance of fishery production, and stimulate students' interest in the aquaculture industry; Second, excavate outstanding figures and successful cases of professional development, organize the compilation of publicity materials, and improve the popularity and social recognition of the profession.

2. Strengthen professional ideological education

Flexible and diverse education methods can be adopted, such as systematically introducing the history, current situation and development prospect of aquaculture to freshmen when they first enter the school, so that students can understand, be familiar with and love this major. In addition to lectures in conferences and classes, what is more important is to create a "celebrity forum" by inviting experts, scholars and entrepreneurs related to the specialty to give lectures in school, introduce their entrepreneurial experience, and organize students to visit leading enterprises in aquaculture, feed and food, and relevant scientific research institutions, Make students really see the hope of aquaculture, and enhance their confidence to devote themselves to aquaculture.

3. Establish a unique talent training model for aquaculture

Aquaculture is a practical and applied specialty, and aquaculture enterprises and institutions need high-quality talents. On the one hand, it is required to have strong practical ability, be able to use it, and be able to take on the technical guidance work immediately; On the other hand, students are required to have a strong spirit of innovation, be able to gradually transform the knowledge they have learned into production, and make innovative contributions that are difficult for other non professional students to make. This requires that in the teaching of aquaculture major, we should innovate the talent training mode, carry out the tutorial system, strengthen practical teaching [3-5], and make full use of the scientific research and training platform inside and outside the school to guide and train students of aquaculture major, so as to meet the needs of the development of the new situation.

3.1 Implement the tutorial system. As soon as the students enter the university, the backbone teachers of the specialty will serve as the supervisors to guide and care about the growth of students in an all-round way. From the second semester of freshman year, the instructors should set up special research and innovation projects for students to guide students to develop professional interests and research skills; After entering sophomore year, students should be organized to apply for various topics, participate in discipline competitions at all levels, guide students, apply for patents, serve local governments, etc; After entering the junior year, guide students to determine the direction of employment and postgraduate entrance examination; After entering the senior year, guide students in production practice, graduation thesis, postgraduate entrance examination or employment. Let the tutor become the "patron saint" of students' four-year undergraduate life, so as to enhance the feelings between teachers and students and consolidate the position of the major in the hearts of students.

3.2 Make full use of the favorable conditions such as the "Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Aquatic Biological Resources Conservation and Development Technology Research" and the practice and training bases inside and outside the school, which are supported by the major of aquaculture, set up scientific research and innovation projects for college students, and guide students to cultivate professional interests.

3.3 Strengthen practical teaching and enhance students' adaptability. The phenomenon of "valuing theory over practice" is common in talent training in normal colleges and universities. From curriculum system setting to class hour arrangement, theoretical teaching is paid more attention than practical teaching. However, aquaculture is a major with strong practicality and application, which requires students to have strong practical ability and innovative spirit. Therefore, in the course system construction of this major, it is necessary to strengthen practical teaching links, strengthen the construction of laboratories and practice training bases, and create good conditions for practical teaching [6].

3.4 Utilize the advantages of biological science discipline to cultivate "thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability and high-quality" aquatic biotechnology talents. Emphasize the basic principles of undergraduate education of aquaculture specialty, consolidate the discipline foundation, give play to the advantages of biological science discipline possessed by the College of Life Sciences, and strengthen the opening of general courses.

3.5 Strictly enforce teaching style and improve teaching quality. Constantly explore and improve the teaching management system, require professional teachers to teach and educate people, adhere to the concept of "student-centered", pay attention to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, constantly innovate teaching methods, popularize efficient teaching models, and improve students' learning interest and efficiency.

4. Reform the training and use mechanism of teachers and strengthen the construction of the teaching staff

Pay attention to the pre job training of young teachers, and strengthen the basic skill training of young and middle-aged teachers in teaching, scientific research and practice. Establish a mechanism for full-time teachers in the school to study and exchange at the front line of relevant industries and fields, and aquatic industry elites or experts to teach part-time at the school, so as to form a high-level team of full-time and part-time teachers who understand social needs, have rich teaching experience, and love teaching. With the method of combining policies, regulations and encouragement, the existing teachers are encouraged to actively apply for and participate in research projects at all levels, publish teaching and academic papers, compile teaching materials, teaching reference books and experimental guidance books, constantly improve the popularity of the school, and lay a foundation for the further development of the profession. (Continued on page 20)

(Continued on page 57) 5 Broaden employment channels and guide college students to start businesses

Good employment and development prospects are important factors for aquaculture majors to attract high-quality students and stabilize their professional ideas. Therefore, in order to find ways to broaden the employment channels of graduates, the following measures can be taken: First, guide students to continue their postgraduate study. In recent years, the number of students taking the postgraduate entrance examination and the online rate of students in the School of Life Sciences where this major is located are second to none in our school, which has a demonstration and driving role for students taking the postgraduate entrance examination; In addition, by virtue of the advantages of biology, students can broaden their horizons for postgraduate examination, that is, graduates of this major can apply for not only aquaculture related majors, but also biology, medicine and other related majors. Second, we should make full use of the characteristics of normal colleges and universities that focus on teacher training skills, and encourage students to strengthen basic skills training. For example, take part in the certification training of Putonghua, chemical analyst, teacher certificate, accounting certificate, etc. to lay the foundation for engaging in relevant education or other work. Third, change the employment concept of students and guide them to start businesses. Students are encouraged to "work first, then choose". With the experience of successful people in the aquaculture industry, guide students to go to the grassroots, fishing areas, and biotechnology enterprises to start businesses, and provide timely help and guidance in the process of entrepreneurship.

In a word, in the construction and development of the major of aquaculture in our university, we should make full use of the disciplinary advantages of the College of Life Sciences, create a talent training model with the characteristics of the major of aquaculture, cultivate "thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability, and high-quality" aquatic biotechnology talents, broaden employment channels, and guide college students to start their own businesses, In order to ensure the sustainable, stable and rapid development of the newly established aquaculture major.


[1] Mai Kangsen. Achievements and Prospects of China's Aquaculture and Aquafeed Industry [J]. Scientific Fish Culture, 2010 (11): 1-2

[2] Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. 2013 China Fisheries Statistical Yearbook [M]. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2013:23

[3] Shi Yaohua, Gu Zhifeng, Wang Yongqiang, et al. A preliminary study on practical teaching and applied talent training of aquaculture science [J]. Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology, 2009, 30 (8): 77-79

[4] Zheng Liping. On the Role of Scientific Research Tutorial System in Talent Cultivation in Colleges and Universities [J]. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research, 2005 (6): 156-157

Part 2: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Key words: aquaculture curriculum construction of higher vocational education

CLC No.: G71 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1674-098X (2013) 01 (a) - 0-02

According to the survey on the demand for aquaculture professionals in the talent market in the western coastal areas of Liaoning Province, we learned about the increasing social demand for aquaculture professionals in the coastal areas of western Liaoning Province and the lack of professional skills training in this specialty. The survey information provides first-hand information for the course setting and specialty construction of aquaculture specialty. In order to cultivate application-oriented higher vocational talents, all teachers in the Teaching and Research Section of Aquaculture Specialty have adjusted the curriculum and teaching content in terms of addition, deletion, modification and replacement, and constructed the curriculum and teaching content system with "application-oriented" as the theme and characteristics. The main purpose of practical teaching is to cultivate students' technical application ability, and it occupies a considerable proportion in the teaching plan. From this, a set of relatively reasonable and perfect teaching reform plan has gradually formed, and gradually matured in the reform practice. The construction of aquaculture specialty has also achieved gratifying results, and was rated as the provincial brand specialty in 2010. The experience and achievements related to the reform and construction of aquaculture courses in the school are summarized for everyone

reference resources.

1. Further define the talent training objectives of aquaculture specialty

The coastal areas of western Liaoning are rich in aquaculture resources, especially the development prospect of mariculture industry is broad. Panjin, Jinzhou, Huludao and other coastal cities have broad sea beaches, which can breed fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and other aquatic animals. According to the survey, the current personnel engaged in aquaculture are generally low educated, especially the professional and technical personnel engaged in the production line of aquaculture. According to the demand for aquatic talents in the development of aquaculture industry in the west coast of Liaoning Province, we set the professional training goal as: to cultivate those who can adapt to the needs of aquatic market economy and meet the characteristics of the coastal areas in the west coast of Liaoning Province, can engage in aquaculture production of fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and other aquatic animals, and have a certain professional basic theory and expertise, Technical personnel in the production line with strong production practice skills. The specific requirements are as follows.

Proficient in the cultivation technology of turbot (Turbot); Proficient in pond culture technology of Chinese shrimp (Huanghai No.1 and Huanghai No.2 new species); Proficient in pond culture technology of Penaeus japonicus; Proficient in rice field breeding technology and soil pond ecological breeding technology of river crabs; Skillfully master the artificial breeding technology and pond culture technology of sea cucumber; Proficient in diagnosis and control of common diseases of aquatic animals; Control technology; Basically master the analysis and detection technology of conventional indicators of fishery water quality; Basically master the composition analysis and production technology of aquatic animal nutrition and feed; Have certain production management skills in aquaculture enterprises.

After three years of study in aquaculture, graduates should meet the following standards: First, they should have good professional ethics and professionalism, be able to adapt to the harsh conditions of the aquaculture production line, and have certain organizational management and social adaptability. Second, it can independently complete the sampling, monitoring and analysis of fishery water quality; It can independently identify common species of aquatic organisms related to aquaculture; It can independently breed fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and other aquatic animals and diagnose and prevent common diseases. Third, it can design corresponding water quality, monitor and test according to the needs of aquaculture; The water quality control shall be carried out according to the plan to make the seedlings, land, scale and investment planning required for aquaculture develop in a favorable direction; The overall investment, operation and countermeasure planning for fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish can be carried out, and the ability to participate in the management and production of the first line guidance is preliminary.

2. Curriculum setting of aquaculture specialty

The courses of aquaculture specialty are divided into three categories, and the proportion of theoretical and practical teaching is close to 1:1. The three categories are: public basic courses: mainly including moral education such as Deng Xiaoping Theory, Introduction to Thought, Marxist philosophy, sports, English, computer and essay writing, biochemistry, etc. Specialized basic courses: mainly including general zoology, ichthyology, aquatic biology, hydrochemistry, histoembryology, microbiology, etc. Professional courses: mainly including fish farming technology, shrimp and crab farming technology, shellfish farming technology, aquatic animal disease science, aquatic animal nutrition and feed processing technology, ornamental fish farming technology, water environment chemistry, famous and excellent aquaculture technology of marine and freshwater, fishery economic management and other courses.

3. Reform of teaching contents and methods

3.1 Select appropriate professional teaching materials

The unified textbook has many advantages, but sometimes it also lacks some characteristics. The most important thing is that the textbook updates slowly and lacks pertinence. Because higher vocational education is still in the exploration and initial stage, there is no ready-made model to refer to, and the traditional subject based teaching materials are difficult to meet the requirements of higher vocational education, which has brought some obstacles to the improvement of teaching effect. In view of this situation, the aquaculture specialty organized professional teachers to set up a textbook compilation team. On the basis of summing up years of teaching and production experience, it actively participated in the compilation of textbooks and practical training instructions, and purposefully compiled its own textbooks that better reflect the professional characteristics. In recent years, teachers of aquaculture major have compiled series of teaching materials for aquaculture major at higher vocational level organized by Chemical Industry Press, and initially formed a series of teaching materials for aquaculture major with reasonable content, pertinence and practicality. Teaching content and teaching methods


3.2 Reasonable setting of professional courses

In order to train students to have a solid professional theoretical foundation, and at the same time, the principle of practicality and sufficiency is taken as the principle, so the class hours of the original professional courses are compressed to highlight the practical focus. For example, there are some overlapping knowledge in the two courses of aquatic biology and bait culture. Professional teachers integrate the course content according to the actual situation, and compress the class hours. Aquabiology is compressed into 60 class hours, and bait culture technology is compressed into 28 class hours. At the same time, combining with practice and experiment, the training of operational skills is strengthened, Highlighted the key content of aquaculture specialty, and improved the students' learning initiative and creative thinking development.

3.3 Transformation of teaching methods and means

In the process of teaching, teachers constantly carry out relevant reforms on the teaching mode, and more use case teaching methods to teach, so that students can learn theoretical knowledge closer to production practice. Through the reform of teaching methods, the focus of teaching will be shifted from "teaching" to "learning", so as to maximize students' self-learning ability and develop students' creative thinking. At the same time, multimedia teaching should be carried out in an all-round way to improve the teaching quality. The teachers of fishery specialty strive for perfection in making web pages and courseware, and spend a lot of time elaborately designing and making electronic courseware. The courseware page is designed in a novel way, which is not only beautiful and elegant, but also lively, and has distinctive curriculum characteristics. The courseware is rich in content, rich in pictures and texts, intuitive, and easy to understand, which is conducive to enhancing students' interest in learning, stimulating students' enthusiasm for learning, and comprehensively mobilizing students' enthusiasm for learning.

3.4 Reform of practical teaching methods

Production practice teaching is an important teaching link of aquaculture specialty, which is an organic combination of theoretical teaching and production practice. Production practice is a series of practical teaching activities in which students directly participate in the production process under the guidance of teachers according to the syllabus and instructions. It is an important link and central topic in the education and teaching of aquaculture technology specialty. Through school enterprise and school local cooperation, the school has strengthened the construction of off campus production practice bases to ensure the demand of students for production practice in quality and quantity.

The aquaculture teaching and research section of our school adjusted the teaching plan in time according to the development trend of the coastal aquaculture industry in Liaoning Province and the changes in the demand for aquaculture skilled talents. Since 2006, the practice teaching mode of aquaculture specialty has been reformed, and gratifying results have been achieved. At the beginning of the new semester in spring every year, students will be mainly taught the theoretical knowledge of specialized courses such as "Fish Culture Technology", "Shrimp and Crab Culture Technology", "Marine Shellfish Culture Technology" and "Famous, Special and Excellent Aquaculture Technology".

Before the students enter the manufacturer, they should take one month to carry out centralized comprehensive training on the operation of aquatic professional skills, so as to strengthen their practical ability. After entering the enterprise, students are paid to work, which further stimulates their enthusiasm for work. In the real production environment of the enterprise, students are employees of the enterprise. Students regard the enterprise as their own enterprise, and students directly participate in every link of enterprise production according to enterprise arrangements.

The teachers in the school and the technical personnel of the manufacturer will jointly complete the production practice tasks in the real production process, and reform the assessment method, focusing on process assessment.

With the rapid development of Liaoning coastal economic belt and the rapid development of marine economy, the aquaculture industry in western Liaoning coastal areas needs more application-oriented and skilled professionals. We will actively carry out the curriculum reform of aquaculture specialty according to market demand, and cultivate more and better professional and technical personnel of aquaculture.


[1] Xu Yachao. Curriculum Design and Teaching Reform Practice of Aquaculture Major in Higher Vocational Education [J]. Journal of Liaoning Higher Vocational Education, 2002, 4 (4): 59-60

[2] Xu Yachao. Talking about the advantages of using multimedia teaching for aquaculture majors in higher vocational education [J]. Journal of Liaoning Higher Vocational Education, 2006, 8 (2): 78-79

[3] Zhou Qiao. Teaching Reform and Practice of Aquaculture Specialty [J]. Modern Agricultural Science, 2009, 16 (2): 170-171

[4] Hao Ruirong, Wang Weiwei. Discussion on Improving the Quality of Teaching, Production and Practice of Aquaculture Specialty [J]. Science and Education Literature, 2009 (5): 91

Part 3: Introduction to Aquaculture

[Key words] Life education theory solves school running problems

At the beginning of the school, our major of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine and freshwater breeding was once brilliant, and trained more than 1000 animal husbandry and veterinary technicians and freshwater breeding talents for Hechuan. Up to now, 70% of the heads of animal husbandry and veterinary stations in towns and villages in Hechuan District are graduates of our school, and most of the technicians in major breeding farms in Hechuan are graduates of our school. These two majors of our school have made their own contributions to the development of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine and freshwater aquaculture in Hechuan, and established their own brands in Hechuan. The school is also famous for animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and freshwater aquaculture in Hechuan.

However, in the early 1990s, farmers were more willing to leave their homes to work in Guangdong, Shenzhen and other coastal cities than to plant crops and breed in the countryside. At that time, farmers were heavily burdened with various taxes, which seriously hurt their enthusiasm for agricultural production. It has become a common understanding among farmers that planting and breeding cannot make money. It is not worthwhile to engage in agriculture and earn more money than work. On the other hand, due to the difference between urban and rural areas, farmers have a desire to work in cities. In the subconscious of farmers, being a worker is superior to being a farmer. Under the influence of these factors, the survival of these two majors in our school has also been seriously affected. Since the early 1990s, the number of students enrolled has declined year by year, and the number of students enrolled each year has dropped sharply from the original 300-400 to more than a dozen. The majors are becoming more and more difficult to run and close down. In order to survive, the school has added computer, automobile repair, medicine, machinery, mold and other engineering majors. While striving to expand its living space, the school has also been exploring the reform of school running mode. In particular, after the school undertook the scientific research project of Hechuan District Urban and Rural Secondary Vocational School School Running Mode Reform Experiment Project in 2009, the school has a more clear direction for the research on vocational education school running mode reform.

Mr. Tao Xingzhi is a great educator in China. His theory of life education still shines with wisdom today. It not only has practical guiding significance for today's general education, but also has great theoretical guiding significance for today's vocational education and the exploration and reform of vocational education school running mode. We are studying Mr. Tao Xingzhi's life education theory, "life is education, society is school", "little gentleman system", and learning from foreign vocational education school running models, such as the dual system model in Germany, the cbe model represented by the United States and Canada, and the "cbet" model represented by the United Kingdom and Australia, The school running mode reform plan of our school has been formulated. After three years of exploration and practice, we have achieved a series of fruitful results.

1. Theoretical achievements

We have enriched Mr. Tao Xingzhi's life education theory. Our research is carried out under the guidance of his life education theory. Through our practice, his theory has been inherited and carried forward.

1.1 Carry out the school running attempt of "sending education to the countryside, sending science and technology to farmers". With the attention of the Party and the government to rural work and the "three rural areas", the state has exempted agricultural taxes, given financial subsidies to agricultural projects such as planting and breeding, and mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers for production, Some farmers working in coastal cities such as Shenzhen and Guangdong began to return home to engage in planting and breeding. Hechuan District has become a major pig raising county in China for several consecutive years. Farmers' thirst for agricultural production knowledge and technology has greatly increased. The support of the Party and the government for agricultural policies has brought new hope to our agricultural majors such as animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, freshwater aquaculture, etc. The spring of agricultural majors has arrived. In order to help farmers master breeding technology as soon as possible, and use our technical advantages to serve the local economic construction, under the guidance of Tao Xingzhi's life education theory, we carried out a school running attempt of "sending education to the countryside, sending science and technology to farmers". Our specific approach is:

1.1.1 The school contacts the local government, organizes farmers through the local government, and sends excellent teachers to carry out centralized training during the slack time. The time is 7-10 days. The content of learning is jointly determined by the school, teachers and trainees. In this way, the purpose of learning, the pertinence of training and the effectiveness of teaching are enhanced. The teaching methods include teacher's lecture, student discussion, question answering, on-site guidance, etc. Through systematic training, the trainees can master the basic knowledge and skills of breeding technology. Some students can participate in the second and third learning until they learn it. Students can also consult and discuss the problems they encounter in production practice with teachers through letters, telephone, or even the Internet. Over the past three years, we have carried out such training in various villages and towns in Hechuan District, with more than 10000 trainees. The school has also prepared a special teaching material for the training, Modern Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Practical Technology of Freshwater Breeding. It has trained talents for the development of animal husbandry and freshwater aquaculture in Hechuan District. It strongly supported the "pic" pig breeding technology and rice field fish breeding technology promoted by the Hechuan District Government, and increased farmers' income. Now, all towns and villages in Hechuan District have various professional farmers represented by pig and fish farming. Some villages and towns have formed a professional breeding industry characterized by raising chickens and ducks.

1.1.2 After full preparation and careful arrangement, the school organized teachers to lead students to take advantage of the town market day to carry out the activity of "sending science and technology to farmers and serving the people". Publicize agricultural scientific and technological knowledge to farmers and popularize practical agricultural technology. More than 300000 copies of agricultural practical technology publicity materials and rural policy publicity materials prepared by our school were sent to farmers, more than 200 people repaired televisions, washing machines, small household appliances, etc. for farmers, and more than 100 veterinary and freshwater aquaculture technology consulting activities were carried out. During the summer vacation, students were organized to go deep into farmyards and professional farms. On the one hand, they promoted practical agricultural technology to farmers, publicized the Party's rural economic policies, and trained professional farmers to improve breeding technology, playing the role of "little man". On the other hand, students applied what they learned to solve practical problems encountered in production, and played the role of integrating theory with practice, They also learned from farmers what they did not know in books. Improve and train the students' practical ability.

Part 4: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Key words: aquaculture; Teaching practice; measures

The primary task of higher education is to cultivate senior professionals with innovative ability and practical operation ability. [1]

The College of Marine Science and Engineering of Qingdao Agricultural University is a provincial application-oriented agricultural university. In order to meet the needs of building a "marine granary", the major of aquaculture aims to cultivate high-quality application-oriented professionals with innovative ability and practical operation ability. Comprehensive teaching practice can enable students to combine theory with production practice, better master professional skills, cultivate students' innovative consciousness, ability to analyze and solve problems, hard work and spirit of solidarity and cooperation. It is an integral part of the teaching process and a necessary means for students to carry out vocational skills training before graduation. [2] In the teaching process of deepening the reform of higher education and improving the quality of talents, after years of efforts of aquaculture teachers, a stable practice base has been established. In order to achieve the desired purpose in the practice process, it is very necessary to take the following practical measures.

1. Mobilization before internship

Mobilization before practice is an important link before teaching practice. This process should make students understand the significance, objectives, precautions, arrangements and requirements of comprehensive teaching practice, arouse students' attention, mobilize students' enthusiasm, and avoid the blindness of practice. In addition, the instructor needs to give a brief introduction to the breeding situation of each internship site, and carry out pre internship training, so that students can initially understand the breeding objects, tasks and assessment requirements of their internship and further prepare materials related to the internship.

2. Implementation of internship process

Students should apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned to practical production in the process of practice teaching, master relevant practical skills, and fully guarantee the students' principal position and cultivate the sense of independent participation under the guidance and supervision of teachers. In order to achieve the desired goal, instructors and students should do the following.

(1) Overcome the blindness of practice. Students have some blindness in the process of practice, and often regard comprehensive practice as productive labor. Instructors can guide and inspire students to find, analyze and solve problems, and guide teachers to regularly reserve relevant problems in combination with practical content, so that students can practice with problems, think more in the process of practice, and give full play to the auxiliary role of instructors.

(2) Improve teachers' practical production skills. Some young teachers have rich theoretical knowledge, but they lack the corresponding production technology and practical experience to guide production. The content of class often cannot be combined with production, and sometimes they cannot give convincing answers to productive questions raised by students. Encouraging comprehensive teaching practice to use the "three combinations of production, teaching and research" method to enrich the practical production skills of instructors, improve their ability to guide production, enrich classroom content, and also broaden their knowledge, activate their thinking, which is conducive to further proposing new research topics. According to the needs of teaching and scientific research, the project will be combined with the practice base, so that students can carry out relevant scientific research work according to the plan, obtain certain data, and further improve their ability to analyze and solve problems.

(3) Discussion and report of teachers and students. Multimedia as a modern teaching means makes the teaching effect more vivid. The practice contents of students in different practice locations and groups are different. In order to enable students to acquire more practical knowledge, special seminars can be held at regular intervals during the practice process. After returning to school, practical students from different bases will reply to the entire practice contents through multimedia reports, and evaluate and reward them. This process requires making relevant specimens Photos and videos can broaden students' knowledge and enrich teaching content.

(4) Increase the construction of school practice bases. The comprehensive teaching practice of aquaculture can basically be successfully completed in the enterprise practice base, but the practice content should follow the enterprise, and the students' practice content is not comprehensive. Therefore, the construction of its own practice base and the targeted comprehensive teaching practice will lead to better teaching results. For this reason, the aquaculture major of the College of Marine Science and Engineering of Qingdao Agricultural University has also built its own practice bases in Laizhou, Jimo and other places. This measure will enable graduates of aquaculture major to master more comprehensive professional skills.

3. Assessment

The assessment consists of daily assessment and final assessment of practice instructors, enterprise technicians and management personnel. The usual assessment is based on the students' actual operation and drill, diary and homework scores. At the end of the internship, the assessment includes the results of the internship report, the report performance, and the students' random answer, comprehensively measuring the students' learning effect and practical ability.

4. Summary

In the comprehensive teaching practice of applied talents in aquaculture specialty, we have made a series of reforms and explorations, and the practice effect has been praised by students, experts and enterprises. However, talent cultivation is a systematic project that keeps pace with the times. In some aspects, we need to take more favorable measures to cultivate application-oriented talents with "strong ability, heavy application and high quality" for aquaculture specialty.


[1] Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China [Z]. 1998

Part 5: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Key words: talent training mode of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression" for aquatic products specialty

CLC No.: G712.0 Document ID No.: A Article No.: 1674-098X (2016) 11 (b) - 0138-04

The training goal of higher vocational education is to train highly skilled talents for production, construction, management and service. How to carry out education and teaching reform, improve the quality of professional talent training, and complete the task of transporting high-quality skilled talents for local economic and social development is an important issue faced by higher vocational educators [1-4]. The Department of Fishery Science and Technology has explored and implemented the talent training mode of "school enterprise interaction and three-stage progression", centering on the training goal of highly skilled talents in the aquaculture industry, the school enterprise deep integration and joint training of students, focusing on the cultivation of professional post ability, taking the combination of work and learning as the breakthrough point, introducing professional environment resources into the teaching process, and taking professional ability evaluation as the core, The professional quality and operation skills of students have been improved, and a batch of fishery technical talents with high comprehensive quality and strong practical ability have been cultivated. They are welcomed by employers. For five consecutive years, the employment rate of graduates majoring in fishery in the college has been 100%, and the supply exceeds the demand. This paper mainly introduces the implementation process, existing problems and countermeasures of the talent training mode of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression" for aquatic science and technology department in recent years.

1. The implementation process of the talent training model of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression"

1.1 Revision of talent training program of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression"

Aquaculture specialty is an applied discipline with strong practicality. The specialty teaching must be closely connected with the actual production. On the basis of emphasizing theoretical teaching, highlight practical teaching, so that the teaching can achieve the unity of knowledge and practice, and the consistency of theory and practice [5-8]. Therefore, the Department revises the talent training program of aquaculture every year, revises some curriculum settings, teaching content and talent training mode of aquaculture specialty according to the latest development of the industry and the needs of employers, and invites experts from industry enterprises to demonstrate the talent training program. In the talent training program for six consecutive years from 2007 to 2012, the school and enterprise jointly improved the professional talent training program, making productive practical teaching run through the whole process of talent training. Guided by the enterprise production process, taking the fishery production process as the main line, and taking the enterprise employment requirements as the standard, during the critical period of fishery production, students participated in production practice and learned technical and theoretical knowledge, Finally, through on-the-job training, the cognitive profession, cognitive industry and cognitive employment are gradually promoted, and high-quality employment is finally achieved.

Finally, the school tracks and understands the work of graduates every year, communicates with production and employment units, and conducts in-depth discussion and research on the employment quality, specialty construction and talent training mode reform of aquatic students. In 2009, we began to explore how to incorporate productive practical training into the talent training model to cultivate students' operational skills; Since 2010, some new courses have been added in the aquaculture technology talent training program to strengthen students' professional skills and comprehensive quality, such as Aquatics, Aquaculture Water Treatment Technology, Veterinary Drugs GMP and Certification, Installation and Maintenance of Family Aquarium, Crustacean Breeding and other courses. Through the opening of new courses, students' professional ability and quality have been improved, It is well received by aquatic students and employers.

1.2 Construction of practical teaching curriculum system

In the process of practical teaching, the college made full use of the training room and the internal and external training bases to strengthen practical teaching, strengthen skill training, comprehensively cultivate students' practical ability and ability to solve practical technical problems in production, improve students' professional application ability in production, and at the same time use the summer to let students directly participate in breeding production practice, so that each student can become a solid foundation Highly skilled talents with excellent skills, so as to achieve the goal of cultivating highly skilled talents in aquaculture specialty.

On the one hand, by strengthening the construction of training bases and training rooms inside and outside the school, we constantly improve the conditions for running a school and enhance the comprehensive strength of running a school. In recent years, efforts have been made to strengthen the construction of the school training base, which has achieved phased results. Six training rooms, including the Aquatic Training Center and Aquatic Biology Training Room, have been built; At the same time, we have cooperated with some enterprises to strengthen the construction of stable off campus training bases. Up to now, there have been more than 10 stable on campus and off campus training bases for aquaculture majors, and students can be arranged to practice according to teaching needs. On the other hand, by strengthening the practical teaching link and increasing the practical teaching hours, the proportion of practical teaching and theoretical teaching is close to 6:4. The theoretical teaching hours are 1217 class hours, accounting for 43.02% of the total teaching hours, and the practical teaching hours are 1612, accounting for 56.98% of the total teaching hours.

1.3 Implementation process of talent training mode of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression"

This talent training mode is guided by the enterprise production process, takes the fishery production process as the main line, and takes the enterprise employment requirements as the standard. During the critical period of fishery production, students participate in the production practice of relevant fishery related enterprises, learn technical theoretical knowledge, realize the gradual advancement of cognition of specialty, industry, and employment, and lay a solid foundation for high-quality employment of students.

(1) Cognitive specialty.

The first to third semesters are mainly based on the campus training room and campus training base, and the public courses, professional basic courses and core technology courses are completed. In the first semester, I will mainly study basic cultural courses on campus, majoring in military theory, college English, situation and policy, ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis, and an introduction to ideology and socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to strengthen basic quality education and cultivate students' comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic qualities; In the second semester, major in professional basic courses, including ichthyology, aquatic biology, general zoology, etc., strengthen vocational basic education, and cultivate students' professional basic skills; The 3W period mainly focuses on pond fish farming, water environment detection and protection, aquatic animal disease prevention, aquatic animal nutrition and feed and other professional technical courses, strengthens vocational skills education, adopts the integrated teaching method of theory and practice, regularly goes to the aquatic practice training center and professional training room to carry out aquaculture production skills training, consolidate theoretical knowledge, study professional skills diligently, and rotate jobs regularly, Practice job skills repeatedly.

In recent years, the Department of Aquatic Science and Technology has strengthened the construction of the campus training base (Aquatic Training Center), which is located in the Jiangsu Modern Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Demonstration Park, where the pond area is 200 mu, the pond conditions are good, and the facilities and equipment are superior, mainly cultivating grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, crucian carp, mandarin fish, etc, In addition, there is a 10 mu recreational fishing pond and an 8 mu field (used for planting ryegrass and sudangrass eaten by herbivorous fish). The main training projects in the campus training base are aquatic biology, pond fish culture, water environment detection and other courses, focusing on training students' basic job skills. Since 2010, through the construction of national backbone vocational colleges, the Department of Aquatic Science and Technology has built two sets of water recycling aquaculture systems, which have been put into use.

In order to give full play to students' subjective initiative, let students make good use of winter, summer and holidays to carry out social practice surveys. Under the guidance of the instructor, students actively participate in winter and summer vacations and weekends and holidays. On the one hand, they use the weekends to arrange first-year aquatic students to visit the demonstration park's aquatic training center and participate in some routine production training, usually 1-2 times per semester, so that the school can understand the basic occupational environment. In the training base, new students can understand the basic content of the major and the connotation and extension of the major from their senses, so as to cultivate students' interest in the major and further enhance their confidence in learning the major. On the other hand, in the third semester, students were organized to visit some farms, animal medicine companies, and feed companies on the spot, and had a discussion with front-line personnel to enhance their professional cognitive ability, laying the foundation for going out of campus and being truly independent in society. Perceptual knowledge is the most intuitive, and the demonstration education in the training base is one of the most direct ways.

(2) Recognize the industry.

The fourth semester focuses on off campus training bases to cultivate basic job skills. The Department of Aquatic Science and Technology has continuously strengthened cooperation with scientific research institutes, feed, fishery and pharmaceutical enterprises and breeding farms inside and outside the province, explored cooperation between schools and enterprises to cultivate talents, and has successively established 15 stable off campus practice and training bases, mainly including Tongwei Group, Zhengda Group, Tianbang Co., Ltd., Wuxi Zhongshun Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Beikang Pharmaceutical, etc. In school enterprise cooperation and talent cultivation, we should make full use of the talent, technology, advanced facilities and other resources of these off campus training bases to improve the conditions for running schools and enhance the strength of running schools. Every year, the Department of Fisheries Science and Technology arranges about half a year from April to August to allow each student to directly participate in enterprise production or technical services, cultivate students' ability to solve practical problems in production, make them understand and familiar with production links, enhance their dedication and sense of responsibility, and cultivate students' comprehensive qualities such as hard work and entrepreneurship, To achieve the goal of cultivating highly skilled talents.

The main training items for aquatic specialty learning in the off campus training base are common fish breeding technology, crustacean fry production technology, aquatic animal disease prevention technology, feed marketing and technical services, fishery medicine marketing and technical services, bait biological cultivation, ornamental fish breeding technology, etc. According to the fishery production season and the actual needs of the enterprise, the department will focus on arranging students to go to the enterprise as apprentices. Students will work, teachers will teach, and work and learn at the same time; At the same time, the Department appoints full-time teachers and enterprise tutors to jointly guide and assess students' comprehensive practical ability, and further strengthen and improve professional and technical level according to students' interests and enterprise needs.

(3) Cognitive employment.

The fifth semester focuses on the campus training room and campus training base to strengthen comprehensive skills training. According to the students' personal interests, choose the direction of professional development and teachers' key guidance, so as to build a good foundation for students' development and prepare them for graduation and employment. In order to effectively strengthen students' professional skills and organize students to participate in vocational skills identification examinations, the identification work carried out by the Department of Aquatic Science and Technology currently mainly includes several types of work, such as aquatic biological disease prevention workers, freshwater adult fish breeders, and feed laboratory workers. In addition, since 2011, the Department of Aquatic Science and Technology has organized students of all graduation classes who are excellent in both academic and moral qualities to participate in the National Veterinary Practitioner (Aquatic Animals) Qualification Examination, and selected the best teachers to carry out student training, so as to ensure that each student can obtain one or more skill certificates during school, and increase students' employment opportunities and competitiveness.

In the sixth semester, school enterprise cooperation enterprises will be the main part, and on-the-job training will be carried out. In the post practice training enterprise, enterprise tutors and full-time teachers of the department jointly complete the guidance and assessment of students' comprehensive practical ability, so that students can form good professional comprehensive quality, and take employment as an important indicator to evaluate students' post practice training achievements. Through various ways of feedback, we know that students have gained a lot in the enterprise post practice training. Students generally reflect that they have not only learned the principles of life that can not be learned from books, but also generally improved their comprehensive professional ability. Emotional control ability, strain ability, insight ability, psychological endurance ability, and expression ability have been exercised and improved.

Through the campus talent recruitment fair held by the college every year, students sign agreements with enterprises to go to enterprises for on-the-job training. During on-the-job training, let students directly participate in enterprise production and technical services. Due to strict training and assessment, solid theoretical foundation and excellent professional skills, most students in the enterprise can work directly, and can serve the enterprise without training.

2 Existing problems and countermeasures

2.1 How to give play to enterprise initiative and explore the "win-win" mechanism of school enterprise cooperation

The school and the enterprise jointly analyze the employment requirements and professional standards of the industry, determine the curriculum content and system, make productive training run through the whole process of talent training, improve the curriculum teaching mode according to the seasonality of aquaculture production and the pertinence of technical services, and cultivate highly skilled talents in short supply for enterprises; Schools and enterprises jointly develop school enterprise cooperation textbooks, undertake the task of student training, effectively let enterprises participate in the process of talent training, and explore the "win-win" mechanism of school enterprise cooperation.

2.2 How to establish a school enterprise dual management system for student management in the training base to ensure the effect of student training

The enterprise manages and assesses students according to the staff management system, the school assigns full-time teachers to manage and educate students, and implements the dual management of school and enterprise internship. Give full play to the role of enterprise culture and environment in educating people, and establish a management system in which the school and enterprise have clear responsibilities, communicate with each other, and coordinate with each other.

2.3 How to improve the operation mechanism of the talent training mode of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression" and promote the reform of agricultural vocational education

Through in-depth research and implementation in the next few years, schools and enterprises will work together to improve the operating mechanism of the talent training model of "school enterprise interaction, three-step progressive", give full play to the advantages of enterprise resources and mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, form a brand, lead the reform of talent training model for aquaculture professionals in agricultural vocational colleges, and carry out demonstration and promotion to similar colleges and universities.

3 Conclusion

Through extensive interviews and research, we have in-depth understanding of the actual needs of the enterprise, take "cultivating the future employees in short supply, cultivating potential users of the enterprise, and promoting technological upgrading of the industry" as the win-win point and entry point, work together with the enterprise to make common progress, and jointly implement the talent training mode of "school enterprise interaction, three-step progression" of the aquaculture specialty, highlight professionalism, and emphasize open education, The whole process of vocational quality training has been achieved, and the three-level abilities of "cognitive specialty, cognitive industry, and cognitive employment" have been built in order, which has cultivated students' self-confidence, sunny mentality, and good learning habits, in line with the talent training law of China's higher vocational education.

Over the years since the implementation of the talent training model of "school enterprise linkage and three-step progression" for aquaculture specialty, the comprehensive quality and skill level of graduates have significantly improved, especially in their practical ability and ability to solve practical technical problems, which shows obvious advantages and is welcomed by employers. In the past five years, the employment rate of graduates has remained at 100%, mainly engaged in production, sales, technical services and management in feed companies, breeding farms and fishery drug companies. According to the analysis of the independent survey report of MyCOS in 2012, the proportion of aquaculture graduates engaged in work matching with their majors, employment quality and salary satisfaction rate rank top among the 52 majors of the university and are far higher than similar universities. In 2013, according to the Annual Report on Social Demand and Training Quality of Jiangsu Vocational College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology, the average monthly income of graduates majoring in aquaculture technology was 3041 yuan, far higher than the average level of the whole school; The correlation between the work and the major of graduates of aquaculture technology reached 86%. The turnover rate of this major within half a year was only 18%, which was low for two consecutive years. It was the major with the highest stability rate of graduates of the college, and the professional stability rate reached 82%; The proportion of graduates majoring in aquaculture technology who are willing to recommend their alma mater is 82%. According to the feedback, students majoring in aquaculture can quickly adapt to their jobs, and their work ability is outstanding. Many students have made outstanding achievements. At present, aquaculture technology has become a new major with distinctive characteristics, high employment rate and strong adaptability of students.

Some of the above views are the superficial understanding of all colleagues in the Department of Fisheries Science and Technology over the years, how to further improve the effect of the talent training model of "school enterprise interaction, three-step progressive", strengthen the professional skills of students majoring in fisheries in higher vocational colleges, comprehensively cultivate highly skilled talents, and cultivate and deliver qualified highly skilled talents and high-quality workers for the society, We need to constantly explore, think and summarize in practice.


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[5] Xu Chao. Curriculum Design and Teaching Reform Practice of Aquaculture Major in Higher Vocational Education [J]. Journal of Liaoning Higher Vocational Education, 2002, 4 (4): 59-60

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Chapter 6: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

At present, with the rapid development of China's blue economy, the aquaculture industry has also ushered in more development opportunities. How to train a large number of front-line technical talents in aquaculture through adult higher education is a new problem for agricultural colleges and universities. How to adjust the current teaching system, methods and means of aquaculture specialty to meet the needs of front-line technical talents in aquaculture field for professional education under the new situation, and realize the rapid cultivation of practical technical talents. In this paper, the above issues are explored and summarized for the reference of colleagues.

1. Adjust the course structure, select teaching content, integrate teaching materials, and carry out targeted teaching activities

Aquaculture is a multi-disciplinary, systematic and highly professional discipline. The teaching process pays more attention to the study of various biological problems by taking biology and the water environment as a whole. It requires not only the teaching of theoretical courses, but also the understanding of the relationship between aquatic animals and plants and the water environment in practice as a whole collected and collated by the paper alliance, Therefore, we should correctly handle the relationship between theoretical teaching and experimental teaching of professional courses, the relationship between imparting knowledge and ability training, the relationship between traditional teaching content and modern knowledge renewal, and carry out teaching content reform according to the requirements of adult higher education talent training objectives. It includes reasonably reducing the theoretical teaching hours of professional basic courses, adjusting the proportion of theoretical, experimental and practical teaching to make the curriculum structure more reasonable; Select the teaching content, transfer part of the course content of morphological observation to the experimental class, and combine theory with experimental observation to improve students' ability to combine theory with practice. In addition, relevant new technologies, new processes and the latest research achievements of the specialty shall be supplemented in time in teaching activities, and their application in production practice shall be discussed with students. The practice found that this teaching link was recognized by the majority of students, and the classroom atmosphere was warm.

2 Diversified and open teaching environment and flexible learning mechanism

A prominent feature of aquaculture is its strong seasonality, so this feature should be fully considered in the teaching design, and the opening time of some courses should be linked with the subsequent experiments and practice links. After the theoretical courses are completed, students can enter the corresponding breeding base for practical training immediately, and the teaching environment is diversified. At the same time, we integrated the practice content of related courses, planned the single practice of each course into the comprehensive practice teaching plan, increased the practice hours, so that students could experience the whole process of breeding production as far as possible, accumulate work experience, avoid "walking around" in the practice process, make the teaching plan and teaching content more targeted and practical, and highlight the practical teaching effect. In addition, at the beginning of students' enrollment, a questionnaire survey was carried out to find out the stage of conflict between students' work and learning time, formulate a centralized learning time, comprehensively use a variety of teaching methods to achieve a reasonable combination of decentralized teaching and centralized learning, and some courses were taught online without restricting students' work, Courses requiring on-site guidance by teachers, especially experimental courses, are concentrated in the off-season of aquaculture industry. This flexible learning mechanism not only solves the contradiction that teaching activities in adult higher education are easily limited by time and space, ensures the teaching quality of adult higher education, but also strengthens the confidence of students to successfully complete their studies, which also has a good role in promoting the enrollment of adult education.

Chapter 7: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Key words: higher vocational education; Aquaculture; Practical teaching

CLC No.: G712 Document ID No.: B Article No.: 1671-489X (2012) 24-0128-02

Exploration of Practical Teaching Model for Aquaculture Major in Higher Vocational Education based on Production Process//Wang Weixin, Bai Yan

Abstract Production process oriented practical teaching model is the main model of nowadays’ higher vocational education. The production process of aquaculture industry has its own characteristic. Taking the production process of system for working process can improve the professional technical skill faster. At the same time, the corresponding construction of courses system and perfect mechanism for appraisal is the guarantee of the practice’s result.

Key words higher vocational education; aquaculture major; practical teaching

Author’s address College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China 121001

The goal of higher vocational and technical education is to cultivate comprehensively developed higher technical application-oriented professionals, so that students, on the basis of having the necessary basic theories and expertise, can focus on mastering the basic ability and basic skills to engage in practical work in their professional fields, and have good professional ethics and professionalism. In order to adapt to the development of the situation and the needs of reform, the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science and Aquaculture Teaching and Research Section of Liaoning Medical College organized a professional task team to seek the opinions of industry experts, focus on the northern coastal talent market, conduct research on the demand of aquaculture professionals, and determine their own school running direction. And in the past few years, we have been constantly exploring and improving the teaching, especially in the construction of the practical training teaching system. We have made positive exploration and reform attempts, and achieved good results.

1 The practical training teaching based on the working process is to accelerate the improvement of students' practical ability

Important ways of

The orientation of talent cultivation in higher vocational education is to cultivate highly skilled talents with necessary theoretical knowledge and strong practical ability who are needed in the front line of production, construction, management and service. Practical abilities such as integrating theory with practice, hands-on operation and production planning are important indicators for measuring and evaluating talents cultivated at the level of higher vocational education. The practical ability must be acquired and improved in practice. The practical teaching forms in higher vocational education include course experiment practice and production practice, among which productive practice, especially post practice, can best approach students' future professional roles. The purpose of practical training teaching is to make students familiar with the work process, master the skills required by the job through training, and realize students' zero distance employment. At present, school enterprise cooperation and work study combination are the basic teaching modes advocated by higher vocational colleges [1-2].

The so-called work process refers to a complete work procedure for completing work tasks and obtaining work results. It focuses on how to complete work tasks. A complete work process can also be broken down into multiple work steps and multiple individual work sub tasks. In general practice teaching, there are some defects such as unclear goals, randomness, and incomplete content. The practical training teaching based on the working process is a practical teaching mode formed by careful design after full investigation and analysis of the knowledge and skills required by the industry post. When students complete all the tasks set, they will have the professional ability required for the corresponding job [3].

2. Features of working process in aquaculture industry

2.1 Follow the natural reproduction and development law of organisms

Aquaculture is a production activity of breeding, cultivating and harvesting aquatic animals and plants under human control. Generally, it includes the whole process of cultivating aquatic products from seedlings under artificial feeding management. The technical methods used in aquaculture must not violate the basic laws of natural reproduction and development of organisms, which is different from science and engineering majors. The manufacturing or service industry can use different technical means to achieve a task or a product, and the adoption sequence of many processes or methods can be flexible. For example, in food processing, there can be a variety of cooking methods, and the amount of spices and the order of addition can also be adjusted. However, this is not the case for living production of animals and plants. It must adopt some artificial methods based on the basic breeding process of organisms from parents, larvae and adults, and these methods are close to the original ecological environment of organisms. Therefore, the practical teaching of aquaculture specialty based on the working process should also follow the laws of animal production and follow the determined production links, so that students can systematically master practical production technology and verify the theoretical knowledge they have learned.

2.2 Seasonal production

Aquatic economic animals, including fish, shrimps and crabs, shellfish, echinoderms, amphibians, reptiles, etc., are all temperature changing animals. Their feeding, growth, and reproduction all change with the season, and they have hibernation or summer sleep habits. In essence, they are affected by the water temperature and the abundance of food brought about by the seasonal change. Although there is a factory facility fishery production mode that can control the temperature, due to the high cost, it is only suitable for some breeding varieties with high economic value, which is more than indoor seawater breeding. The mainstream aquaculture forms, especially the finished product aquaculture, are mostly outdoor water aquaculture. In addition, most of the seedling raising work is mainly carried out in spring, which can be advanced or delayed as appropriate according to the market supply and demand and whether there are temperature control measures to increase benefits. Therefore, aquaculture production is seasonal, which is not like animal husbandry, nor industrial projects. The implementation of aquaculture should fully investigate the market, and plan the internship content according to the breeding varieties and seasons.

Chapter 8: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Development of talent supply and demand pattern Expectation training mode Undergraduate education Aquaculture of Shanghai Ocean University (formerly Shanghai Fisheries University) is a national key discipline, with a long history of running schools, strong faculty, many national and Shanghai quality courses, many famous teachers and other advantages. As a century old school that was the first to build this major in China, has a history of more than 90 years of discipline and specialty construction, and once had a very important impact on the construction of aquaculture specialty in China, it has carried out a series of reforms and improvements on aquaculture undergraduate education to meet the challenges and opportunities brought by the new era.

1、 Re orientation of talent training objectives

In view of the fact that there are more than 48 undergraduate colleges and universities with aquaculture specialty in China at present, Shanghai Ocean University has targeted the cultivation of aquaculture professionals at the new goal of cultivating and transporting high-end aquaculture talents for the country. In order to cultivate a large number of aquaculture professionals who have a sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, an ambition to devote themselves to the national aquaculture cause, an international vision, a solid professional foundation, excellent political and professional quality, and strong innovation ability.

2、 Optimization and improvement of training plan and curriculum system

In view of the prominent contradiction between the simplification of professional training programs and the diversification of talent demand in the past, we have vigorously reformed, optimized and improved the training plans and training programs for undergraduate talents with the goal of cultivating high-end aquatic talents as the orientation, and the talent training laws for undergraduate majors as the starting point, So as to formulate the overall plan and training program of talent cultivation that meet the needs of diversified talents, and make it more in line with the needs of high-end aquaculture talent cultivation with different application trends, such as academic, application and management.

3、 Deepen teaching reform

Teaching reform includes building an international teaching team; Set up characteristic professional courses and adopt international teaching methods.

1. Construction of international high-level teaching team

Determine the position of each teacher (courses undertaken) to meet the needs of professional teaching; Complete the transformation of teachers' profession and professional title series, and gradually make the professional title series consistent with the teaching work. Further improve the guarantee and incentive mechanism, and take the opportunity of the construction of core courses of aquaculture discipline (such as "Fish Culture", "Shellfish Culture", "Shrimp and Crab Culture" and other core courses) to establish a curriculum group with excellent teachers as the leaders, a strong sense of reform, reasonable structure and high teaching quality The curriculum group and professional centered teaching team should strengthen the training mechanism for young and middle-aged teachers.

2. Set up professional courses with international standards

Develop school-based teaching materials that meet the needs of professional teaching and students' actual conditions, make theoretical teaching practical, pay attention to practical teaching, and form a curriculum teaching model that integrates theory and practice; Initiate and promote the construction of high-quality courses, build scientific and reasonable curriculum groups and innovative curriculum system, and comprehensively improve the teaching quality.

3. Adopt international teaching methods

On the basis of building a team of teachers with an international perspective, we will introduce, digest and learn from international popular teaching methods to achieve the purpose of developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

4、 Vigorous construction of teaching platform, especially practical teaching platform

Aquaculture is a subject with strong theory and application. In addition to solid basic theory and professional knowledge, the cultivation and improvement of practical ability and adaptability are also the core of professional education. Make full use of the existing key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and the key laboratory of the Ministry of Education and other campus research bases to provide more powerful platform support for undergraduate students in innovation activities and graduation theses, and form an in-depth reform of education. Cooperate with a number of leading aquaculture enterprises and scientific research institutions to build production, education and research bases. Through "social research on industry development", "summer action of science and technology", "fish culture festival", "river crab contest", "ornamental fish association" and other educational activities, professional feelings are cultivated.

5、 Establish professional employment security system

By strengthening the cooperation with employers, we can improve the quality of graduates, promote the employment of students in their majors, improve the quality of employment, and meet the diversified needs of employers to the greatest extent.

1. Employment of academic talents

The academic talents trained in aquaculture specialty will become the source of graduate students for aquaculture research institutes and universities. First of all, it can meet the growing demand for graduate students, including undergraduate research guarantee and undergraduate and postgraduate continuous study. At the same time, it can send graduate students to China's fisheries research institutes and universities, and also send students abroad for further study.

2. Employment of entrepreneurial and innovative talents (application talents I)

The trained application-oriented talents mainly provide advanced technical talents and management talents for leading enterprises and large state-owned enterprises. Establish extensive cooperation and contact with overseas scientific research and production units. Open up the overseas employment market of this major, so that students who originally planned to go abroad may continue to work in this industry. The development of leading enterprises in the industry represents the leading level of the industry. Sending students to practice in leading enterprises in the industry can enable students to enter the working environment in advance.

3. Employment of management talents (application talents II)

Such talents will be oriented to the technology promotion and administrative management of the aquaculture industry. Its employment security work is divided into the following two aspects: on the one hand, establish extensive cooperative relations with fishery authorities, sign cooperation agreements with local and surrounding provincial and municipal fishery authorities, and jointly cultivate students of this major with the goal of delivering technical promotion and administrative management talents to the county and city level fishery departments. On the other hand, we strongly support students of this major to participate in national and local projects such as the "Three Supports and One Support Plan", the "Volunteer Service Western Plan", and the "Village Officer Plan".


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[2] Yang Chenguang. Finding the Integration Point of Talent Cultivation and Industry Demand [N]. China Education Daily, 2011-04-02 (1)

[3] Qu Xiaobo. Promoting Teaching with Scientific Research and Improving the Quality of Talent Cultivation [J]. Journal of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007, (2): 89

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Chapter 9: Sample Introduction to Aquaculture

Strengthen management from production

First, carry out standardized healthy breeding. In 2016, 730 demonstration farms and 12 demonstration counties were newly established for healthy aquaculture; Establish traceability pilots for aquatic product quality and safety in 6 counties (cities) and demonstration counties for aquatic product quality and safety in 4 counties (cities).

Second, improve the aquaculture standard system. We strengthened the sorting and integration of existing standards. 65 standards were approved throughout the year. Up to now, there are 893 current national and industrial standards and 1918 local standards.

Third, carry out technical training for production and operation entities. It organized and carried out the activities of popularizing the science of standardized drug use in aquaculture to the countryside, carried out the forecast of aquatic animal epidemics, guided the fishermen to use drugs scientifically and rationally, and held more than 4000 training courses.

Fourth, strengthen the management of breeding environment. Carry out experimental demonstration of aquaculture energy-saving and emission reduction technology in 8 provinces and cities. In Dongting Lake District, we carried out a pilot project to control the pollution of livestock and poultry aquaculture, dismantled 7784 cages, covering an area of 210000 square meters, cleared 44000 mu of the Wai Wai, and prohibited feeding and fertilizing 97 breeding water surfaces, covering an area of 93000 mu.

Strengthen supervision

In 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) nationwide, supervision and spot checks were carried out, involving 19 main varieties, 6 prohibited drugs, and 4964 samples.

We deployed and carried out the special rectification work of "three fish and two drugs", strengthened the linkage between inspection and detection, and seriously investigated and dealt with unqualified aquatic products. To organize and carry out cross supervision on the law enforcement of aquatic product quality and safety nationwide. In 2016, the qualification rates of malachite green and nitrofuran in the "three fish and two drugs" were 99.9%, 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points higher than the previous year respectively. The pass rate of routine market monitoring was 95.9%, 0.4 percentage points higher than the previous year, the highest level in history. The pass rate of turbot spot check was significantly improved, and the special rectification achieved remarkable results.

Strengthen public opinion publicity and response