Civil Service Periodical Network Selected Model Essays Model essay on the introduction of computer it

Selected Introduction to Computer It (9)

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 Introduction to Computer It

Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer It Teaching Model

Key words: professional English; teaching pattern; Teaching methods; innovate

CLC No.: G642.41 Document code: A Article No.: 1674-9324 (2015) 11-0184-02

English is an important international language and an important tool for international communication. At present, many students in many domestic colleges and universities study "College Basic English" in order to successfully pass the CET-4 and CET-6 national English proficiency tests and obtain the corresponding level certificates. Therefore, students attach great importance to "College Basic English". However, after passing the CET-4 and CET-6, based on the difficulty and dryness of English learning, many students' interest, enthusiasm and energy in English learning have been greatly reduced, and most students are not interested in "professional English" learning, thus increasing the difficulty of "professional English" teaching in colleges and universities.

computer Specialized English is a specialized technical course based on "college English" and organically integrated with computer professional technical knowledge, and also plays a transitional role for computer majors to smoothly transition from "college English" to "graduate English". With the rapid development of global economic integration, more and more IT companies and enterprises in China are actively exploring foreign markets. In order to provide qualified computer professionals to the international market and strengthen the language needs of technical and business communication, the importance of "computer professional English" is increasingly prominent. Therefore, how to innovate the teaching mode and teaching method of this course to improve the teaching effect of computer professional English is a new topic that needs to be studied urgently.

1、 The Background and Problems of Computer Engineering English Teaching

As far as the current situation of English higher education in China is concerned, most colleges and universities generally attach great importance to the teaching of "College Basic English", so students' English grammar and English reading abilities are generally strong, but by comparison, students' oral, listening and writing abilities are relatively weak. This is an important feature of the current English exam oriented education in China. With the deepening of education and teaching reform in China, the computer specialty of our school has opened a number of bilingual teaching courses, which plays an important role in cultivating and improving students' professional technical vocabulary learning and English reading ability of computer specialty. However, bilingual teaching courses cannot replace computer specialty English courses. Because, "Specialized English for Computer Science" should be more proficient in the comprehensive use of specialized technical English vocabulary for computer science, as well as the improvement of computer English listening level and English communication skills. For example, technical exchanges in the company and academic exchanges in international conferences include English listening, speaking, reading, writing and other skills. Therefore, how to combine the contents of bilingual courses with computer professional English and practical IT projects more closely to achieve flexible application is an important content of computer professional English curriculum reform. On the other hand, due to the unique education model in China today, students' independent thinking ability, teamwork ability and innovation ability are generally inadequate. The reason is closely related to the current talent training mode, curriculum system, teaching content and practical teaching links in China. In this form, the research on the innovation of computer professional English classroom teaching mode and method is a new subject that needs to be studied urgently in computer talent training in our school.

2、 Exploration and Practice of the Innovation of the Teaching Mode and Method of College "Computer Professional English"

1. Reform of computer professional English curriculum system, teaching content and teaching methods. ① Continuously enrich and innovate the teaching content of professional English courses to enhance students' interest in learning. The traditional mode of Chinese education is mainly based on the knowledge of textbooks taught by teachers, and textbooks have almost become the main resources for students to acquire knowledge. Due to the particularity of computer science, computer science and technology is a major with rapid development and knowledge updating. Therefore, the teaching content of computer English must keep pace with the times. In the course system and teaching reform, we should first change the traditional concept that computer professional English is only an English course. To this end, we should timely understand the curriculum content and knowledge system of computer major in internationally renowned universities, and on the basis of absorbing international advanced computer education concepts, education models, curriculum settings, and knowledge system, we can reasonably construct the most advanced English materials and content that Chinese computer majors should learn and understand today, In order to speed up the renewal of computer professional knowledge in China, the knowledge spoken in professional English should be based on traditional computer knowledge and conventional knowledge, supplemented by the latest technology and knowledge in today's computer science and technology development, expand students' latest knowledge, and improve students' interest in computer technology and scientific and technological innovation, This not only ensures the basic theoretical nature of professional English discipline, but also reflects the cutting-edge nature of the discipline. ② Implement the "student-centered" heuristic teaching mode. The teaching mode will be transformed from "teacher centered" cramming teaching mode to "student-centered" heuristic teaching mode. Based on the explanation of theoretical knowledge, the classroom attaches importance to and strengthens the combination of practical IT projects and theoretical knowledge, advocates students to propose different solutions to problems in different situations, and enables students to improve their ability to analyze and solve problems and professional English dialogue through independent thinking. ③ Reform classroom teaching methods and strengthen practice links. Various teaching methods are used in the classroom. In addition to small topics, students are also required to search for relevant information on the Internet for homework after class. Let students understand that learning is not only to learn the knowledge of textbooks, but also to enrich their knowledge through a large number of extracurricular reading is an effective learning process, which can also cultivate students' independent learning ability. In the practical teaching of computer professional English, actively organize students to introduce or discuss the IT projects that have been done by each person in English, or form a group of several students. The teacher will guide students to discuss how to complete the project in English, and ask students to put forward a design plan to complete the project, discuss its problems, elaborate their views, and discuss together. This teaching method gives students a certain push. After class, students can consciously collect relevant information, and actively exercise their professional oral English and project technical communication and speech skills in English. ④ Create effective assessment methods for students' achievements and abilities. At present, the performance evaluation method of computer professional English course is mainly written examination, supplemented by homework and attendance. This method can not well evaluate students' comprehensive professional English level and English communication ability in IT project development practice. For example, students who are good at basic English, especially those with strong English reading and writing skills, have certain advantages in the written English test; In view of this assessment method of "giving priority to written examination, supplemented by homework and attendance", for some students who are weak in written English but have strong programming ability, project development ability and oral communication ability, it is difficult to reflect the advantages of their own communication ability in the project development process in the English environment, which will be detrimental to the assessment and development of students' comprehensive level. Therefore, we have established a comprehensive evaluation method for computer professional English. The assessment method consists of "attendance+answering questions in class+homework+written examination+English speech" and other links. In the assessment, it is found that the students' English level is inconsistent with the actual comprehensive application level of IT English. Through the use of English conversation in class, students can be familiar with and describe each link of the development process of IT projects. After class, students can search for English materials and talk about small IT projects, so as to improve the students' comprehensive level of computer professional English.

2. Strengthen students' ability to work independently and innovatively, and carry out IT English simulation training in international IT enterprises. At present, many courses of computer specialty in our school have implemented bilingual teaching. After class, due to the lack of practical language environment training for students, the effect of bilingual teaching is not ideal. Therefore, this project adopts the textbook of IT Professional English. This textbook simulates a series of work scenarios of the software development team with the development process of the software project as the clue. At the same time, we carried out IT English simulation training in international IT enterprises in the classroom. Through IT English simulation, we completed the training of software project development projects in the environment of international IT companies, which not only improved students' English expression ability but also familiarized them with international IT project development processes, so that students can become familiar with the process of IT company project development, gain technical English communication ability, business English spoken The comprehensive training and practice process of skills such as technical report writing ability has improved students' comprehensive English level to a certain extent.

3. Pay attention to comprehensive training and improve the comprehensive professional English quality of computer majors. The cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and scientific spirit plays an important role in the talent cultivation strategy. At present, large domestic and international companies have their own corporate culture. In addition to considering students' professional knowledge, students' ability to think independently and find problems and other comprehensive qualities are also an important factor for these enterprises to consider whether they are excellent talents. The scientific spirit of students is also a project considered by the company's human resources. It is also a strategic step to cultivate students' positive, optimistic, persevering, and indomitable spirit. In order to strengthen the cultivation of internationalized talents in our school's computer specialty, this project proposes that it is necessary to comprehensively cultivate and focus on improving the comprehensive quality of computer majors. By organizing students to watch TED and other excellent foreign English speech programs, students can not only understand the thoughts, lives, sentiments and spirits of outstanding foreign scientists, politicians and artists, And it can help students improve their English listening.

3、 Project innovation

With the support and funding of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, this project has carried out reform and practical research on the curriculum system, teaching content and teaching methods of computer professional English, put forward a reform plan suitable for the teaching of computer professional English in our school, as well as effective ways and methods to strengthen practical teaching methods and measures, and improve the comprehensive quality of computer students in our school, Exploring the scientific strategy of cultivating computer English talents has been widely welcomed by professional students and achieved preliminary good teaching results.

In the process of project practice, it is emphasized to be student-centered, so that students can give full play to their initiative in the learning process of professional English, set up different professional English scenarios, so that students can apply their professional knowledge in the context of a variety of English backgrounds, and discuss and communicate together in English under the organization and guidance of teachers, Improve students' professional English communication ability and level. Teachers make full use of the learning environment elements such as situation, collaboration and conversation to give full play to students' learning initiative, enthusiasm and creativity.

Through this course, students are guided by the teacher in class to discuss in groups, which not only exercises students' oral ability and improves their ability to express in professional English, but also promotes students to become familiar with the development process of IT projects from the context, so that the learned English knowledge and professional knowledge can be comprehensively used.

Through the reform of the examination mode of professional English, that is, from the original single written test to the comprehensive ability level test of professional English, namely "written test+oral test", the oral test includes requiring students to defend in English for 5 minutes according to the C++curriculum design they have done before, and to communicate and interact with teachers in English, which has promoted the enthusiasm of students to learn professional English.


Chapter 2: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

Key words: employment engineering project, curriculum reform of computer major

With the continuous progress of social economy and the rapid development of computer and Internet technology, the employment of computer major has become the focus of contradiction on the contrary, and there has been a social phenomenon of concentrated employment for enrollment. The increase of employment pressure shows that the original teaching goal system, curriculum system and knowledge and ability structure can no longer meet the needs of modern enterprise technology development. In order to improve the ability and knowledge structure of computer major students in higher vocational colleges, comprehensively improve the competitiveness of students in the employment market, expand the employment area, and cultivate the talents needed by the market, the Computer Department of Shandong Vocational College of Economics and Trade has made a bold attempt to "reform the computer major curriculum with employment as the guide and practical enterprise engineering projects as the carrier". Here, Combining with the process of teaching reform, this paper discusses some understanding of computer professional training.

1、 Employment Market and Orientation of Computer Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

At present, IT industry has become a pillar industry that accounts for one third of China's market share. The rapid development of IT industry is closely related to the continuous injection of IT talents. IT talents have become the symbol of high-tech in people's minds. In fact, employers have different levels of demand for IT talents and require different knowledge structures. In addition to IT grassroots workers (such as typing, typing, production line assembly, etc.) should be trained by secondary vocational education, we feel that higher vocational education should focus on the training of talents in the following aspects:

1. Design talents (such as web design, graphic advertising design, architecture and home decoration design, greening engineering design, animation design, etc.). With the popularization of computer application, more and more people in all walks of life use computers for image promotion, packaging, design and other work. As a new force in the IT industry market, all kinds of design talents have sprung up, with a wide range of employment markets and a large gap. However, with the continuous upgrading of computer software and the continuous improvement and strength of its functions, this type of talent has changed from the original single type to the composite type. For example, web designers should master not only professional web design software, but also image processing software and website maintenance knowledge. If they can master background technology, they will become valuable talents. Other talents such as architecture, greening and animation design should not only master computer knowledge, but also learn other related knowledge systems. We believe that the cultivation of compound talents is one of the important directions of the development of higher vocational computer education.

2. Office application type (such as secretary, office clerk, administrative assistant, etc.). Such talents need more management knowledge, interpersonal communication and social adaptability in the work process. The main requirements of this kind of work are: proficient in application software, high comprehensive quality and sense of responsibility. In addition to mastering office management software, students should also learn to integrate management knowledge and grasp the basic skills of management.

3. Network talents. In addition to its powerful and advanced functions, the popularity and development of today's computers are mainly attributed to the development of computer networks. The network makes communication and conversation between people close at hand. Network talents have become the mainstay of computer development and computer employment market. Such talents should not only master network technology, but also have innovative spirit and ability.

4. Hair development talents. As the founder of the development and perfection of computers, pioneering talents play a vital role in the IT industry. In the next few years, China's demand potential for software blue collar workers and software engineers is still great.

According to the requirements of higher vocational education and the characteristics of our computer specialty, we currently mainly train office talents, network talents and development talents, while giving consideration to design talents. Next, we plan to increase the training of design talents in the opening of new specialties.

2、 Curriculum reform ideas

1. The guiding ideology of curriculum reform is to focus on professional skills with the goal of professional posts. Divide the teaching module by stages, determine the actual engineering project according to the job position, complete the teaching task with the actual engineering project as the carrier, and finally achieve the employment training goal of students.

2. The training objectives and curriculum are to be familiar with and master the organizational procedures of computer engineering projects, grasp the problem solving methods in computer engineering projects, and master specialized skills for specific posts to skillfully complete specific engineering projects.

According to the overall idea of curriculum reform, the curriculum of our department's computer specialty is set up closely around the training objectives, emphasizing the cultivation of professional ability as the main line, and the occupation or occupational group as the basis, so that students can first accept the common basic education and basic skills training within the occupational group, and then receive professional basic theoretical education, according to their own interests Ability and social needs, choose different professions or professional directions, learn professional knowledge, and carry out vocational skills training. It enables students not only to have greater employment flexibility and adaptability, but also to have professional pertinence. The curriculum is generally divided into three modules. On the basis of the analysis of professional post ability, the curriculum is divided into three stages, which are connected and different, according to the knowledge, ability and quality that the talents should have. Xinchen

The first stage is the teaching stage of "vocational basic module". At this stage, it is emphasized to broaden the foundation and mainly learn some necessary knowledge and skills related to the universality of the profession. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate and educate the ideological and moral character, professional ethics, foreign language ability and other general abilities. At this stage, project teaching is generally not used, but the spirit of project teaching must be permeated into every teaching link.

The second stage is the training stage of "vocational and technical module". This stage is mainly for professional basic theoretical education and professional knowledge learning in different professions, as well as vocational skills training and training. Learning knowledge in the model industry. This module is an important stage of higher vocational education. In terms of curriculum and content arrangement, we integrate and synthesize relevant disciplines in combination with the development level of IT technology, so as to meet the need to learn more updated basic computer knowledge in a relatively short period of time, and the teaching content is broad and solid. At this stage, project teaching can be partially adopted, and the implementation of technical projects in engineering projects should be taken as the teaching means.


Chapter 3: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

Key words: employment engineering project, curriculum reform of computer major

With the continuous progress of social economy and the rapid development of computer and Internet technology, the employment of computer major has become the focus of contradiction on the contrary, and there has been a social phenomenon of concentrated employment for enrollment. The increase of employment pressure shows that the original teaching goal system, curriculum system and knowledge and ability structure can no longer meet the needs of modern enterprise technology development. In order to improve the ability and knowledge structure of computer major students in higher vocational colleges, comprehensively improve the competitiveness of students in the employment market, expand the employment area, and cultivate the talents needed by the market, the Computer Department of Shandong Vocational College of Economics and Trade has made a bold attempt to "reform the computer major curriculum with employment as the guide and practical enterprise engineering projects as the carrier". Here, Combining with the process of teaching reform, this paper discusses some understanding of computer professional training.

1、 Employment Market and Orientation of Computer Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges

At present, IT industry has become a pillar industry that accounts for one third of China's market share. The rapid development of IT industry is closely related to the continuous injection of IT talents. IT talents have become the symbol of high-tech in people's minds. In fact, employers have different levels of demand for IT talents and require different knowledge structures. In addition to IT grassroots workers (such as typing, typing, production line assembly, etc.) should be trained by secondary vocational education, we feel that higher vocational education should focus on the training of talents in the following aspects:

1. Design talents (such as web design, graphic advertising design, architecture and home decoration design, greening engineering design, animation design, etc.). With the popularization of computer application, more and more people in all walks of life use computers for image promotion, packaging, design and other work. As a new force in the IT industry market, all kinds of design talents have sprung up, with a wide range of employment markets and a large gap. However, with the continuous upgrading of computer software and the continuous improvement and strength of its functions, this type of talent has changed from the original single type to the composite type. For example, web designers should master not only professional web design software, but also image processing software and website maintenance knowledge. If they can master background technology again, they will become valuable talents. Other talents such as architecture, greening and animation design should not only master computer knowledge, but also learn other related knowledge systems. We believe that the cultivation of compound talents is one of the important directions of the development of higher vocational computer education.

2. Office application type (such as secretary, office clerk, administrative assistant, etc.). Such talents need more management knowledge, interpersonal communication and social adaptability in the work process. The main requirements of this kind of work are: proficient in application software, high comprehensive quality and sense of responsibility. In addition to mastering office management software, students should also learn to integrate management knowledge and grasp the basic skills of management.

3. Network talents. In addition to its powerful and advanced functions, the popularity and development of today's computers are mainly attributed to the development of computer networks. The network makes communication and conversation between people close at hand. Network talents have become the mainstay of computer development and computer employment market. Such talents should not only master network technology, but also have innovative spirit and ability.

4. Hair development talents. As the founder of the development and perfection of computers, pioneering talents play a vital role in the IT industry. In the next few years, China's demand potential for software blue collar workers and software engineers is still great.

According to the requirements of higher vocational education and the characteristics of our computer specialty, we currently mainly train office talents, network talents and development talents, while giving consideration to design talents. Next, we plan to increase the training of design talents in the opening of new specialties.

2、 Curriculum reform ideas

1. The guiding ideology of curriculum reform is to focus on professional skills with the goal of professional posts. Divide the teaching module by stages, determine the actual engineering project according to the job position, complete the teaching task with the actual engineering project as the carrier, and finally achieve the employment training goal of students.

2. The training objectives and curriculum are to be familiar with and master the organizational procedures of computer engineering projects, grasp the problem solving methods in computer engineering projects, and master specialized skills for specific posts to skillfully complete specific engineering projects.

According to the overall idea of curriculum reform, the curriculum of our department's computer specialty is set up closely around the training objectives, emphasizing the cultivation of professional ability as the main line, and the occupation or occupational group as the basis, so that students can first accept the common basic education and basic skills training within the occupational group, and then receive professional basic theoretical education, according to their own interests Ability and social needs, choose different professions or professional directions, learn professional knowledge, and carry out vocational skills training. It enables students not only to have greater employment flexibility and adaptability, but also to have professional pertinence. The curriculum is generally divided into three modules. On the basis of the analysis of professional post ability, the curriculum is divided into three stages, which are connected and different, according to the knowledge, ability and quality that the talents should have.

The first stage is the teaching stage of "vocational basic module". At this stage, it is emphasized to broaden the foundation and mainly learn some necessary knowledge and skills related to the universality of the profession. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate and educate the ideological and moral character, professional ethics, foreign language ability and other general abilities. At this stage, project teaching is generally not used, but the spirit of project teaching must be permeated into every teaching link.

The second stage is the training stage of "vocational and technical module". This stage is mainly for professional basic theoretical education and professional knowledge learning in different professions, as well as vocational skills training and training. Learning knowledge in the model industry. This module is an important stage of higher vocational education. In terms of curriculum and content arrangement, we integrate and synthesize relevant disciplines in combination with the development level of IT technology, so as to meet the need to learn more and updated basic computer knowledge in a relatively short time. The teaching content is broad and solid. At this stage, project teaching can be partially adopted, and the implementation of technical projects in engineering projects should be taken as the teaching means.

Chapter 4: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

Key words: professional norms; Code of professional ethics; Computer ethics education; social responsibility

1 Problems arising from the gap

At present, many college students need to take part in some vocational training to start work after graduation. In fact, this is all college work. There are many reasons, but as college educators, especially IT professionals, we should really consider how to improve domestic teaching.

It has been reported that new employees of an enterprise in Shanghai need to set up courses in teamwork, business etiquette, corporate culture and other aspects of training, so that new employees can come to work as interns. These phenomena reflect the lack of humanistic education, or general education, in China's IT professional education from one side. In contrast to the contents of the Outline of Student Learning Guidance of Yale University in the United States, we can think deeply:

(1) Educated male and female students must be able to speak their thoughts orally or in writing in their mother tongue.

(2) Students must have the ability to listen, speak, read and write in a foreign language, and be familiar with the literature of the language.

(3) Educated people should learn to look at their own times from a historical perspective. The establishment of this perspective requires learning from other civilizations and cultures, the ancient culture of their own country and the culture of other countries (that is, classics at home and abroad).

(4) Mathematics is the basic language of natural science and social science, and has become an important tool for studying various humanities. Mathematical skills are widely used in all fields of science. Modern men and women cannot be considered educated without understanding the basic principles of mathematics.

(5) A good education also means that the educated know what science is, what has been achieved and what will be achieved in science. Learning science can understand new thinking patterns, enrich people's daily life, and help people appreciate the extremely complex and harmonious nature.

(6) In order to understand social, life, interpersonal and other practical problems, students should learn at least one social science. Well educated men and women must understand the knowledge of living and getting along with others. Modern Americans should especially understand the culture, social system, government and economy of Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Western Europe and the United States [1].

The rapid development of India's IT industry is inseparable from the correct talent training methods. We need to study the talent training methods at home and abroad, learn from the advanced educational experience abroad, and take necessary measures to enhance the sustainability of the development of the IT industry and avoid falling behind the times.

2. Capability characteristics of applied talents

The Research Report on the Development Strategy of Computer Science and Technology Major in Colleges and Universities and Professional Norms (Trial) (2006) prepared by the Computer Science and Technology Teaching Steering Committee in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education of China has very clear training objectives and specifications for computer talents [2]. Combined with teaching practice and scientific research activities, we believe that the abilities that IT application-oriented talents should have should be divided into four levels: professional working ability, professional development ability, social responsibility bearing ability and international cooperation development ability. The specific capabilities of these four aspects are discussed in detail below.

2.1 Professional working ability

Professional work ability is shown as being competent for the work with the same or similar majors, which can be divided into core skills, general industry skills and professional expertise. Professional qualification certification is an internationally accepted method to measure the basic professional ability of practitioners. At present, there are vocational qualification examinations in the software and hardware, network and embedded directions of the IT industry. College students can take these examinations at school to obtain professional professional skills qualification certificates. And schools should help and urge students to complete these basic training and examinations.

Core skills refer to technical skills that are widely used in software or hardware, network, computer applications and other directions. Computer information technology is developing very fast, and many new technologies emerge in endlessly. For example, students who are familiar with Java have more professional abilities than those who are familiar with C language. There are also some classic technical skills, such as programming ability, chip design ability, system design ability, networking ability, etc., which require students to have "unique skills" higher than ordinary people. At present, colleges and universities in China have generally adopted open laboratories, ACM programming competitions, etc. to create campus culture and learning environment, so it is not difficult to achieve this goal in universities.

Common skills in the industry include professional ethics, correct values, good interpersonal relationships, communication and coordination ability, oral and written expression ability, continuous learning ability, and the ability to maintain a healthy body. These abilities are developed slowly from childhood and need to be nurtured in the humanistic education and cultural environment of family, school and society. Compared with the humanistic education in some countries in history and abroad, the current humanistic education in China is far from enough. For example, in the history of our country, there were "three, one hundred, and one thousand" (Three Character Sutra, Hundred Family Surnames, and One Thousand Word Text) enlightenment education, and the education of reading scriptures (Book of Changes, Tao Te Ching, Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, Six Ancestors' Tanjing, etc.), which played a very good role in children's understanding of themselves, others, and nature. The general education of Fudan University is very distinctive. The books that students read include the Book of Songs, the Bible and other classic books, which guide and inspire students to inherit human civilization, and are worthy of promotion and study by domestic colleges and universities.

Table 1 shows the arrangement of general education courses offered by 9 American universities, with the amount of learning accounting for more than 20% of the total amount of learning, and even more than 50% in some universities. The content is more colorful. For example, the whole framework of new general education at Stanford University is divided into three categories and nine fields: the first category is the core curriculum of culture (including three fields, and the first field is the new CIV (Culture, Idea, Value), that is, "various cultures, various ideas, and various values"; The second field is world culture, and the third field is American culture); The second category is the core curriculum of science; The third category is the core curriculum of humanities and social sciences.

Each course needs to be examined and approved by the special committee of the school, and the content is without exception the reading and discussion of traditional classics. One of the books designated to be discussed in ancient and modern Europe is: Dialogues by Prato, Aristotle's Politics, the Bible, Augustine's Confessions, the medieval English literary work Canterbury Story, Machiavelli's Monarchy and other Western traditional classics, plus a non Western traditional classic, But the Koran, which has a great influence in the world. These reflect the characteristics of CIV core courses.

Through these humanistic education, students can understand the current era and social living environment of mankind, find their own ideals, develop basic professional qualities, and have correct values, outlook on life and the ability to communicate and cooperate with people.

2.2 Career development ability

In the information society, due to the continuous development of the Internet, many new technologies have been introduced and many new jobs have been created, while some professions have gradually faded out. The times require lifelong learning. Everyone must be able to learn constantly, plan his own life and adapt to social changes in order to have a full life.

From the people-oriented concept, combined with the characteristics of the information age, we should think more and work harder in our favorite majors. For example, many students like painting and playing with computers, so digital animation, computer decoration design, advertising design, etc. are a good development direction. Another example is that some doctors are very interested in computer technology, so they can explore the application field of information medicine, such as using virtual reality technology to treat autism, phobia, etc. Information technology has a lot of room for development at all levels of human society, and there are many areas that need in-depth research. For example, with the increase of only children, there are many empty nest elderly. It is a good thing for individuals, families and society to use information technology to help realize home care. Another example is the design and development of handheld GPS and pager for the elderly. Once the elderly get lost or need first aid, the problem can be solved quickly.

To improve the career development ability of IT application talents, first, based on their own interests; Second, open mind, interaction and cooperation among different subjects will create new career and career development space; The third is to develop the concept of serving society and people's life, and explore new application fields of computer information technology.

Chapter 5: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

In recent years, computer educators in colleges and universities have made a lot of exploration and practice in the training mode of computer application talents, and have obtained many achievements and valuable experience, such as the school enterprise cooperation training mode, discipline competition training mode, open experimental project teaching mode, project practice based teaching mode, etc. The application of these modes, It has promoted the reform of university training plans and teaching methods, and has achieved certain results in the training of application-oriented IT talents. The author advocates that colleges and universities should take encouraging college students' creative behavior as the starting point, create an open environment with certain coverage for IT creative exchange, and help college students to explore feasible and innovative practical projects, so as to give full play to college students' main profession to provide paper writing and paper writing services. Welcome to the consciousness of, Guide students to actively participate in the teaching process, so that college students can truly become the main body of learning and development, and ultimately achieve the goal of cultivating innovative IT talents with innovative spirit, innovative ability and professional skills.

1 Current training mode and existing problems

With the rapid development of high-tech industry represented by information technology, it has triggered the adjustment of global industrial structure, and the demand for information technology talents in the economic society is increasing. From the perspective of talent demand, the computer specialty is a popular specialty. However, the employment of its graduates has been in an awkward situation: on the one hand, companies and enterprises can not recruit the required computer talents; On the other hand, it is difficult for computer graduates to find jobs. The reason for this contradiction is that colleges and universities do not understand the professional quality, knowledge structure and professional ability needs of computer talents in corresponding positions of companies and enterprises, which leads to the separation of talent cultivation from the actual needs.

At present, in terms of computer talent training, various training modes, which are mainly school enterprise cooperation, are widely adopted by colleges and universities to solve the above problems to a certain extent. The employment competitiveness of computer graduates has been improved, but there are still some shortcomings. For example, the matching rate of computer graduates in recent two years is low, the teaching reform has not fully mobilized the learning initiative and enthusiasm of college students, and the exploration of college students' innovation ability is not deep enough, as shown below:

(1) In the process of cooperation between computer specialty and enterprises, there has always been a weakness in capital investment. Enterprises focus on profits, while schools focus on talent training, which makes this model impossible to spread widely in operation. In the end, enterprises only focus on students who have strong application ability, good quality and can bring benefits, which leads to a lack of extensive benefits for students.

(2) The participation of college students in various competitions is not enough, and there is no strong attention and atmosphere. The college students who participate in various competitions are only some of the outstanding or professional talents in a specific group. Many students may have quite good ideas, but they do not take action because they do not get the necessary technical support.

(3) Graduation design, as an important link to test the degree of college students' professional skills, has attracted much attention. The reason is that the number of topics selected by teachers is limited, and there are graduation design counseling tasks every year. It is easy to form a thinking set, and the given topics are rarely creative.

(4) Open laboratory is an important measure to cultivate application-oriented talents, but its service target orientation is high, and there is also a problem of insufficient coverage. According to the survey report of Xu Jiandong, et al. of Ningbo University, the number of students who participated in the open laboratory in the past three years was less than 10% of the total number. The reason was that most of the activities of the open laboratory were limited to high-level competition projects and research topics, which led to the inability of some students to use the existing open laboratory resources for interesting or creative applied projects.

(5) The initiative and enthusiasm of students' autonomous learning have not really been mobilized. The cultivation of application-oriented talents requires students to master professional knowledge and skills through project practice activities, but most of the motivation for students to participate in these project practice activities comes from the sense of crisis and pressure, rarely from their own interests, which hinders the development of students' creative thinking.

(6) At present, college students' practical activities and social production and life are not relevant enough, and most projects are learning and imitating existing computer technology, lacking innovation and breakthrough.

2 Design ideas of creative cultivation mode for computer application talents

With the arrival of the cloud mobile era, the development of computer technology is gradually shifting from the PC end to a more portable mobile end. Through smart phones, college students can easily access a large number of mobile applications, many of which are creative. They can provide paper writing and paper writing services in combination with their different knowledge structures, family backgrounds, living environments and interest majors. Welcome to Love, which provides a source of inspiration for diverse ideas and creativity. The university has invited senior lecturers from enterprises to give lectures on cutting-edge IT technology, so that freshmen can understand the current research and development and application of cutting-edge IT technology before they contact the core majors, and become the driving force for creative creation of college students; By opening creative project practice activities in the first semester of freshman year and incorporating them into the training plan, students' creative and innovative activities are organized, so that the implementation of students' creative behavior has credit guarantee. On the basis of meeting the above subjective and objective conditions, the school aims to cultivate application-oriented innovative talents, builds a creative cultivation model for college students at the theoretical and institutional level, and builds an IT creative exchange platform. Through the combination of teaching system construction and creative exchange software platform construction, the school encourages college students' creative behavior and explores practical practical projects, To guide and supervise the implementation process of college students' creative projects, so as to improve the enthusiasm and initiative of college students in independent learning, expand the coverage of teaching reform projects, and promote the realization of the goal of cultivating innovative computer talents in colleges and universities.

3. Establishment of relevant systems for creative cultivation mode of computer applied talents

The perfection and rationality of the system is an important guarantee for the successful implementation of the creative cultivation model. The system establishment covers:

(1) Establish a system for collecting, pre examining, classifying and evaluating college students' creativity. The school organizes teachers to preview and classify a large number of ideas and ideas submitted by students through the IT creative exchange platform; Establish an expert database to screen, mine and evaluate the practicability and feasibility of students' creativity and ideas.

(2) Establish the establishment, management and progress supervision system of practical projects. If the creativity evaluated by experts is practical and feasible, it will be established as a practical project, and a project team will be established to organize the implementation. Once the project is established, corresponding management and supervision mechanisms must be established to ensure the implementation of the project.

(3) Establish an appropriate incentive mechanism to improve college students' participation. First, there should be a corresponding incentive mechanism to reward students who put forward practical ideas, such as credit recognition for students who submitted valuable ideas or ideas, or commendation of students who put forward excellent ideas in the form of an IT creative contest. Second, there should be a corresponding system to improve the enthusiasm of students to participate in the project, such as setting credits for students who participate in the project, and awarding students who have completed the project well. Third, for projects that need to use laboratory resources, fixed stations should be arranged in the corresponding open laboratories, and conditions should be created for the project as far as possible. For example, a special fund should be set up to subsidize the cost of consumables required for student projects.

(4) Clarify the responsibilities of teachers and expert team members. Teachers preview and classify the students' creativity through the IT creativity exchange platform, and expert group members evaluate the creativity through the platform. After the creative project is approved, the instructor of the project team should treat the students in a scientific and democratic spirit, and point out the direction of inquiry learning for students.

(5) The establishment of the incentive mechanism for the expert group teachers, such as the calculation of project guidance workload, teacher performance evaluation, etc.

Through the construction and improvement of a series of systems, we try to create conditions for independent learning and collaborative learning for most students, so that students have more opportunities to "externalize" their knowledge in different scenarios, guide students to give full play to their own initiative, guide students to improve their team spirit, and fundamentally achieve rapid knowledge accumulation The purpose of quickly mastering skills and cultivating innovative ability.

4. Establishment of IT creative exchange platform

Students' creativity is an important source of practical projects. We collect students' creativity through building a software platform. This platform provides professional services for thesis writing and thesis writing. Welcome to the opening of to all teachers and students, realizing communication between students and students, teachers and students throughout the school, and helping to expand the source of creativity. As shown in Figure 1, the function of the platform is not only limited to the collection and exchange of ideas, but also reflects the theoretical connotation of the creative cultivation model. Students can submit ideas, exchange ideas and apply for practical projects through the platform. Through the platform, teachers can realize the preliminary review, classification, project mining and project supervision and management of creativity. Members of the expert group can realize creative evaluation, project review and project conclusion evaluation through the platform.

5 Research and implementation strategy of IT creative practicality mining

The creativity and ideas submitted by college students are diverse, including some of which are of practical value. Of course, there will also be some unrealistic ideas, or the current technical level cannot be achieved. This requires professional teachers and expert groups to identify and deeply explore the value and practicality of the project.

Professional teachers can add a facet description of the creativity, such as the professional category, innovation points, technical difficulties, practical value, feasibility opinions, etc. to which the creativity belongs. The facet description of creativity can be used as the classification query condition of creativity. The experts in the expert database can evaluate the use value of the creativity according to the facet description of the creativity. The creativity evaluated can be used as the source of practical projects for students to choose. Students who propose creativity have the right to prioritize the establishment of projects.

The main goal of transforming creativity into student practice projects is to encourage students to think creatively, improve their interest in learning, mobilize their learning initiative and enthusiasm, enable students to master professional knowledge and skills more quickly, and cultivate their innovative ability and team spirit. In addition, student practice projects can also play the following roles:

(1) Projects with strong innovation or high practical value can be transformed into provincial and municipal student scientific research projects, such as the "New Seedling Talent Plan" scientific research project for college students in Zhejiang Province.

(2) Creativity can be transformed into the subject of subject competitions, as the project source of such undergraduate subject skill competitions as "Challenge Cup", "Undergraduate E-commerce Competition", "Undergraduate Service Outsourcing Innovation Application Competition", "Undergraduate Multimedia Competition", etc.

(3) Creativity can also be transformed into the topic of graduation design according to the degree of coincidence with professional knowledge, improve the professionalism and innovation of graduation design topics, guide students to understand the graduation design in advance, and improve the role of graduation design in talent training.

(4) Depending on the degree of adaptation of creativity to social production and life, some creativity can be transformed into school enterprise cooperation projects to solve problems in actual production, or increase the convenience of production and life, thus expanding the social service function of colleges and universities.

(5) Creativity also includes some small inventions and small productions. The practical and innovative inventions and productions can also be converted into patented products.

6. Actively promoting the construction of IT creative exchange characteristic culture, the IT creative exchange platform provides the soil for computer majors to release their thoughts, display their talents, and exchange knowledge. Whether this soil can produce fruitful results and achieve the goal of cultivating applied innovative talents also depends on the formation of IT creative exchange cultural atmosphere in the university environment. Therefore, we must take the system construction as the core, integrate the school leadership, functional departments, instructors, and practical professionals to provide paper writing and thesis writing services, welcome the power of teachers and college students to visit, develop incentive mechanisms around the IT creative exchange platform, do a good job of publicity and guidance, and give full play to the subjective initiative of instructors and college students, Efforts should be made to create an atmosphere for IT creative exchange on campus, and actively promote the construction and development of characteristic culture of IT creative exchange on campus.

7 Conclusion

The creative cultivation mode of computer application talents aims to stimulate the creative behavior of college students and explore feasible and innovative practical projects, so as to maximize the subjective awareness of college students, guide students to actively participate in the teaching process, and make college students truly become the subject of learning and development. Moreover, this mode can be seamlessly linked with the current effective school enterprise cooperation training mode, discipline competition and open experimental project mechanism, and ultimately achieve the goal of cultivating innovative IT talents with innovative spirit, innovative ability and industrial skills.


[1] Li Chunjie. Building a dynamic "4+X+1" application-oriented talent training model in the context of school enterprise cooperation [J]. Journal of Liaoning University of Technology: Social Sciences Edition, 2011 (6): 94-96

[2] Niu Xiangjie. Professional Discipline Competition and Exploration of Computer Practice Teaching Mode [J] _ Contemporary Education Theory and Practice, 2012 (3): 109-110

[3] Liu Bo, Shen Yue, Zeng Ying. Exploration of Computer Project driven Teaching Mode in Colleges and Universities [J]. Computer Education, 2011 (2): 82-84

Chapter 6: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

National certification package

This kind of package covers a wide range of categories. It is recommended to choose according to your interests and future directions.

Computer technology and software professional technology qualification (level) examination (referred to as soft test): organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, it is a necessary condition for many organs or state-owned enterprises and institutions to recruit personnel. It is a professional title examination and linked to wages. The examination is divided into primary, intermediate and advanced qualifications, covering software, network, computer applications, information systems, information services and other fields. The examination is held twice a year in May and November. The examination is purely written and costs about 120 yuan.

Official website:

National Computer Rank Examination: The national examination organized by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education is the IT examination with the largest number of participants at present. It is popular among college students and is linked to academic degrees in many colleges and universities. The examination is divided into one to four levels, covering office, computer language, network, database and other aspects. The written examination is combined with the computer examination. This magazine invited experts from the Ministry of Education Examination Center to do a series of columns (see Figure 1). The examination is divided into two times in March and September every year, and the cost is about 80 yuan.

Official website:. cn

In addition to the above two national examinations, there are also the National Computer Information High tech Vocational Qualification Examination organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and the National Information Technology Level Examination organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

IT enterprise certification package

Due to the strong international and professional nature of large-scale IT enterprise certification, it is also popular in the market.

Microsoft certification: hosted by Microsoft Corporation, the leader of the global software industry, the examination has three levels: engineers, technical experts, and architects (see Figure 2), covering Microsoft's database, program development, and server products. The new generation of Microsoft Certified IT Professionals (MCITP), Microsoft Certified Technology Professionals (MCTS), and the recently launched embedded certification are very popular in the market. You can register at Prometric test centers all over the country. Each test costs 50 dollars, about 400 yuan.

Official website:/china/learning/mcp/default.mspx

Network certification: Cisco, as the leader in the field of network, its certification is very valuable (see Figure 3). It pays equal attention to the theory and practice of examination. Most of the certification learning and examination are in English. Students with poor foundation have a hard time learning (official website:). H3C is second only to Cisco in terms of network certification. The teaching materials and exams are all in Chinese, and the course difficulty is gradual (official website:. cn/Training/H3C_Certification). Cisco applied for the test at Pearson VUE Test Center. The test fee of Cisco recently rose to $75, while the discount price of H3C test was $40.

Sun Java certification: The popularity of the Java language increases the value of this certification. Sun Java certification is divided into three levels: assistant programmer (SCJA), professional Java programmer (SCJP), and management level Java developer (SCJD) (see Figure 4). SCJA is seldom carried out in China; SCJP is the basis of various Java certification and the standard course of relevant training in China; SCJD is more difficult than SCJP, so you need to obtain SCJP before obtaining SCJD. The cost of Java certification exam is relatively high.

Official website:/yce6o2g

Chapter 7: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

Key words: whole process multi-dimensional IT talent training mode

1、 Introduction

With the rapid growth of national economy and the continuous advancement of informatization, IT technology and its applications have penetrated almost all industries. In Dongguan, which is located in the Pearl River Delta region, the electronic information manufacturing industry has developed rapidly and become one of the five pillar industries of Dongguan, which has a huge demand for IT talents. However, due to the disconnection between higher vocational education and production practice, IT graduates are difficult to meet the needs of employers, thus forming a dilemma for IT students to find jobs. Therefore, it is a realistic problem to reflect on our higher vocational education, grasp the reasons why IT graduates are difficult to find jobs, and explore new IT talent training models

2、 Analysis on the Current Situation of IT Talent Training in Higher Vocational Colleges

(1) Professional orientation tends to be similar.

In recent years, the computer specialty has bloomed everywhere in colleges and universities across the country, but the teaching plan, curriculum and teaching methods of IT specialty are basically the same, with similar training objectives, and lack of school running personality and characteristics.

(2) The teaching content is old and the teaching method is dead.

The training mode and curriculum of IT talents in China have not changed significantly over the years, overemphasizing knowledge, not implementing the training of practical application ability, and IT technology is changing with each passing day. However, textbooks are updated slowly. Graduates accepted by enterprises must receive more than one year of re education to be basically competent for their jobs

(3) The traditional influence of "valuing theory over practice" still exists.

Theory is divorced from practice, learning is out of touch with practice, professional ability is poor, practical ability is poor, learning cannot be used, learning cannot be used

(4) The structure of IT graduates is unreasonable.

The number of high-end and low-end talents is small, the number of vocational college graduates is large, and the IT talent structure is "olive shaped", which cannot meet the social demand for IT talents.

3、 The Construction and Implementation of the "Whole Process and Multi dimensional" IT Talent Training Mode -- Taking the Computer Application Technology Major of Dongguan Vocational and Technical College as an Example

(1) The establishment of the "whole process and multi-dimensional" IT talent training model.

As one of the first batch of key construction majors launched by Dongguan Vocational and Technical College, the computer application technology specialty of Dongguan Vocational and Technical College, under the guidance of the construction project of "Collaborative Innovation Platform of Government, School, Enterprise and Business", relies on the electronic information vocational education alliance, vigorously promotes cooperative education, cooperative education, cooperative employment, cooperative development, and solidly carries out school enterprise cooperation, work study integration The reform of the training mode of post placement interns has strengthened the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of talent training, and built a "whole process and multi-dimensional" IT talent training mode.

The "whole process and multi-dimensional" IT talent training model is to adhere to the four directions of "government, colleges, industries and enterprises" from cooperation to integration, based on mutual benefit and win-win results, starting from the needs of computer application technology posts, jointly develop job standards and talent training programs, jointly implement teaching, and jointly take charge of student employment, Finally, through the evaluation of talent training quality, the post professional standards are revised to form a spiral talent training model. "The whole process" refers to the real work process based on the enterprise in the process of student training; "Multidimensional" refers to jointly developing talent training programs, jointly developing professional courses, jointly building professional teaching teams, jointly building practical training bases, jointly implementing professional teaching, jointly conducting teaching evaluation, jointly responsible for student employment, and jointly carrying out project research and development. In the talent training quality evaluation link, the quality evaluation system is constructed through four indicators, namely, student employment rate, student starting salary, employment enterprise satisfaction, and student satisfaction.

(2) The construction and implementation of the "whole process and multi-dimensional" IT talent training model - take the computer application technology major of Dongguan Vocational and Technical College as an example.

1. Build a curriculum system oriented by "post core and basic ability".

Based on the guiding ideology of "curriculum content docking with professional standards", the computer application technology specialty of our college designs the curriculum system structure in an advanced way from simple to complex, guided by "post core and basic ability", combined with cognitive and professional growth laws. This course system is mainly designed around mobile application development and Web front-end development. By inviting enterprise experts to discuss and cooperate in the "whole process", it analyzes the work of major professional jobs, defines typical work tasks, and builds a course system oriented by "core and basic abilities of the job".

Through the construction of the curriculum system of "integration of classroom and project, progressive platform and curriculum package", our department has realized the modularization of curriculum structure, project-based curriculum content, dynamic curriculum resources, and fully adapted to the development requirements of IT technology and the change of social demand for talents. Bring the real project of the enterprise into the classroom teaching to realize the organic combination of theoretical teaching and practical teaching. Students generally study platform courses of specialty groups in the first and second semesters; In the third and fourth semesters, students can choose a course package from the "Web front-end development course package" and "mobile application development course package"; In the fifth semester, students can choose a course package from "UI Design Package" and "Software Test Package" for learning; In the sixth semester, students will take post practice after graduation. The whole curriculum system is based on the real work process of the enterprise. The "whole process" of students from the professional cognition course in the first semester to the comprehensive practical training of school enterprise cooperation in the fifth semester and the enterprise post practice involves enterprises and schools in teaching. In particular, the comprehensive practical training of school enterprise cooperation, post placement practice and other courses are all taught by teachers from schools and enterprises in a "multi-dimensional" way to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, as shown in the following figure.

Figure Curriculum System of 2016 Computer Application Technology (Three year Program)

(2) Establish a practical teaching system of "production of campus bases, teaching of off campus bases, and marketization of research and development centers".

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the "whole process, multi-dimensional" IT talent training program, our department, through school enterprise collaboration, has built a fully functional practice platform consisting of an on campus training base, a school enterprise cooperation research and development center, and an off campus training base group. Exploring the practical teaching system of "production based on campus, teaching based on off campus, and marketing based research and development center", so that productive training accounts for more than 60% of the total class hours of practical training.

1. On campus training base construction.

On campus training bases of our department include database development and application training room, microcomputer assembly and maintenance training room, computer network training room, generic cabling training room, Linux technology application and development training room, multimedia technology training room, software testing training room, and mobile application development training room. The campus training base is not only a functional platform for practical teaching to meet the needs of teaching and curriculum reform at ordinary times, but also a base for training and certification of high and middle end talents.

2. Construction of school enterprise cooperation research and development center.

The school enterprise cooperation research and development center of our department provides students with teaching and experimental places of high-tech experimental equipment, as well as some students' internship and employment positions. Students can participate in the design and production of the latest products, realizing the transformation from passively adapting to enterprises to actively leading enterprises.

Cooperate with enterprises to establish an electronic information technology R&D and service center. Every year, enterprise engineers, young and middle-aged teachers and excellent students are recruited to participate in the "whole process, multi-dimensional" innovation practice. Through joint research and development and external social services, school enterprise cooperation is promoted, so that students and teachers can better understand market demand, develop research ideas, and make students and teachers' research more close to economic development, Improve the conversion rate of scientific research achievements.

3. Construction of off campus training base.

In terms of the construction of the campus training base, the college has invested more than 10 million yuan and built four professional training rooms on campus, including the software technology and testing training room and the network construction training room.

In the construction of off campus training bases, our department has established "multi-dimensional" off campus training bases with Dongguan Mingfeng Group, Zhuhai Yongya Software Training Center, Dongguan Mingyu Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Weitel E-commerce Co., Ltd. and other enterprises.

(3) Build a first-class professional teacher team with high starting point, high quality, leading by famous teachers and combining full-time and part-time teachers in the province.

The structure and level of teachers are the key to the cultivation of students' practical ability. Our department improves the teaching staff from the following four aspects:

First, "going out" enables school teachers, especially teachers of professional courses and experimental courses, to go deep into enterprise practice, participate in enterprise research topics and engineering practice, and grasp the development trend of enterprise technology. While serving enterprises, teachers improve their engineering ability, which is conducive to providing reliable engineering background for classroom teaching.

The second is "please come in". Four key teachers will continue to be trained among the existing full-time teachers. At the same time, key teachers with two years of enterprise or actual development experience and master's degree or above will be introduced to participate in the practical teaching process. They will be employed as practical teachers to participate in the teaching work "in the whole process", and hold engineering practice lectures to enhance students' engineering practice awareness.

Third, strengthen the construction of part-time teachers. Our department strengthened the construction of part-time teacher team, hired 36 technical elites and skilled craftsmen from enterprises into the classroom, and established a resource pool of 54 part-time teachers in enterprises. Set up "regular post preferential pay" for part-time teachers, improve the system of subsidies, incentives, file management, etc. for part-time teachers, and stabilize the team of part-time teachers; Gradually increase the number of part-time teachers and expand the scope of teaching, so that part-time teachers can undertake some professional practice courses, graduation practice, post practice, productive practice, graduation design and other practical link courses.

The fourth is to strive to build a teaching team with "double quality". Our department strives to build a "multi-dimensional" teaching team with dual teacher structure, which is led by professional leaders, backed by young and middle-aged backbone teachers, and closely linked with enterprises. One or two full-time teachers will be assigned to the enterprise every year to participate in technical services, development, consultation, technical reform and innovation of the enterprise; Establish a part-time teacher training system for enterprises, allocate special funds, and strengthen the educational philosophy and teaching methods of part-time teachers; Introduce full-time teachers with more than two years of enterprise development experience; Let professional leaders and backbone teachers jointly drive the construction of professional teacher team with "double teacher structure".

(4) Optimize the construction of teaching resources.

(1) Teaching material construction.

Our department attaches great importance to the construction of teaching materials. According to the teaching plan and syllabus, the college specially organizes academic teaching leaders, long-term backbone teachers and enterprises with teaching experience, and relevant computer associations in the discipline and related disciplines to jointly discuss and research, and select excellent teaching materials at home and abroad that are closely connected with the curriculum and have the characteristics of modernity, scientificity, diversity, and comprehensiveness; At the same time, teachers are encouraged to compile high-quality, standardized textbooks or handouts that can serve the construction of a model curriculum system. At present, team members are preparing school-based textbooks for core courses such as Database Technology and Applications, Interface Artists, Interface Design Technology,. NET Website Development, and Android System Development.

(2) Network course construction.

Our department implements the "boutique sharing" project, and relies on the "6+1" teaching resource database to uniformly plan and implement the construction of teaching resource platform step by step. According to the construction requirements of the provincial professional resource database, the professional teaching resource database is built by the vocational education alliance school enterprise cooperation and the student-centered principle. A total of eight online courses have been established, such as Fundamentals of Program Design,. NET Framework System Development, and Web Technology Application.

(3) Practice "micro class teaching" and enrich the construction of teaching resource database.

Relying on the "6+1" teaching resource library in the "Construction Project of High quality Vocational Education Resources Open Sharing Platform", our department practices "micro course teaching" on the basis of this sharing platform, builds a micro course teaching resource library, enriches the content of professional teaching course resource library, and establishes the curriculum resources of ". NET Website Development" and ". NET Website Development" The training project resources are represented by 10 teaching resource databases, which provide a large number of teaching resource support for schools, enterprises and governments.

(5) Innovative teaching evaluation.

In terms of teaching evaluation, our department has changed the traditional single examination mode. Focus on the use of multiple evaluation methods, incorporate professional qualification certification into the evaluation system, and build a quality evaluation system through four indicators, namely, student employment rate, student starting salary, employer satisfaction, and student satisfaction.

4、 Conclusion

As the key construction specialty of the college, the computer application technology specialty of Dongguan Vocational and Technical College has done a lot of useful work in talent training and serving the local economic construction of Dongguan through the implementation of the "whole process, multi-dimensional" IT training model, and has made certain achievements. However, compared with the requirements of the Ministry of Education for the first-class and excellent computer specialty of higher vocational colleges, We still have some gaps and need to continue to strengthen in the process of future development and expansion. We continue to deepen the teaching reform, build a scientific, reasonable, complete and interconnected curriculum system with clear levels of training objectives, research directions, training methods, curriculum settings and other links, continue to strengthen the cultivation of students' practical ability, and realize the seamless connection between students and talents needed by enterprises.


Chapter 8: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

Key words: practical teaching; Practice of IT comprehensive skills; IT project practice; Virtual company practice;

CLC No.: G642 Document ID Code: B

Article No.: 1672-5913 (2007) 18-0014-02

1 Introduction

The practice teaching link accounts for more than 30% of the class hours in the overall teaching plan of higher engineering education, and the teaching quality directly affects the realization of the overall training goal. At present, practical teaching in colleges and universities generally arranges the specific content of practical teaching into various practical teaching links such as experiment, practice, practical training, curriculum design, graduation design, innovative production, and social practice according to a certain level of ability. There are mainly two kinds of practical teaching content systems. One is the practical teaching content system divided by disciplines, and the other is the "hierarchical integration" practical teaching content system divided by ability levels, which specifically includes three modules: basic skills, professional skills, technical application or comprehensive skills training. The content and teaching of these practical teaching have two common shortcomings:

1) The practical content is basically not related to the actual work content of students after graduation;

2) The practice environment and process are inconsistent with the work environment and process after graduation; Most of the units that accept internships just let students to take a fancy tour and explain many precautions before the tour, which is impossible to cut into the actual work.

IT majors are highly practical majors. However, at present, colleges and universities lack mature practical teaching models for the practical teaching of these highly motivated majors, resulting in a large number of IT graduates with no characteristics who are "high or low", forming an "olive structure" of IT talents. In many areas, the employment rate of computer majors has been low in the past two years. For example, the employment rate of computer major in Beijing in 2007 was 49%, a new low. At the same time, Song Zhide, general manager of China Education Electronics Corporation, pointed out that China's IT talent training faces three major problems: insufficient talent supply and poor quality; Lack of international software talents; The structure of "olive type" talents is unreasonable, and there is a lack of "sophisticated" talents and "software blue collar". The root cause of this lower and lower employment rate and talent shortage is that schools and enterprises, education and industry are not closely linked. Enterprises usually lack talent training mechanisms, while schools lack rational understanding of enterprise needs and flexible response mechanisms. Therefore, improving practical teaching of IT majors is a more practical way.

At present, the practical teaching of IT majors in colleges and universities is mostly divided into concept practice (course experiment), skill practice (short term comprehensive course practice) and graduation practice. According to the characteristics of IT majors and the needs of IT enterprises, we divide the practical teaching of IT majors into three levels: IT comprehensive skills practice, IT project practice and virtual company practice.

2IT Comprehensive Skills Practice

The main difference between IT comprehensive skills and traditional skills is that IT comprehensive skills are directly oriented to the job roles of IT enterprises. The university determines the knowledge structure and curriculum system of talent training according to the market demand for IT talents and the targeted training objectives. The comprehensive IT skills are also directly oriented to the professional roles of students after graduation. Traditional skills refer to the ability associated with a certain subject, such as basic computing ability, computer operation and use ability, and the ability to use common electrical and electronic instruments. We have not positioned ourselves according to a course or a single skill, based on the following three points:

1) The characteristics of IT skill itself determine that it must be comprehensive. For example, a software engineer must understand the development environment and know how to debug programs when writing software; When maintaining network security and balancing traffic, a network engineer should know the architecture of the network, the latest viruses and network software information (such as P2P software that accounts for the most traffic); E-commerce engineers should integrate IT and business skills when designing business websites; An engineer doing animation design or 3D animation should not only be proficient in using tools and software, but also understand the relevant cultural background; As an engineer of embedded system, he should not only know how to write programs, but also know all kinds of related hardware systems; A consultant should not only understand the management and management information system, but also the relevant industry background knowledge and technology; So IT skill itself is a comprehensive skill.

2) The strong practicality of IT major determines that the skills of a certain course have received conceptual and practical feedback in classroom teaching. At present, many universities have realized audio-visual teaching, many students have their own computers, and students' single IT skills can be easily verified and deepened synchronously in the classroom teaching process or after class review.

3) IT skills can only be truly mastered through comprehensive application. Students get feedback information in the process of comprehensive application, which can adjust the direction of learning and trigger interest in further learning.

By subdividing the professional roles of IT enterprises, we can get the types of professional roles, determine the skill needs according to the role categories, and then arrange students for comprehensive skill training. At present, job skills training has been implemented: software engineer, database application designer, database administrator Web application development engineer, graphic designer, animation designer, embedded hardware engineer, embedded software engineer, software test engineer, embedded system test engineer, network engineer, system integration engineer, e-commerce engineer, e-commerce development engineer, consultant, software project manager, project manager and technical director.

3IT Project Practice

IT project practice is a level beyond IT skill practice. We build this level of practice on top of IT skills, based on the following three points:

1) In the life cycle of an IT project, project team members should not only comprehensively use IT skills, but also use various abilities beyond technology to complete project tasks, such as the ability to explore needs, communication ability, risk prediction and assessment and prevention ability, software estimation and team performance evaluation ability, etc. We have built a project oriented practice level based on IT skills, so that students can further improve their comprehensive quality through personal experience in the IT project cycle.

2) Project management is an emerging comprehensive discipline. Specialized organizations (such as the famous American Project Management Association (PMI) and the International Project Management Association (IPMP)) have been established internationally to study and promote the development of project management discipline. Many colleges and universities have also opened related majors. The characteristics of the IT industry are very suitable for operating in the form of projects. However, compared with projects in other fields, the complexity and risk are higher, so IT project management is more complex. In 1994, Standish Group's research on 8400 projects in the IT industry (with a total investment of 25 billion US dollars) showed that nearly 34% of IT projects had declared total failure, which is more serious in China. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the concept and learning of project management. The idea of project management acquired by college students through practice will have a profound impact on the future of China's IT industry.

3) The idea of the project is also the management idea of system engineering. At present, most IT majors' thinking modes such as technologism (focusing on the technical level of the problem, accustomed to turning all problems into technical problems) and personal heroism are rampant, so it is necessary to establish a system engineering thinking habit. When faced with a project rather than a big assignment, the student team should first do the work of determining the scope, feasibility analysis, resources, organizational plans, risk prediction, etc., rather than focusing on where the technical difficulties are or trying to do them for a few days. This is an attempt to advocate the idea of system engineering through practice.

At present, in the IT industry, more and more attention is paid to project management and software testing. Our practice of students combined with actual projects also conforms to the development needs of the profession and the industry.

After exploration and adjustment, we have adopted the following implementation methods:

1) Set up a project team in the student team and appoint the project manager and project team members; At the same time, relevant teachers are designated as the instructors of the project.

2) The instructor monitors the whole process from the start, planning, implementation to control and closure of the project; At the same time, project management tools are installed on the special IT project management server to establish the project management database.

3) The monitoring scope of the project includes all project management elements such as project scope, time, cost, human resources, communication, risk, quality, procurement and integration.

4) The project sources include information construction projects inside and outside the school, school enterprise cooperation projects, horizontal scientific research projects, etc.

5) The instructor decides whether the nature and size of the project is suitable for students' practice.

4 Virtual company practice

The practice of IT virtual company is to create an IT enterprise environment for the graduating students on the basis of IT comprehensive skills and IT project practice. It is the highest level of IT professional practice teaching. The practice of establishing a virtual company level is based on the following considerations:

1) The effect of changing the current school enterprise cooperation is not ideal.

2) Students comprehensively use the curriculum knowledge, extracurricular and social knowledge they have learned in the virtual company to enhance their innovative awareness and ability.

3) Improve the entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurial ability of college students, and lay the foundation for cultivating entrepreneurial talents or entrepreneurship after graduation.

The main realization forms are: to form student teams in IT majors, student teams are established in the form of IT companies, and students take turns to serve as CEOs, CTOs CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and ordinary employees, the selected CxO, under the guidance of tutors, simulates the operation of the company through the management division of R&D, finance, marketing, human resources, etc. according to the operating mode of the IT company. Take the virtual company as the unit to undertake actual development and scientific research projects. The registration and establishment of the virtual company, the recruitment and assessment of employees, and the bidding and management of projects are all carried out according to the requirements of the real company.

In this way, students have a complete understanding and personal experience of the employment skills of IT major, the positioning of skills in actual projects, and the operating environment of jobs before graduation.

5 College Student Entrepreneurship Center

In order to implement the practice activities of the above three practical teaching levels, we proposed the model of SOVO Students Office&Venture Office. By creating an enterprise environment, we adopted the model of "Virtual Company" (V-Company) to cultivate the practice and innovation ability of college students. Students applying for SOVO are organized in the form of virtual companies, which operate according to the operation management, development process and project management procedures of IT enterprises. Virtual companies undertake real projects of college informatization or SOVO cooperation with the outside world, drive the operation of virtual companies with project operation, and drive the management of virtual companies with project manager responsibility system. Let teachers with rich project practice experience form a steering committee to be responsible for the management, technology and other guidance of the virtual company. SOVO conducts assessment according to the rules and regulations formulated by each company, and grants certain internship subsidies and bonuses to student employees according to their performance.

SOVO realizes the perfect combination of the three practical teaching levels of IT specialty, and is the bridge between university and society. Through more than 3 years of exploration and practice, good teaching and social effects have been achieved.


[1] Yang Qifan, etc The "211" training model for applied innovative talents in computer science [J] Exploration of Higher Education, 2005, (4)

Chapter 9: Computer It Introduction Teaching Model

1. Strengthen theoretical study and improve ideological understanding

2. Strengthen scientific management to ensure the development of teaching work

3. Focus on professional construction and promote school enterprise cooperation in teaching

4. Carry out teaching research and reform to improve education and teaching level

5. Provide teaching services and build the school together

6. Accept the experience and lesson, find out the gap and cause thinking

1、 Strengthen theoretical study and improve the level of ideological understanding

1. In accordance with the unified deployment of the college's Party organization, political learning should accurately grasp the significance, guiding ideology, basic principles, methods and steps of learning and practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development, and do a good job in attendance checking, organizing discussion, and carefully recording. The political quality has been further improved, the cohesion has been strengthened, and the work has been carried out smoothly.

2. This year, the college will carry out normal teaching, overall relocation and capital construction simultaneously. We can resolutely implement the instructions of the college leaders, strengthen cooperation with brother departments, unite in the face of difficulties, achieve the same aspiration, heart to heart, force to get together, and feelings to create a harmonious working environment.

3. According to the requirements of the school and the actual situation of the department, we discussed the problems in the work, how to improve, how to promote the work process and other issues, standardized the behavior and handling of the staff with the system, fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, improved the work quality and efficiency, improved the teaching level and management level, and made the best use of people, turn material resources to good account. Strictly implement the school's working system and attendance system, strengthen the sense of responsibility for work, strengthen job responsibilities and assessment mechanism, further standardize teaching work, improve teaching process, strengthen teacher ethics education, and promote dedication. Through the construction of school spirit, teaching style and learning style, we can stimulate internal motivation and create a good work style and spiritual outlook. All teachers of the department form a consensus, resolutely implement the relevant rules and regulations of the school, strictly abide by professional ethics, and implement in accordance with the requirements of the letter of responsibility for clean government construction and style and efficiency construction.

2、 Strengthening Scientific Management to Ensure the Development of Teaching Work

1. Standardize the teaching work with the implementation documents and provide quality services for students. In accordance with the provisions and requirements of the school's quality management system procedure documents and work instructions, do a good job in sorting out and managing quality records and teaching materials on time. Complete the "internal audit of quality management". Make a detailed work plan and plan implementation evaluation process every month to ensure that the work is carried out in an orderly manner.

2. Seriously organize teaching and research activities, timely release all work, and solve problems in a timely manner. Insist on daily patrol inspection of the teaching area of the department, and urge teachers to avoid being late for class, leaving class in advance and other phenomena. Carry out routine inspection of teaching, communicate with teachers and solve problems found in a timely manner to ensure that teaching work is carried out in a planned and orderly manner.

3. Carefully organize the pre exam training, model test and unified test, timely analyze the data, organize relevant teachers to hold an exam analysis meeting based on the exam results, summarize experience, find out the reasons, and timely rectify.

4. Further strengthen the management of teaching equipment in computer room. Improve the equipment maintenance system, establish and improve the system of person in charge of equipment management in the computer room, and timely repair computer failures. Professional teachers use their spare time to carry out large-scale computer room computer integration. Our department's computer professional teachers repair equipment by themselves, ensuring computer teaching, improving teachers' hands-on ability, and training the computer professional teachers.

5. We should strengthen safety education, improve safety facilities, and build a "safe campus". Safety inspections should be carried out with unremitting efforts and individual responsibility. There was no accident in the computer room practice throughout the year, and there was no safety accident for teachers and students to use computers.

6. Standardized warehouse management, revised written rules and regulations for procurement, warehousing registration, material requisition, maintenance service, and reimbursement signature, and emphasized the importance of implementing rules and regulations at the meeting for many times, emphasizing the integrity and self-discipline of procurement personnel. The procurement personnel should be responsible for the organization, themselves and their families.

3、 Pay attention to specialty construction and promote school enterprise cooperation in teaching

1. Following last year, the Department of Information Engineering appraised the school enterprise cooperation agreement with Suzhou Industrial Park Yuli Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Mingxing Software Technology Co., Ltd. This year, according to the requirements of the teaching plan and syllabus, the Department of Information Engineering has carried out a number of school enterprise cooperation with Suzhou Keda Education Network Co., Ltd. in combination with five information building construction projects. On the premise of not affecting the normal production of the enterprise, the teachers participated in the practice of LAN integrated wiring engineering. Keda Company arranged engineer Zhang Feng to give teaching guidance of network integrated wiring according to the students' practice topic, ensuring that students can successfully complete the practice teaching content.

2. Teachers of computer specialty learn the forward-looking course "switching and routing technology, network cabling technology, database technology, animation technology, multimedia technology and film and television post production technology". Shi'ao Animation Company was invited to hold a special lecture on "Animation Professional Market Analysis and Course Introduction" for teachers and students to stimulate their enthusiasm for learning.

3. We did a good job in the school enterprise cooperation training of highly skilled talents. Under the guidance of the "Computer Specialty Construction Committee" and the "Computer Specialty School Enterprise Cooperation Advisory Committee", we invited five enterprise teaching consultants to come to the school to make suggestions on computer teaching and supervise the teaching process. Introduce enterprise culture, enterprise management, enterprise production process, quality requirements, safety requirements and other contents to computer teachers, so that they can run through the course development, textbook compilation and teaching process.

4. The professional class of our department has set up the professional quality training course "Career Planning" to help students understand the theoretical knowledge of "Maslow Theory", "Holland Personality" and "Sapa Career Stage", and comprehensively consider the sustainable development of students' career. Cultivate students according to the concept of "broad foundation, multi skills, ability oriented, professional dedication first". Helping them complete their career planning has been welcomed by students in professional classes.

5. Our department has completed the construction of four new 100 person computer rooms, the construction of recording and rendering studios and animation professional copy rooms, the construction of two-dimensional animation training rooms, the construction of the first phase of the network generic cabling training room, and the construction of the first phase of Ruijie network training room and three 100 person computer rooms. We are planning the internationally leading 3D motion capture training and 3D animation training projects.

4、 Carry out teaching research and reform to improve the level of education and teaching

1. Computer teachers actively write teaching papers, make teaching courseware, prepare teaching plans, and edit school-based textbooks. This year, the municipal key project of Suzhou High skilled Talents Training Research and Development "Research on High skilled Talents Training in Public Training Base" includes 12 sub projects. 12 professional papers were completed, including Analysis and Research on the Current Situation of Public Training Base IT High skilled Talents Training, Research on the Process Evaluation of Public Training Base IT High skilled Talents, Research on the Development of Public Training Base IT High skilled Talents Training Textbooks, Research on the Teaching Methods of Public Training Base IT High skilled Talents Training Research on the Construction of Teaching Resource Network for the Cultivation of IT High skilled Talents in Public Training Base, Research on the Development of Excellent Courses for the Cultivation of IT High skilled Talents in Public Training Base, Research on the Reform of the Curriculum for the Cultivation of IT High skilled Talents in Public Training Base, Research on the Construction of the Quality of Teachers for the Cultivation of IT High skilled Talents in Public Training Base Research on Quality Education of High skilled IT Talents Training in Public Training Base, Research on School enterprise Cooperation Training Methods of High skilled IT Talents in Public Training Base, Prospective Research on IT Equipment Configuration in Public Training Base, Research on Professional Construction of High skilled IT Talents Training in Public Training Base.

2. Computer teachers actively participate in the opening, listening and evaluation of open classes. Open class teaching atmosphere is good, and teachers are well prepared. The computer theory teaching and practice are integrated, and the behavior guided teaching methods are all applied. "Taking professional activities as the orientation and professional ability as the training goal", through the opening, listening to and evaluating activities of open classes, teachers learn from each other in teaching and improve the teaching level.

3. Computer teachers go to Suzhou Electronic Information Technical School, Suzhou Light Industry Technical School, Suzhou Technical School of the Ministry of Machinery, Suzhou Higher Industrial Vocational and Technical College and other brother schools to listen to and comment on professional courses. Actively participate in the teaching and research group activities of Jiangsu High tech Center and Suzhou Computer Center to improve the teaching quality of computer specialty.

4. Throughout the year, the Department of Information Engineering carried out "Computer System Operation Skills Competition", "Web Design Skills Competition", "Computer Network Generic Cabling Skills Competition", "Animation Design Competition", "Computer Network Construction Skills Competition" and "Post production Skills Competition", and selected outstanding teachers and students to participate in the Suzhou Vocational College Skills Competition.

5、 Provide teaching services and build the school together

1. Another function of the Department of Information Engineering is digital campus management. During the construction of the new campus this year, it can cooperate with the Infrastructure Office to complete the construction of campus all-in-one card, campus monitoring network, campus telephone network, campus broadcast network and campus computer network projects, and complete the construction of the college's led display screen and the college's multimedia classroom.

2. Another function of the Department of Information Engineering is the public practical training of information technology. This year, the Department was able to cooperate with the Training Department to hold senior staff training for technicians of Tsinghua Tongfang Company, high-tech training for veterans, training for computer skills competition for the disabled in Suzhou, and online examination for foreign exchange policy business of Suzhou Everbright Bank, The computer operation training of Suzhou medical insurance was held, and the network unified examination of Jiangsu logistics professional qualification and online training before the network unified examination were held.

3. In the first half of this year, the online electronic reading room will be opened every Saturday and Sunday to facilitate the first batch of students in the public training base to consult reference materials and help them successfully complete their studies.

4. Cooperate with the Student Affairs Office to complete the online registration of adult college entrance examination for the 07 level 5-year higher vocational class and the 09 level large class.

5. Another function of the Department of Information Engineering is to maintain and repair the computer office equipment of the whole hospital. Under the condition of fewer staff and more tasks, many computer teachers take time to maintain and repair the computer office equipment of multiple departments such as the College Office, the Student Work Office, the Recruitment Office, the Project Research and Development Office, and the Public Teaching Department without affecting the teaching tasks, Their conscientious and responsible service attitude, regardless of personal gains and losses, has won the praise of brother departments.

6、 Accept the experience and lesson, find out the gap and trigger thinking

1. The computer specialty of our school has little influence in the scope of vocational education in our city, especially the computer skill contest results are not the best in the city, and there is still a big gap from the hope of school leaders to "make the computer specialty bigger and stronger". After moving to the new campus, the hardware of the computer specialty has been greatly improved. We should "seek position by scale, survive by quality, and develop by innovation", improve the competitiveness of our computer specialty in the technician colleges of the city and even the whole province, and improve the ranking and skill level of the competition.

2. The allocation of hardware resources is insufficient. The area of the information building has limited the development of professional construction. The computer room is still operating at full load, and some provincial unified examination classes are still unable to practice on the computer. At present, the computer equipment in the 5401 computer room is obsolete, and computer failures repeatedly affect the teaching effect. I hope it can be updated and upgraded next semester.

3. In the past two years, animation, service outsourcing and network technology have been added. Computer teachers should constantly learn new technologies and knowledge. Computer teachers should strive to become a learning team and strive for more learning opportunities. Although we are constantly revising the teaching plan, setting new courses, selecting new textbooks and handouts, the formulation and compilation of computer courses, plans, textbooks and reference materials in our school cannot keep pace with the rapid development of computers. Of course, it does not rule out that individual teachers have low requirements for themselves and a weak sense of responsibility.

7、 Individual mainly undertakes work

1. Served as the director of the Department of Information Engineering, specifically responsible for teaching management, which mainly includes two categories: the first is teaching management of computer professional courses, with the qualification rate of professional courses reaching 99%; The teaching management of basic computer courses in higher vocational classes of the second whole college has 99% of the pass rate of the provincial unified computer examination. Served as the director of the Information Technology Public Training Center, and cooperated with the Training Department to be responsible for the management of senior staff training for technical personnel of Tsinghua Tongfang Company, the management of high-tech training for veterans, the management of computer skills competition training for the disabled in the city, the management of online examination for foreign exchange policy business of Everbright Bank, the management of computer operation training for medical insurance The management of the provincial logistics professional qualification network unified examination and the online training before the network unified examination.

2. Responsible for 152 class hours of teaching of Graphics and Image Processing in 09 science and technology class, 90 class hours of teaching of C Language Programming in 02 class of 07 and 10 class of 08, 36 class hours of teaching of Career Planning in 6 classes including 5 class of 08, 15 class of 08, 16 class of 08, 4 class of 09, 5 class of 09 and 6 class of 09. 278 teaching hours were completed throughout the year.

3. Served as the project leader of the municipal key project "Research on the Cultivation of High skilled IT Talents in the Public Training Base" of Suzhou's high skilled talent cultivation research and development, and completed the 8000 word co authored paper "Analysis and Research on the Current Situation of the Cultivation of High skilled IT Talents in the Public Training Base", and the 5000 word independent paper "Research on the Development of High skilled IT Talents in the Public Training Base".

4. Organize and arrange the relocation of 10 computer rooms and warehouse offices of the old school safely and effectively. After the relocation, the normal computer teaching order was not affected after the integrated maintenance.

5. Cooperate with school leaders in planning and layout of each computer room and training room in the new school information building. The four floors are distributed with "information technology specialty, service outsourcing technology specialty, animation technology specialty and network technology specialty". The final plan of animation copy training room, two-dimensional animation training room and recording and rendering studio project has been accepted and put into use. The acceptance of the planned bidding project of 8 computer standard LAN machine rooms and 4 computer 100 person LAN large machine rooms has been completed and put into use. We have completed the bidding of the project of Ruijie Network Training Room and Generic Cabling Training Room, and are now under construction. The preparation for the construction of 3D animation training room, 3D motion capture training room and 300 person round computer room is in progress.

6. Participated in the Training of Network Editors Secondary (Technician) Professional Qualification Appraisal organized by the Ministry of Labor of the People's Republic of China, and passed the examination to obtain the professional qualification of network editors and technicians.

7. The database application software "Technician College Enrollment Entry System" was prepared and put into use when the technician college enrolled in 2010.