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Science, Technology and Life Selection (9)

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 Technology and life

Chapter 1: Technology and Life Model

science and technology Everywhere, technology makes us feel extremely proud, and our food, clothing, housing and transportation are inseparable from the contribution of technology.

The inventions and creations of the 20th century have brought infinite changes to mankind. Zipper: seamless; Washing machine: liberate labor force; Vitamins: Let the tree of life grow green; Electric rice cooker: cooked rice with raw rice; Air conditioning: It's like spring all the year round here; Cixian floating train: a train that can "fly"; Neon: the pearl that never sleeps

Ah! Now the technology is really developed! Even our schools have endless technology.

Chapter 2: Technology and Life Model

[Abstract] This paper deeply explores Husserl's concept of "life world", and proposes that the life world has the characteristics of subjectivity and humanity. Through investigating Husserl's scientific theory and its proposal and solution to the "scientific crisis", the author believes that it is an enlightening thought of Husserl to attach importance to the life world. Faced with the contemporary technological crisis and life crisis, the author puts forward several views from the perspective of maintaining the life world.

[Text] One of the remarkable characteristics that distinguishes modern society from ancient society is that modern society has a huge two-way dynamic cycle structure of "life science technology life". This structure inherited the birth of modern science and began to take shape. As time went by, it became increasingly prominent in the operation of modern society and gradually gained a dominant position in regulating the direction of social development. In this open circle, life is both the birthplace and destination of science and technology. The dynamic balance of this cycle has become an indispensable condition for the sound operation of modern society, and the internal imbalance of this cycle often leads to the unique crises of modern society: scientific crisis, technological crisis and life world crisis. At the turn of the millennium, human society has once again entered the era of great change. The new technological revolution sweeping the world is profoundly changing the way of production and life of society and reshaping the social structure. Reflecting on the relationship between life and science and technology is more urgent today than ever before.

1 Life world

The concept of "life world" was first proposed by Husserl. Husserl set up three paths to his transcendental phenomenology, namely, the path of psychology, the path of Descartes and the path through the life world. It can be said that the proposition of the theory of life world is the need for its transcendental philosophy system to improve itself, that is, to take the life world as the starting point and finally move towards the transcendental absolute consciousness. However, it is undeniable that the life world theory was also his response to the European scientific crisis at that time out of strong realistic concern. He tried to find the meaning basis of science by returning to the life world, so as to save the scientific crisis, cultural crisis and human crisis in Europe.

Husserl has never given a precise definition of "life world", so we can only grasp its connotation by investigating his use of this concept everywhere. In this regard, Mr. Zhang Qingxiong and Mr. Ni Liangkang respectively made useful conclusions.

Mr. Zhang Qingxiong believes that Husserl uses the concept of "life world" in the following three senses. (1) "The narrow sense of the concept of life world", "it refers to the daily, perception given world". (2) "The concept of life world as a special world", "The horizon of people's respective practical activities is their own special life world". (3) "The broad concept of life world refers to the unification of different special worlds in the life world". [1]

Mr. Ni Liangkang's definition of "life world" is that "the world in the natural attitude" and its "most basic meaning refers to the realistic and specific environment in which we individuals or various social groups live". He summed up four characteristics of the life world: (1) "The life world is a non topic world", and we regard its existence "as an unspoken premise, and do not discuss it as a topic." (2) It is a "foundational world", and "the attitude of objective science" and "the attitude of philosophical reflection" are based on "the natural attitude of the life world". (3) It is a subjective and relative world. (4) It is an intuitive world. [2]

Next, we will use Husserl's concept of "life world" to conduct in-depth analysis and excavation of people's daily existence for our purposes. Here, we try to define the life world as the daily life world. As we all know, human beings, as a natural being, live a social life. Human's natural attributes and natural conditions are the biological basis for their social life; At the same time, people's natural existence, natural needs and their satisfaction have been marked with social and cultural branding. Therefore, we can distinguish the natural and social aspects from people's daily life. The natural aspect of daily life refers to the existence and activities of human beings as a perceived biological individual; The social aspect of daily life refers to the existence and activities of people as a social member who feels and practices. The natural level of daily life forms the foundation of the social level, and plays a potential role in restricting the latter; The social level is above the natural level and integrates the latter into itself. It goes without saying that the distinction we have made here is artificial. The following will prove that this distinction is necessary and useful for our analysis and discussion.

From the perspective of nature, the world of daily life is an intuitive world given by perception, a world with shape, color and sound depending on our five senses. The object world is three-dimensional in space and one-dimensional in time. It is in this world that our life activities can be carried out. We regard ourselves as natural beings similar to animals, plants and other objects, and our mind and consciousness as a field within the world. Although the things in this world show to us that they change, we can still conclude that they are a unified whole with internal causal links, and an infinite whole that exists outside our consciousness. Husserl called this attitude in daily life the natural attitude and this picture the naturalistic world picture. [3]

If we change our perspective and look at daily life from the social level, that is, take daily life out of its natural world background and put it into its social and cultural background, daily life will take on a completely different look. We will see that the world given by perception is enriched by the content of socialization. Daily life is always carried out by socialized people in a perceptual and intuitive world under certain social and cultural conditions. Social conditions (including productivity level, economic system, political system, social division of labor and social stratification) provide material and institutional basis for daily life; Cultural conditions (including traditions, customs, morality, and concepts) provide norms of conduct for daily life; The historical and specific daily life is carried out in the background frame formed by the social foundation and cultural norms.

Following the above two levels of in-depth analysis, we will find that both the natural level and the social level of the life world indicate the two distinctive characteristics of the life world as a coherent whole. That is, (1) the life world is a subjective world; (2) The life world is a humanized world. Next, we will discuss these two characteristics of the life world in turn.

The life world is a subjective world, a human centered world. First of all, from the natural level, the individual, as a unity of mind and matter, is the prerequisite for the existence of his perceptual world. "We live in this world ourselves, and the way our human body exists is adapted to this world". [4] With the movement of the body, the appearance of objects in the perceptual world will change, and the content of the perceptual world will also change. From the social perspective, individuals, as the subject of will, emotion and rationality, pursue the satisfaction of needs and the realization of ideals in life. With the change of the field of personal life activities and communication objects, and with the expansion of the scope of their activities, the face of the personal life world will change, and the "horizion" of their life world will also be expanded. Daily life constitutes the direct and primary object of personal attention. Our interest and understanding of the wider world radiate around our personal life world.

The world of daily life is a humanized world. In natural life, we do not regard the nature as a cold object world, but as a kind of friendly "surrounding world" in which our life activities can be carried out in a personified attitude. Although this "surrounding world" has certain rheology, it is still a stable, reliable and effective world as a whole. Similarly, in our daily social life, we interact with others in a personalized manner, and life is full of joy, anger, sadness, and joy. The social environment we experience from time to time also provides the stability we need to live and work in peace and contentment, and constitutes a place for our daily living. In short, in the world of daily life, we externalize our personality into objects, so that everything is covered with a humanized color, and they are enveloped in the atmosphere of humanity.

Through the above analysis, we believe that the subjective characteristics and humanized characteristics are the essential characteristics of the life world. Considering the close relationship between the life world and human existence, it can be said that this feature also reveals the inherent requirements of being human. If these two characteristics of the life world are weakened and destroyed, then the ultimate damage will be the existence of people themselves.

2 Scientific World

Science is developed from the life world of former science. The production process of science is a process of abstracting the life world. Husserl believes that it "abstracts the subject of human who lives a human life, abstracts all spiritual things, all cultural characteristics attached to things in human practice, and makes things become pure objects." [5] We believe that the scientific world is composed of scientific activities, scientific theories, and the world picture depicted by science. In Husserl's view, the scientific world provides us with such a world picture: the real world is a mathematically and conceptualized nature, and is a free object world. It is governed by the strict law of cause and effect. We can define it and explain it through mathematical formulas and physical formulas.

Science first emerged from the life world, and finally reached a scientific world picture. In this process, a series of meaningful changes took place. By reviewing Husserl's scattered exposition of science, the author classifies these changes into three main types.

The first is the change from intuitive nature to mathematized nature in the life world. Husserl believed that Galileo was the originator of the mathematization of nature. He applied the traditional Euclidean geometry to physical phenomena. First, he geometricalized and directly mathematized the shape of natural objects, and then indirectly mathematized the physical properties of natural objects through the relationship between the properties and shapes of objects. In this way Galileo got a mathematized nature. "The whole nature is regarded as a specific causal world and becomes a special object of applied mathematics", [6] becoming an object that can be grasped and explained through formulas.

The second is the transformation from the imprecision of the living world to the accuracy of the scientific world. The basic element of the life world (as far as its natural level is concerned) is the natural object (perception object), while the basis of the scientific world is the physical object. Natural objects are perceptual objects, while physical objects (such as rigid bodies and electrons) are rational objects. Physical matter is an abstract and more precise regulation of natural things, and it is the basis of science that seeks to explain nature in a causal manner.

Husserl believes that in the life world, we have already intuitively realized that the world is a whole connected by causal patterns. We make predictions and adapt and dominate the world to a certain extent, but the world is only a "roughly regular system full of infinite accidental events". [7] In the scientific world, the world is a "nature always restricted by absolutely strict laws". [8] Scientific thinking has replaced blind thinking. We foresee phenomena by grasping the strict law of causality, "anticipate the possible reactions of surrounding things and control them in a natural way." [9]

Thirdly, the perceivable life world close to the subject turns to the non perceivable science world far away from the subject. Intuitive things in the life world are the starting point of science, while scientific concepts, as a theoretical structure, can not directly enter the field of perception. The experience of physicists is the deepening of our conventional experience about things. The physical world goes beyond the general perceptual field, reaching a deeper level than the level of perception and forming a deeper unity<# 10#>

The life world of experience has subjective relativity in essence. Therefore, Husserl believes that science lacks "objectivity" even if it is given intuitively as a fact in reality. Only by defining the perceivable and perceptual surrounding world in one sense can we overcome the relativity of subjective interpretation and achieve the "objectivity" in the actual sense of the subject. However, when people talk about "objectivity", they often "do not consider the objectivity of experience, recognize this objectivity and actually and concretely create the subjectivity of this objectivity". [11] Therefore, we believe that the process of objectifying the life world is actually a process away from the subject of the life world, and a process of dehumanizing the life world.

It must be acknowledged that Husserl's understanding of science is profound and creative. But at least we have differences with him on one issue, which is the objectivity of science. In his view, the objectivity of science is the inter subjectivity, that is, the consistency and universality of science among many subjects. We believe that although science, as a collective cause of mankind, the establishment of the objectivity of science must be the result of an inter subjectivity activity, and the objectivity of science must take the inter subjectivity as the premise and intermediary, the meaning of the objectivity of science is not only here. We recognize that science, as the product of human activities, contains human subjectivity (subjectivity) factors, but we also believe that scientific truth, through its humanized form of expression, reflects the real things in nature that are not transferred by our subjective will.

3 Scientific crisis

We believe that there has been an active interaction between the life world and the scientific world since the birth of science (even as early as in the process of science emerging from the life world). As the birthplace and original motivation of the scientific world, the life world has always played a normative and restrictive role in the scientific world; Once the scientific world is born, it will immediately have a strong impact on its "matrix" like all things that have acquired their own independence, thus profoundly changing the life world. The essence of the scientific crisis lies in the crisis of the relationship between the scientific world and the life world.

All theoretical interests originate from practical interests. The needs of life activities lead to and guide the emergence and development of science. For example, geometry is developed on the basis of the practice of land survey. Husserl believes that the practical activities in the life world are meaningful activities. However, in the process of geometric and mathematical transformation of the intuitive things in the life world, the actual meaning is covered up. The technicalization (technicalization) of scientific methods and procedures "is a completely reasonable and inevitable process", but it inevitably leads to the loss in technical thinking, the separation of the superficial meaning and the original meaning of scientific symbol operation, and the scientific activity is reduced to a game activity that has no essential difference from chess activities, It turned scientific method into a "simple skill of obtaining results through the skill of calculation", [12] Husserl therefore called Galileo "a genius of discovery and a genius of concealment". [13] He discovered the nature of mathematics and the nature of physics, but covered up the perceptual and intuitive nature in our life world, and covered up the "original, primitive - real meaning of theory". [14] Undoubtedly, the loss of the meaning basis of the scientific world in the life world will lead to the crisis of scientific meaning.

In Husserl's view, the life world is "the kingdom of primal evidentiality", which is functioning as the "source of proof" of the scientific world [15]. Although experiences in the life world have certain subjective relativity, they are still "the basis of all objective knowledge". This is because in the final analysis, scientific theory originates from the simple and direct observation obtained in the life world at the beginning. In the process of constructing the scientific world, we cannot exclude the intuitive things, because the sense world is the starting point of science. Once we exclude it, it is tantamount to excluding the basis on which the scientific world depends. The scientific world that is "insensible in principle" and "unintelligible in experience" will eventually return to the life world of experience to accept the test and verification of the subject. Therefore, if the intuitive life world is regarded as completely subjective, and then the status of the life world and daily experience is devalued, and the "meaning of truth involving daily existence other than science" is devalued, [16] then the scientific world itself will be ultimately damaged. The consequence of this attitude is that it has triggered the basic crisis of science.

For Husserl, another manifestation of the scientific crisis is the value crisis of science. The life world is a world full of value judgments, while the scientific world is a world that tries to give up evaluation to maintain value neutrality. Experiential natural science seeks only facts, and "science that sees only facts creates people who see only facts". [17] Although empirical science has achieved great success and greatly promoted our control of nature and the prosperity of society, "as far as our deep needs are concerned, this kind of science tells us nothing". [18] The value demand of the life world and the value irrelevance of the scientific world constitute a kind of contradictory tension, which urges us to doubt and reflect on the value of science.

We have summarized and subdivided Husserl's so-called scientific crisis into three kinds, namely, the crisis of scientific meaning, the crisis of basic science and the crisis of value. Facing the crisis, Husserl took a road to transcendental phenomenology through the life world. In the life world, Husserl found that the meaning of science is given by the practice of the life subject, and the basis of science is provided by the practical experience of the subject. Therefore, he solved the problem of the meaning and foundation of science by putting "the life world that includes all the actual life itself (including the ideological life of science) and the life world that is formed as a source to nourish the meaning of technology before science and outside science in the first place" [19].

Husserl's transcendental phenomenology not only sets itself as a "philosophy as a strict science", but also promises to be "the first philosophy". This kind of philosophy regards it as its task to rationally understand universal beings and the whole world, including life and nature. By appealing to the proper explanation of the status of the life world and the scientific world in the transcendental consciousness, and by appealing to philosophical rationality to answer the question of the meaning of life and provide guidance for people's life, Husse believes that we can finally overcome the value crisis of science.

Obviously, Husserl did not solve the value crisis of science from the front, that is, he did not make science itself undertake the task of answering the question of life value, but regarded natural science as an organic part of a universal science, which (that is, "philosophy as a strict science") would provide rational answers to all value questions [21]. It can be seen that his way to solve the scientific crisis is to use rational philosophy to make up for the impotence of science in value issues.

Through investigating Husserl's solution to the scientific crisis, we come into contact with an enlightening thought of Husserl, which is to elevate the status of the living world, regard it as the "only real world" we have, and the source of all meanings and the mother of all activities. The essence of this thought is to highlight people and their daily existence and attach importance to people's more comprehensive needs.

4 Technological crisis and life world crisis

The scientific crisis, although in terms of the relationship between the scientific world and the life world, still belongs to the science side, and the opposite belongs to the life world side, which is the life world crisis. The crisis of the life world must be the result of the realistic reaction of science - through the material force of technology - on the life world. From science to the life world, technology is the intermediary; Similarly, from the scientific crisis to the life world crisis, there must also be a technological crisis. As far as I know, Husserl never talked about the crisis of technology and the crisis of life world. If it is attached to the scientific crisis, the technological crisis may include the crisis of the significance of technology, the crisis of foundation and the crisis of value. However, as a widely discussed topic, technological crisis has its specific meaning in contemporary times. We believe that technological crisis refers to a series of dilemmas and problems caused to human society by the application of science and technology. Husserl seldom talked about technology crisis, which was probably because the drawbacks of technology application in his time had not been fully exposed. In recent decades, with the rapid development of science and technology and its wide application in human society, the great achievements of science and technology in benefiting mankind are obvious to all. However, at the same time, the bad negative effects of technology application are also shocking. This makes today's human beings have to seriously reflect on the crisis from technology.

We roughly divide the problems caused by technology application into two categories. The first category refers to the problems brought by technology application to the external environment and overall development of human society. As we all know, such problems include energy crisis, resource shortage, environmental pollution and ecological damage. The discussion on sustainable development that has sprung up in recent years is the efforts made by people to understand and solve such problems. The second kind of problem refers to the negative impact of technology application on the internal environment of human society and people's daily life. This negative impact constitutes a crisis in the life world. This paper focuses on analyzing and discussing this kind of crisis.

The effects of technology application (or social technicalization) are manifold. On the positive side, while expanding the surrounding world through technological means, people expand their subjectivity, enhance their ability to control the world and control their own destiny, and realize themselves in the materialized world. As far as society itself is concerned, technology is changing the mode of production, social division of labor and economic structure of a society, and will cause changes in social structure and social management. In terms of culture, the application of technology must require the cultural environment that is suitable for it, change people's existing concepts, reshape the social value system and promote the transformation of social behavior norms. Although the impact of technology on society and culture on a large scale is lasting, it is indirect after all. Its most direct and striking impact is reflected in the small-scale life world and in people's daily life. We must not think that technology's role in the life world is all negative. We must carefully analyze what aspects, how and to what extent technology has caused damage to the life world. We believe that the essence of the crisis of the life world is that the technicalization of society has destroyed the essential characteristics of the life world, that is, it has damaged the characteristics of the humanized world as the main world.

In a certain sense, it can be said that modern technology has a certain color of non subjectivity and non humanity. This is reflected in the fact that technical design emphasizes the pursuit of efficiency and function, and does not hesitate to include people in the technical system itself, making it a link of system operation (such as production line), thus placing people in a subordinate position. Even computer technology, as the representative of modern technology, failed to fundamentally change this situation in its early development stage. For example, it can only allow users to choose from the preset limited function menu, which makes people unable to fundamentally get rid of their passive position in front of machines. Another manifestation of the weakening of human subjectivity by the application of technology is that, with the development of transportation and information technology, the world is connected into a tight whole, and the earth is becoming smaller and smaller. At the same time, however, people are not correspondingly becoming larger and larger. In the face of overwhelming information and a diverse world, more and more people feel like they are in a huge world machine that has been launched, and the more they live, the smaller they become. Technology also dispels the humanized characteristics of the life world. Take communication technology as an example. Although it has expanded the space for interpersonal communication, this way of using technology as a medium only increases the indirect communication between people. What people directly face is only technical equipment. Face to face, vivid and all-round communication is a basic requirement for the humanization of the life world, but now it is erased by the technicalization of life.

Since the crisis of the life world originates from the damage caused by technology, the way to save the crisis naturally exists in the reconstruction and maintenance of the life world. To maintain the life world, we must first identify the core parts of the life world. It is these parts that constitute the root of the subjectivity and humanization of the life world, and constitute an eternal thing that can neither be replaced nor erased by any technology. We believe that this eternal thing is the existence of human life.

Man is not only a physical existence, but also a psychological existence. The existence of human body determines human existence and life. For example, technology can change the specific content and way of people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, but it cannot change the need of clothing, food, housing and transportation itself, and technology itself also comes from this need. The human body exists on the basis of all activities, and plays a restrictive role as the undertaker of activities. Therefore, technology should be centered on human physical existence, and accept the guiding role of physical existence in the development of technology and the limiting role of physical existence in the application of technology. From the psychological perspective, human is an independent social psychological subject based on self body identity. The center of his conscious life is his personal existence. Self focus and self focus are the starting point of his interaction with people and activities in his environment, and make him put forward subjectivity requirements in all aspects of daily life. This includes the requirement for a stable, orderly and humanized environment, and a people-centered technological environment. However, in today's practical application of technology, what is prevalent is the phenomenon of technology forcing people, which has led to the suppression and distortion of people's normal physical and mental needs, to a certain extent, led to the alienation of people and triggered the crisis in the life world.

The problems brought about by the application of technology can only be corrected and solved through the further development of technology, but this development is not to allow technology to develop aimlessly, but must be placed under strict value norms. If it is necessary to develop energy-saving technology (or new energy technology), green technology (environmental protection technology) and ecological technology in order to eliminate energy, environmental and ecological problems, then to solve the loss of subjectivity and humanity caused by life technicalization, it is necessary to develop people-centered and humanized technology and carry out people-centered and humanized production. Taking people as the center means that when designing and applying technology, we should take into account the dual needs of human body and mind, and strive to make technology suitable for human physical existence and meet human psychological needs, so as to avoid forcing people to adapt to technology and prevent technology from becoming an autocratic force against people.

In this regard, the latest advances in computer technology give us hope. "Since the invention of the computer, the traditional information processing environment is dominated by the computer, and people have to make do with the conditions that the computer can provide at that time.". [22] The general trend of the development of computer technology is to gradually make the function of computer closer to the law of human thinking and narrow the gap between people and computers. Virtual reality vr technology (or translated as simulated reality technology) will promote the transformation from "machine is the subject" to "man is the subject" and "machine revolves around man". It will "The computer that was originally good at processing digital single dimensional information is also good at processing humanized multi-dimensional information to establish a harmonious human-computer environment. People can not only observe the results of information processing from the outside, but also participate in the information processing environment through human vision, hearing, touch, smell, as well as shape, gesture or password, so as to obtain personal experience Experience of its environment "[23]. Comrade Qian Xuesen believes that "the technology of the spiritual realm is another technological revolution after the computer technology revolution. It will trigger a series of changes that will shake the world, and it must be a major event in human history." [24] On the other hand, computer supported cooperative work (cscw) not only has the ability to support human-computer interaction, It can also support the interaction between people. It will introduce computers into the environment of group collaborative work, and use computers as intermediaries to help people collaborate. An efficient human to human interface will be a multimedia interface, enabling people to communicate comprehensively with each other by means of text, voice, image and other media. [25]

We believe that, with the development and popularization of human centered humanized technology, people will surely regain their dominant position in daily life and restore the humanistic atmosphere that was previously pervading the life world. The problems of the technological age "in the final analysis involve whether people can freely self determine in their relationship with the human and non-human world around them, and whether people can freely and rationally shape themselves and the world around them in their numerous possibilities". [26] We should realize that the daily life world is the only real and real world we have, the source of all meanings, and the ultimate value orientation of all instrumental activities. All technologies should maintain and strengthen the subjectivity and humanization of the life world, so as to maintain the eternal home where our life resides.


Zhang Qingxiong, Xiong Shili's New Idealism and Husserl's Phenomenology, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1995, p119-120.

Ni Liangkang: Phenomenology and Its Effects Husserl and Contemporary German Philosophy, Sanlian Bookstore, 1994, p131-132.

3 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p380.

Edmund Husserl, Translated by Zhang Qingxiong, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p60.

5 Edmund Husserl, Translated by Zhang Qingxiong, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p71.

6 Edmund Husserl, Translated by Zhang Qingxiong, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p44.

7 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p216.

8 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p216.

9 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p216.

10 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p411-p415.

11 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p116.

12 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p57.

13 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p63.

14 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p63.

Ni Liangkang: Phenomenology and Its Effects Husserl and Contemporary German Philosophy, Sanlian Bookstore, 1994, p135.

16 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p64.

17 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p5.

18 The Development of Husserl's Thoughts, translated by Li He and written by Theodore de Boer (Netherlands), Sanlian Bookstore, 1995, p494.

19 Edmund Husserl, European Scientific Crisis and Transcendental Phenomenology, translated by Zhang Qingxiong, Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1988, p70.

20e Husserl, The Crisis of Phenomenology and Philosophy, translated by Lv Xiang, International Culture Publishing Company, 1988, p63.

21e Husserl, The Crisis of Phenomenology and Philosophy, translated by Lv Xiang, International Culture Publishing Company, 1988, p106.

22 Wang Cheng: Spiritual Environment Technology and Human Machine Harmonious Simulation Environment, Computer Research and Development, 1997, Issue 1.

23 Wang Cheng: Spiritual Environment Technology and Human Machine Harmonious Simulation Environment, Computer Research and Development, 1997, Issue 1.

24 Wang Shouyun, Wang Chengcheng, etc., Open Complex Giant System, Zhejiang Science and Technology Press, 1996, p191.

Chapter 3: Technology and Life Model

Key words: research and practice of college students' science and technology competition

CLC No.: G642.4 Document identification code: A

With the continuous improvement of informatization, the demand of society for practical and innovative talents continues to increase. The development of society requires talents with solid cultural knowledge and good professional skills, as well as talents who constantly use their wisdom to update their original knowledge and skills. It has gradually become the focus and core of higher education reform to comprehensively improve the knowledge innovation ability of college students and carry out entrepreneurship and employment education for college students. Cultivating innovative talents is not only the demand of social development, but also the primary task of current college education.

1 Importance of science and technology competition

Science and technology competition provides an effective way to deepen teaching reform and cultivate students' innovative practical ability. The college students' science and technology competition has broken the traditional teaching mode that overemphasizes the teaching of theoretical knowledge and ignores the cultivation of students' creative ability. It is an important way to promote college students to engage in scientific and technological innovation activities, and also an important means and effective carrier to cultivate students' scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurial ability.

College students' science and technology competition has become a platform to reflect the comprehensive influence of colleges and universities and the comprehensive ability of college students. A correct understanding of the role of science and technology competitions in science and engineering students' learning, training, education and guidance in the new era, giving full play to its guiding, competitive and innovative nature, and avoiding and reducing wrong guidance will play a decisive role in the training of science and engineering students in the new era.

After 60 years of construction, Northeast Electric Power University has formed the school running tradition and characteristics of "thick foundation, strict requirements, emphasis on practice, and strong ability". In 2002, the university passed the undergraduate teaching evaluation of the Ministry of Education, and on the basis of comprehensively improving the quality and level of talent training, put forward the goal and plan of "one practice and two innovation (practical ability, innovative awareness and entrepreneurial spirit)" to build an innovative talent training system, and strive to achieve innovative education and educational innovation. The implementation of the talent cultivation concept of "one practice and two innovations" in school classroom teaching and in and out of class practice teaching endows students with the foundation of doing things practical ability; Dare to do things - innovative consciousness; The will and ability to do things entrepreneurial spirit. In recent years, the school has made remarkable achievements by improving the innovative talent training mode, building a scientific and technological innovation practice platform, improving the scientific and technological competition management system and other measures, forming a long-term mechanism centered on college students' scientific and technological competition activities, greatly improving students' practical ability and innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and comprehensively improving students' comprehensive quality, It has guaranteed the sustainable development of scientific and technological innovation talents training.

Through participating in science and technology competitions, students can learn about the latest progress in science and technology on the basis of learning basic theoretical knowledge, find their own development direction in science and technology competitions, see their potential, advantages and disadvantages, improve innovation awareness and innovation ability, cultivate and cultivate discipline leaders and backbone with innovation awareness and practical ability, Let them become derivative forces to promote social progress and sustainable economic development, promote the continuous upgrading of industrial structure and the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and ultimately promote social harmony and prosperity and the continuous improvement of the overall economic strength of the country.

2 Practice of Science and Technology Competition

(1) Expand the influence of science and technology competitions. The publicity of science and technology competitions runs through the whole college life. At the beginning of enrollment, the freshmen will be initially introduced to the competition knowledge through the relevant publicity reading books and pamphlets such as the freshman guidance chapter; After the notice of competition is issued, the competition will be publicized in detail, including the competition time, selection objects, competition scheme, etc; Through the special website of the science and technology competition, the incentive policy, management system, previous awards, real-time reports of the competition and other information of the science and technology competition will be comprehensively and detailedly introduced; Further strengthen publicity through radio, school newspaper, school magazine, banner, works exhibition, special lectures and other forms; Through thematic class meetings, knowledge contests, community activities, summer social practice activities and other forms, further strengthen the perceptual understanding of science and technology competitions, and combine theory with practice. Good publicity can promote the development of science and technology competitions in a good cycle, making science and technology competitions a part of college students' campus life and a hot topic that students pay close attention to.

(2) Carry out CAD skill training, strengthen the learning of 2D drawing software AutoCAD and 3D software UG, and conduct early training and selection for students. For the students selected to participate in the provincial and national competitions, use the spare time for intensive training; When students enter the laboratory, professional tutors with certain practical background and experience in competition guidance are responsible for providing all-round guidance to students, so as to ensure the strength of students participating in the competition and improve the competition level.

(3) Actively strive for the opportunity for the school to send students to study, and ensure a relatively stable team of excellent competition instructors.

(4) Build a multi-level science and technology competition mechanism for college students. Every academic year, we regularly hold college level and school level basic course knowledge and ability competitions and scientific and technological innovation competitions with disciplinary characteristics. At present, the major competitions participated by students majoring in mechatronics include:

① Auto CAD drawing contest: each contestant has one machine, and the drawing is completed within 2 hours according to the specified drawings, and the scoring team scores on site;

② 3D digital innovative design competition: referred to as 3D competition, the contestants form teams to participate in the competition, use 3D software to design their own work models, and submit their works within the specified time. The scoring team will select excellent works to participate in the "National 3D Digital Innovative Design Competition";

③ Mechanical innovation design competition: once every two years, with different themes. The theme of 2015 is "Serving the society - efficient, convenient and personalized"; The content is "the mechanical device for classifying, counting and sorting coins; the packaging mechanical device for goods of different materials, shapes and sizes; and the mechanical device for carrying and assisting goods". The contestants will form teams to participate in the competition, and the outstanding works will participate in the "National Undergraduate Mechanical Innovation Design Competition";

④ The innovation and entrepreneurship training program for college students of Northeast Electric Power University, and the excellent project has participated in the "Jilin Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program".

3 Future direction

(1) Explore how to carry out the curriculum construction and training organization reform of science and technology competition, so that students can change from "passive competition" to "active competition"; Mobilize students' enthusiasm for active learning, guide students to carry out creative thinking, thus promoting the formation of students' innovation and entrepreneurial personality.

(2) Further study and summarize the influence of science and technology competitions on teachers, students, and the general public, so that the competitions can lead more people to pay attention and produce new results.

Chapter 4: Technology and Life Model

Mr. Liang Qichao once said in the article "A young man's wisdom is the wisdom of the country, a young man's wealth is the wealth of the country, a young man's strength is the strength of the country, and a young man's progress is the progress of the country..." Therefore, we should stimulate young people's interest in scientific and technological production and small inventions, cultivate their awareness of invention and creation, and develop their potential for invention and creation, It is an important task to carry out quality education. Innovation should start from education. Innovation should start from a small age. Innovation awareness should start from here, which is particularly important for teenagers' scientific and technological innovation education

From the perspective of physics, guiding students to carry out scientific and technological gadgets and inventions is the top priority of scientific and technological education for students. Here is how to guide students to participate in scientific and technological gadgets and inventions

Teachers should establish the concept of quality education

1.1 Physics teachers should accept the educational ideas of physics masters

Physics itself is a strict quantitative science based on experiments. All conclusions in physics are the crystallization of physical phenomena and experimental facts; Seeking truth and pragmatism, all the scientific attitude of proceeding from reality and strictly avoiding fraud, advocating rigorous, realistic and meticulous style, are carried out throughout physics teaching; In addition, physicists are not afraid of sacrifice, selfless dedication, tireless, pioneering and innovative scientific spirit, and the magnificent and colorful scientific research methods (such as observation, experiment, hypothesis, ideal model, equivalent substitution, scientific reasoning, etc.) that permeate physics, all of which give students profound influence and infection, Promote the formation and improvement of students' scientific literacy, so as to lay a solid foundation for students to further study and engage in scientific research and creative work in the future. Albert Einstein, the great physicist, said: "The goal of school education should not only cultivate individuals with independent actions and independent thinking, but also cultivate students to regard serving the society as their highest goal in life" Through education: "The free and responsible development of individuals enables them to contribute freely and happily to the service of all mankind". He also pointed out that school education "should prevent young people from advocating that success in the sense of custom is the goal of life, and the value of a person should be determined by what he contributes rather than what he gains" Einstein also clearly pointed out that "the goal of the school should always be that young people should leave school as a harmonious person, not as an expert". The great physicist's educational idea is to cultivate harmonious people with innovative spirit and all-round development. From the characteristics of physics, physics should focus on the process of "things", Then came the conclusion of "science". Physics teaching should and can make its own contribution to the formation and improvement of students' scientific literacy. Physics classroom teaching should pay attention to experiments and exploration, as well as the teaching of scientific and technological gadgets and inventions. Physics teachers should accept the ideas of physics masters and carry out quality education for students according to the characteristics of physics

1.2 Teachers should accept the latest educational concepts

The outline of China's education reform and development clearly points out that "primary and secondary schools should shift from 'exam oriented education' to the track of comprehensively improving national quality, face all students, comprehensively improve students' ideological and moral, cultural and scientific, labor skills, physical and psychological qualities, and promote students' lively development." For this reason, China has changed the original "syllabus" to "curriculum standards" The curriculum standard puts forward three reforms: first, the value trend of curriculum changes from elite education to mass education; Second, the curriculum goal focuses on the overall improvement of students' quality; The third is to turn from focusing only on teachers' teaching to focusing on the course implementation process. The curriculum standards stipulate that the main task of teaching reform is to first truly establish an educational concept that reflects the spirit of quality education in line with the new curriculum. The concept is the soul of action, and the educational concept plays a guiding and commanding role in teaching, All advanced teaching reforms are derived from new educational concepts; All difficulties in teaching reform come from the shackles of old educational concepts; All attempts at teaching reform are the result of the struggle between old and new educational concepts. Establishing new educational concepts is the primary task of teaching reform; As soon as the educational concept changes, many difficulties will be solved. Teachers can only improve their understanding, strengthen their responsibility, and unify the educational concept to the requirements of quality education and the direction of the new curriculum. The change of educational concept will truly radiate the vitality and creativity of teaching. Secondly, We should unswervingly promote the transformation of teaching methods and learning methods. Advanced educational concepts should be reflected through advanced educational methods. In addition, the transformation of educational concepts itself should also be carried out in the transformation of educational methods. The two are complementary. Without the transformation of concepts, the transformation of methods will have no direction and no foundation; If the mode is not changed, the concept change will lose its destination and foothold. Therefore, the teaching reform should attach importance to both the leading role of the concept reform and the carrier role of the mode reform. The teaching reform should not only change the teachers' educational concept, but also change their accustomed teaching methods and teaching behaviors every day. As far as the relationship between teaching and learning is concerned, The transformation of teachers' educational concepts and teaching methods should ultimately be implemented in the transformation of students' learning methods. The transformation of students' learning methods is of great significance, because the transformation of learning methods will lead to the transformation of the way of thinking, the way of life and even the way of survival. Students' autonomy, independence Therefore, initiative and creativity will be truly publicized and improved. Students will not only become the masters of learning and education, but also the masters of life, and become independent, actively participating in society, responsible people. Therefore, the change of learning style is regarded as the prominent feature and core task of curriculum reform

The curriculum standards emphasize the fundamental transformation of students' learning style, the transformation of this passive learning state in students' learning, the promotion and development of diverse student learning styles, especially the promotion of independent, inquiry and cooperative learning styles, so that students can become the masters of learning, and students' subjective consciousness, initiative, independence and creativity can be constantly developed, Develop students' innovative consciousness and practical ability. The physics curriculum standard points out that scientific inquiry is not only a student's learning goal, but also one of the important teaching methods. In scientific inquiry, students experience the process of inquiry as scientists construct and describe scientific principles, coordinate their own experience and incorporate it into the logical system, thus forming scientific concepts and principles, Establish their own knowledge structure, so that cognitive structure, knowledge skills, emotional attitudes and values can be developed. Teachers should base on changing students' learning methods in inquiry teaching, cultivate students' independence and autonomy, guide them to question, investigate and explore, learn to learn in practice, learn in cooperation, Gradually form an effective learning strategy suitable for oneself. Students learn to do experiments, learn to do production, and learn to do science and technology production and small inventions in extra-curricular activities. This is a strong guarantee for the implementation of curriculum standards. As physics teachers, they should implement the national education policy, accept the latest education concepts, and truly establish a correct concept of quality education

Chapter 5: Technology and Life Model

Key words: scientific and technological innovation of college students Important ways of higher education Sustainable development


As an important education base, colleges and universities shoulder the historical mission of comprehensively promoting quality education, cultivating high-quality and innovative talents with scientific research, and shoulder the important social function of serving the society and promoting local economic development. Cultivating students' innovative consciousness and ability has become one of the important goals of modern university education. The Ministry of Education issued the Document No. 1 in 2007, "Opinions of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance on Implementing the Undergraduate Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform Project in Colleges and Universities" It emphasizes that "the quality of higher education cannot fully meet the needs of economic and social development, students' practical ability and innovative spirit need to be strengthened, the overall quality of teachers needs to be improved, and the talent training mode, teaching content and methods need to be further changed. Therefore, it is urgent to take practical and effective measures to further deepen the teaching reform of colleges and universities, improve the ability and level of talent training, and better meet the needs of economic and social development for high-quality innovative talents. " The cultivation of students' practical ability and innovative spirit advocated by the Ministry of Education is the guiding ideology of university students' scientific and technological activities, and is also the goal of university students' scientific and technological activities.

1、 The Importance of Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities of College Students

Scientific and technological activities of college students refer to all activities carried out by colleges and universities in order to cultivate college students' scientific and technological awareness, scientific research spirit, and improve their innovative ability and practical ability. The main forms of university students' scientific and technological innovation include the following aspects: scientific and technological project application and research, scientific and technological works review, social investigation and research, scientific and technological competitions, scientific and technological works display, scientific and technological visits, scientific research forums, popular science publicity exhibitions, etc. "Promoting innovation through activities and promoting talent through innovation" is the basic concept that must be recognized in college students' scientific and technological innovation activities.

College students' participation in scientific and technological innovation activities is of great significance to the development of colleges and universities and their own development. It can not only serve as the entry point for colleges and universities to engage in teaching activities and optimize the process of talent cultivation, but also serve as a number of typical teaching projects in the teaching process to promote the in-depth teaching reform, and can also serve as a carrier to stimulate students' subjective initiative and creativity to the maximum extent and cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability, Comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of students. At the same time, college students' participation in scientific and technological innovation is more conducive to further deepening students' understanding of professional knowledge. The academic innovation of students in colleges and universities is an important link in the cultivation of professional talents in colleges and universities. In scientific and technological innovation activities, we must highlight the educational theme of scientific and technological innovation, so as to guide the healthy development of scientific and technological activities of college students. The main purpose of college students' scientific and technological innovation is to cultivate their awareness of scientific and technological innovation and their ability to actually innovate, improve their ability to solve practical problems by combining theory with practice, and improve their enthusiasm and initiative in learning courses. We should carry out scientific and technological innovation activities for college students, guide them to make rational use of their time and actively invest in extracurricular scientific and technological innovation on the basis of actively completing basic courses, and use extracurricular time to learn new knowledge and explore new fields, so as to improve the style of study and school atmosphere of colleges and universities.

Scientific and technological innovation of college students is also of great significance to the development of society. At present, there is more and more fierce competition among countries in the world, and the key is talent competition. The speed of knowledge development in today's world has been further accelerated, and the standards for measuring and evaluating talents have also changed. The amount of knowledge a person has is no longer an important standard to measure his working ability, but focuses on whether he can quickly learn new knowledge and theories and carry out scientific and technological innovation. Therefore, the state and colleges and universities must have a certain system guarantee to ensure that the scientific and technological innovation activities of college students are carried out smoothly and to cultivate qualified talents for the national and socialist construction cause.

2、 An Analysis of the Current Situation of College Students' Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities

The scientific and technological innovation activities of college students play an important role in the quality education and the cultivation of innovative talents in colleges and universities. All colleges and universities have done some exploration and practice on how to further carry out the scientific and technological innovation activities of college students. Through strengthening organizational leadership, establishing a special fund for scientific and technological innovation activities, and carrying out a series of activities such as scientific and technological project approval, scientific and technological evaluation, and scientific and technological competition, the university has effectively promoted the extensive development of scientific and technological innovation activities of college students, with increasingly rich forms of activities and emerging innovative achievements. As far as the existing organizational model is concerned, college students' scientific and technological innovation activities are still subject to certain restrictions in terms of funds, teachers, equipment, venues, etc., which affects their development scale and comprehensive effects. It is mainly shown in the following aspects.

1. Lack of systematic teaching plan.

At present, most colleges and universities in our country mainly use professional practice, graduation thesis (design), "Challenge Cup" and other practical links as the form and carrier to carry out college students' scientific and technological innovation activities, hoping to effectively improve college students' scientific research innovation ability, but there is no systematic training, practice, and teaching plan, This has affected the creation of the scientific research atmosphere of college students, and also caused the lack of time for college students to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities. Freshmen are enthusiastic about scientific and technological innovation activities, but they lack basic knowledge and ability. They do not know where to start scientific research, and sophomores begin to learn professional courses. Senior students face pressure from further study or employment, so they have little energy and time to engage in scientific research and carry out scientific and technological innovation activities, It is also difficult for instructors to find suitable students for training. Therefore, the lack of systematic teaching and training plans is the primary factor affecting college students' scientific and technological innovation.

2. Lack of innovative system construction.

Under the combined influence of the current education system, science and technology system, economic system, traditional cultural atmosphere and other factors, at present, college students' scientific and technological innovation activities are relatively slow to be popularized in colleges and universities, and the overall level of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities still needs to be further improved, and some have not even started. Due to the lack of innovative system construction and long-term mechanism to ensure the effective operation of the system, its content involves the organization and management of scientific and technological innovation activities, the management of activity positions, the use and management of scientific research funds, the calculation of teacher workload, the management of students' scientific and technological projects, incentive measures, and a series of rules and regulations related to students' scientific and technological innovation activities. As a result, the enthusiasm of students to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities is not high, and it is difficult to create a strong scientific and technological learning atmosphere.

3. Lack of sufficient scientific and technological funds.

With the continuous expansion of colleges and universities, the number of students participating in scientific and technological innovation activities has increased significantly. The problem of scientific and technological funds has often become a bottleneck for many college students to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities. Often, the special funds allocated by the school to students' scientific and technological innovation activities are limited, and sometimes the allocation is not timely. At the same time, the academic affairs office and relevant departments of the school are not very active in supporting college students' scientific and technological innovation activities, and a good situation of joint management and cooperation among all departments has not really formed.

4. Lack of sustainable development of teaching staff.

In the case that innovative talents are increasingly needed for social development, the scientific and technological innovation activities of college students have developed well, but the development is unbalanced. It is mainly manifested in the neglect of professional training and quality improvement of the organization and management team of scientific and technological activities and the student team, and the serious shortage of teachers, especially among young and middle-aged professional teachers, there is a weak sense of innovation and weak engineering practice ability, and the heavy teaching tasks make it difficult for them to give high-quality guidance to college students' scientific and technological innovation activities, Due to the lack of team building for sustainable development, the simultaneous improvement of the level and quality of students' scientific and technological innovation activities is largely restricted. This is also an important factor affecting college students' scientific and technological innovation activities.

5. At present, college students' scientific and technological innovation lacks universality and operability.

On the whole, college students lack universality and operability in scientific and technological innovation. In addition to graduate students or students from some research universities, many undergraduate and junior college students in ordinary universities lack training in scientific and technological innovation ability and innovation awareness. College students' scientific and technological innovation should have the necessary continuity and systematicness. At present, some domestic colleges and universities carry out college students' scientific and technological innovation learning and training through student practice, graduation design, curriculum design, various professional competitions and other ways. They have not been able to form a standard and systematic scientific and technological innovation curriculum system. There are certain difficulties in the actual operation process. Some colleges and universities' graduation designs even lack the support of systematic theory and practical ability, All these have fundamentally restricted the further development of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities and the further improvement of college students' scientific and technological innovation ability.

6. The development of scientific and technological innovation activities of college students is uneven.

The current survey data shows that the development of college students' scientific and technological innovation is uneven in different levels of universities and different majors. Judging from the achievements of university students' scientific and technological innovation activities, key universities are significantly more than ordinary universities in the level and number of awards. In recent years, almost all of the higher ranking and scientific and technological innovation awards in the National Undergraduate Science and Technology Innovation Contest and the National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest have been won by key universities, and some universities have not even been able to win relevant awards so far. From the perspective of professional disciplines, science and engineering students are obviously better than liberal arts students in all aspects of innovation. Compared with liberal arts students, science and engineering students have very obvious advantages in software design and invention creation. Liberal arts students can only obtain results through investigation reports. At the same time, senior students have more obvious advantages in scientific and technological innovation awareness and innovation ability than junior students.

3、 An important way to carry out college students' scientific and technological innovation activities

Comrade put forward: "Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the inexhaustible driving force for the country's prosperity." The cultivation of college students' innovative ability is not only the urgent need of the times and the reform and development of colleges and universities, but also the internal demand of college students for self-development and self realization. The cultivation of scientific and technological innovation ability of college students is an important aspect of innovative quality education, an important means and main content of the new talent training model of colleges and universities to meet the requirements of the times, an important part of the scientific and technological innovation system of colleges and universities, and a broad stage for young students to expand their quality and become all-round talents. In recent years, colleges and universities have attached great importance to the cultivation of college students' scientific and technological innovation ability, and are actively exploring effective ways to cultivate college students' scientific and technological innovation ability.

1. Incorporate students' scientific and technological innovation activities into the teaching plan.

In the ordinary teaching process of colleges and universities, we must be able to highlight the cultivation of students' scientific and technological innovation ability. In the teaching process, students' scientific and technological activities can be included in the applied teaching links, and therefore, scientific research related courses are opened for college students to lay the foundation for college students to carry out scientific and technological innovation. In the specific operation, a certain number of student scientific research projects are organized every academic year. All interested students should fill in the corresponding application form, which will be filed after review. The school should be able to encourage individuals or innovation groups to participate in the production and invention of science and technology, and cultivate students' practical ability and innovation spirit in the process of such activities. In the process of teaching, students should be able to assess their scientific and technological innovation spirit and comprehensive ability.

2. Implement system construction and innovation.

The system is an important guarantee to complete the task. The university campus must be able to create a good scientific and technological atmosphere, constantly improve the participation rate of all teachers and students, strengthen the innovation of the system, and constantly improve the level of organization and management. Therefore, the school must pay attention to the construction of the system, and constantly improve the rules and regulations to enhance the scientific and standardized level of organizational management. In terms of the organization and management of students' scientific research, we must focus on the four links of project approval and application, process guidance, conclusion review and achievement display. The construction and innovation of rules and regulations mainly includes the organization and management of activities, the management of activity positions, the use and management of scientific research funds, the calculation of the workload of instructors, the management of students' scientific and technological projects, and incentive measures.

3. Strengthen the team construction of "backbone of students' scientific and technological innovation activities and guiding teachers' team".

In the process of team building, the first thing to focus on is the construction of the teaching staff. To effectively improve the quality and level of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities, the role of teachers is very important. On the one hand, it is necessary to formulate the work responsibilities of the instructors, increase the workload of guidance, and enhance the initiative and enthusiasm of the instructors through awards and other ways. On the other hand, we should vigorously carry out the ideological and political education work of teaching and educating people among the instructors, strengthen their awareness of the importance of cultivating entrepreneurial and innovative talents in colleges and universities, enhance their sense of responsibility in guiding college students to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities, and give full play to the important role of the instructors in scientific research and innovation activities and practical ability training of college students. While strengthening the construction of the teaching staff, we should also strengthen the construction of the backbone team of students' scientific and technological innovation activities. The school should strengthen the creation of the scientific and technological innovation atmosphere of the school through various programs, cultivate the interest of college students to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities, and improve the awareness of students to participate in scientific and technological innovation activities; The school should cultivate students' basic ability and comprehensive quality to engage in scientific and technological innovation, and constantly strengthen the selection and training of students' innovation backbone. To enrich students' experience in scientific and technological innovation activities through extensive scientific and technological exchanges; It is necessary to actively organize students to carry out project research practice, constantly improve college students' scientific research ability and ability to solve practical engineering problems, cultivate students' interest in scientific and technological innovation through the above ways, and give full play to their initiative and enthusiasm in scientific and technological innovation. Finally, we must pay attention to the construction of the management team in the scientific and technological innovation of college students. Management is a decisive factor for career and various practical activities. The university should set up a special team to manage the scientific and technological innovation activities of college students. The management cadre training should be carried out in a certain form to help the management team understand the purpose, law, approach and development of scientific and technological innovation activities of college students, and effectively improve the scientific and technological innovation awareness and business management level of the management team. At the same time, we should strengthen the construction of university students' scientific and technological innovation activity network, and provide a platform for university students to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities, organize publicity, project review and other work.

4. Broaden funding channels and strengthen cooperation between enterprises and university students in scientific research

With the rapid development of colleges and universities and the continuous expansion of the scale of colleges and universities, the number of college students participating in the scientific and technological innovation activities of college students is increasing, and the funds required for scientific and technological innovation activities have become a practical problem faced by colleges and universities. For this reason, each university must further expand the source channel of funds, and on the basis of the special fund support of the school, it is necessary to constantly strive for the support of the relevant teaching departments, so as to form a good situation of multi department coordinated management and cooperation in the school. The scientific and technological innovation activities of college students should win the support and help of industry enterprises. College students' scientific and technological innovation must have social practicality and market promotion value, and win the sponsorship of enterprises and other social groups. Only in this way can we effectively solve the problem of insufficient innovation funds, and also provide an effective way for college students to transform their scientific and technological innovation achievements into real productive forces, To make a certain contribution to the realization of colleges and universities serving the social and local economic development. In addition, the participation of college students and instructors in enterprise project research can also effectively improve the scientific research ability and innovation ability of college students.

5. Create a good atmosphere of scientific and technological innovation.

A good campus environment and a scientific and technological innovation atmosphere are important prerequisites for colleges and universities to cultivate innovative talents. Colleges, society and individuals should be able to actively create a good scientific and technological innovation atmosphere of multiple integration to promote the development of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities. The news media should stimulate the enthusiasm of educational institutions to cultivate scientific and technological innovation talents by strengthening the society's expectations for talent training. Colleges and universities should be able to fully recognize the non mandatory nature of scientific and technological innovation activities, and strive to create a unique culture to achieve the purpose of innovative education beyond classroom education. As a scientific and technological innovation activity, college students should be able to actively participate in scientific and technological innovation, and in this process, realize the improvement of self ability and the formation of the overall innovation atmosphere.

4、 Conclusion

Innovation is the driving force for the sustainable development of scientific development, and the hope of innovation lies in young people. College students are the group with high academic literacy and strong ability among young people. Scientific research shows that between the ages of 18 and 24, people are most creative and innovative. Therefore, we can think that universities are the cradle of innovation and one of the most important bases for innovation. College students are the most important pioneers of scientific and technological innovation and the most dynamic objects of innovation. It is an important mission for colleges and universities to cultivate outstanding talents with innovative consciousness and innovative comprehensive ability. The scientific and technological activities of college students must also obey and serve this mission, and comprehensively improve the quality of students through practice.

The scientific and technological innovation activity of college students is an important way to cultivate their scientific and technological innovation consciousness, carry out innovative practice, and enhance their innovative spirit and practical ability. It is a systematic project. The development of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities is not only an important supplement and continuation of college classroom teaching, but also an important measure to deepen the teaching reform of higher education and cultivate innovative talents. It has important practical significance for promoting college students' scientific and technological innovation education, enhancing the independent innovation ability of higher education, and improving the comprehensive quality of college students.


[1] Peng Na. Analysis of the Status Quo of College Students' Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities [J]. Business Culture, 2011, (10)

[2] Zhou Peisong. Investigation and thinking on college students' scientific and technological innovation activities [J]. Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Monthly, 2016, (19)

[3] Jiang Yunqing. The current situation, problems and countermeasures of college students' scientific and technological innovation activities [J]. China Geological Education, 2004, (03)

Chapter 6: Technology and Life Model

Technology, for the enjoyment of life

Technology is not a gorgeous configuration table, but a comfortable driving experience. For car owners who are constantly pursuing the quality of life, the new Santana is equipped with practical and humanized configurations, so that they can enjoy the beauty and fun of life inside and outside the car.

In the eyes of Ms. Chen, a music enthusiast, technology means accompanying the beautiful melody all the way. "In the past, when driving at a higher speed, the noise inside and outside the car would overwhelm the sound of music, and the volume had to be readjusted. I think the new Santana has done a better job in this regard. Its intelligent multimedia entertainment system can automatically adjust the volume with the speed. It seems like a personal DJ, which is very considerate."

If the intelligent multimedia entertainment system is "icing on the cake" for car owners, the seat heating can be described as "snow"

We are sending charcoal in the middle. Mr. Zhao, who often travels on business, said: "We do engineering work and basically follow the project everywhere all the year round, especially in the north in winter. I bought this car because of its rare heating function of the main and co driver seats in cars of the same class, plus the automatic thermostatic air conditioner that can adjust the temperature in the car in real time. When I get into the car in winter, I feel very comfortable."

Science and technology, smart for safety

Compared with the needs of young car buyers, consumers who pay more attention to family concept pay more attention to the safety configuration of cars, because only excellent safety performance can enable them to travel with their families in peace of mind without worry.

For young father Mr. Yuan, the "little princess" in the family is definitely the "key protection object" of the whole family. "The child is still young, and we really dare not be careless about her safety." Mr. Yuan said, "So when I bought a car, the first thing I thought about was the safety of a car. As for German cars, safety is guaranteed, and I feel more secure driving my daughter out."

The new Santana did not disappoint him. The six air bag configuration, which is ahead of its peers, provides him and his family with all-round and considerate protection. The advanced ESP body electronic stability system integrates more than ten active and passive safety functions. Among them, ABS+EBV system under all working conditions, HBA emergency brake assist system, ASR traction control system, EDS electronic differential lock, CBC curve control system and other devices are only equipped on high-end vehicles, which not only reassure family members, but also make them feel at ease when driving.

Chapter 7: Technology and Life Model

The Chinese Curriculum Standard points out that "the construction of Chinese curriculum should pay close attention to the needs of modern social development, broaden the fields of Chinese learning and application, pay attention to interdisciplinary learning and the use of modern scientific and technological means, so that students can broaden their horizons in the intersection, infiltration and integration of different contents and methods." "In particular, we should focus on stimulating students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge, developing their thinking, cultivating their imagination, developing their creative potential, improving their ability to find, analyze and solve problems, and improving their comprehensive ability to use Chinese." Therefore, the "science and technology exploration" reading materials have attracted the attention of the proponents all over the country. As far as the 102 sets of secondary school entrance examination questions owned by the author this year are concerned, Among them, there are 14 sets of reading materials with the theme of "scientific and technological exploration", accounting for 13.7%.

[Links to hot questions in the senior high school entrance examination]

The First "Artificial Life" Born in the United States (2013, Ningde, Fujian Province);

The five senses are not "independent" (Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, 2013);

"Computer Visual Fatigue" should not be underestimated (Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, 2013);

Football can also generate electricity (Volume of Loudi City, Hunan Province, 2013);

The King of Glass (2013 Dandong, Liaoning);

Beidou: Boosting National Strength and Navigating Life (Xiantao City, Hubei Province, 2013);

Seeking the "New Earth" (Volume of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, 2013);

The "Thousand mile Eye" for Perceiving the Earth (Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, 2013);

Cloud Computing (Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 2013);

Revolutionary 3D Printing (Volume of Qujing City, Yunnan Province, 2013);

Mobile Phone Determines Your Location (2013 Hengyang City, Hunan Province);


[Reproduction of the real question]

"Zero altitude" flight


① From Longyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, to the International Airport, a white "dragon" flew by. It took only six or seven minutes to travel more than 30 kilometers, and the speed was amazing. This is the fastest land vehicle in the world - maglev train, which has set the Guinness record. What's more surprising is that this kind of train actually flies at "zero altitude" on the ground.

② As we all know, supersonic aircraft need to fly at a height of several thousand meters, and helicopters need to fly at least ten meters. How does the maglev train create the miracle of nearly "zero altitude" flight?

③ In order to make the maglev train "fly", the first thing is to empty the train.

④ The maglev train in Shanghai is a "permanent magnetic induction" maglev train. This kind of maglev train uses the principle that magnets "repel each other in the same sex and attract each other in the different sex". Suspension electromagnets are installed on the bogies on both sides of the train, and magnets are laid on the track. Using the attraction of magnets, the train is completely off the track, and suspended at a distance of about 1 cm from the track.

⑤ In order to ensure the reliability of this suspension and the smoothness of train operation, it is necessary to accurately control the current in the electromagnet, ensure the stable strength and suspension force of the magnetic field, and keep a gap of about 1cm between the train and the track. This gap is controlled using an air gap sensor.

⑥ In order to make the maglev train "fly", in addition to emptying the train, it must also move forward.

⑦ The driving principle of the maglev train is the same as that of the synchronous linear motor. Generally speaking, the AC electric energy flowing in the coils on both sides of the track changes the coils into electromagnets, which can interact with the electromagnets on the train to start the train. The train moves forward because the N pole of the electromagnet at the head of the train is attracted by the S pole of the electromagnet installed on the track near the front, and repelled by the N pole installed later on the track. When the train moves forward, the current flowing in the coil reverses, that is, the original S pole becomes N pole, and N pole becomes S pole. In this way, the train can continue to run forward.

⑧ In order to control the direction of the train, a set of electromagnets specially used for guidance are installed on the side of the train. When the vehicle deviates from the left to the right, the guide electromagnet on the train interacts with the side of the guide rail to generate a repulsive force, so that the vehicle can return to its normal position. There is a certain gap between the train and the side of the guide rail. When the running state of the vehicle changes, such as running on a curve or a ramp, the control system controls the current in the guide magnet to maintain this side to side gap, so as to control the running direction of the train.

⑨ The "flying" speed of Shanghai maglev train is 430 kilometers per hour, several times faster than that of ordinary trucks. So, how can such a high-speed train drive safely and reliably?

⑩ When the train runs at high speed, one of the risk factors is the turning radius - the turning radius cannot be too small. There are also several turning points on the whole maglev line in Shanghai, of which the maximum turning curve radius reaches 8000 meters, which is almost a straight line when viewed by the naked eye, so passengers will not feel uncomfortable when turning; The minimum radius is 1300 meters. Even when turning at high speed, passengers also feel stable and comfortable.

{11} The train has no contact with the track, so the safety braking is also a very important problem. There are three braking modes for the maglev train: electromagnetic braking, eddy current braking, and skid braking. When the train encounters an emergency, the operation control system optimizes the three braking modes through quick judgment to make the train stop at the appropriate position.

{12} Because the maglev track "lies flat" in "broad daylight". What if there are obstacles on the track that threaten the high-speed train? It is reported that the most advanced isolation device in the world is installed within 50 meters on both sides of the maglev track, making it impossible to create obstacles on the track artificially.

{13} In a word, the operation of the maglev train has really realized the "zero altitude" flight of land vehicles, which is a major breakthrough in the field of transportation technology.

(This article has been deleted)

1. Read the full text and explain the meaning of "zero altitude flight" according to the content of the article.



2. What three aspects are mainly introduced in this paper around the "zero altitude" flight of the maglev train? Please summarize in simple words.


3. According to the content of the article, talk about how the high-speed maglev train can drive safely and reliably.


4. The underlined sentence in paragraph ⑩ uses the explanation methods of ________ and ______________, and its function is: _____________________________.

5. The explanatory language in paragraph {12} of the article is accurate, rigorous and vivid. Please choose one aspect and analyze it in combination with the specific content.



(2013 Senior High School Entrance Examination in Qingdao, Shandong Province)

[Interpretation of famous teachers]

Answer strategy:

Question 1 requires an explanation of the meaning of the question, which mainly tests students' ability to understand the meaning of key sentences. To understand the meaning of a sentence, we should combine the specific language environment and the content of the article.

The second question asks to summarize the content of the article, mainly examining the students' ability to perceive and summarize the text content. When answering, first read the full text to understand the main content of the article, then read it layer by layer to find out the central sentence of the paragraph or summarize the main content of the paragraph, and finally summarize it and express it in simple language.

Question 3 mainly examines students' understanding of key paragraphs. To answer such questions, first lock the relevant paragraphs, then read them paragraph by paragraph, find out the central sentence of the paragraph or summarize the main content of the paragraph, extract useful information, and combine them.

Question 4 mainly examines the students' ability to identify and understand the explanation method. The commonly used explanation methods include giving examples, listing numbers, making analogies, making comparisons, classifying, etc. The solution can be distinguished according to the characteristics of various explanation methods.

The fifth question mainly examines the students' ability to appreciate the accuracy and vividness of words. These accurate and rigorous words often play a role in limiting time, scope and degree, and the use of these words can reflect the accuracy of the language of the expository text. When answering, first of all, we should understand the word of quality analysis, and then point out the benefits of using this word. The vividness is mainly reflected in the use of rhetorical devices in sentences. The answer can be in the form of "pointing out rhetoric+rhetoric effect+specific sentence content".

Error cause exploration:

Among the above real questions, questions 1, 2 and 4 lost more points. The reason for the loss of marks in question 1 is that the understanding of the meaning of the question is not comprehensive, and the characteristics of fast speed are not understood from the words "flying" or "galloping". The main reason for losing points in question 2 is that the content is not summarized accurately and the central sentence is not grasped properly. The main reason for the loss of score in question 4 is that the identification and explanation methods are not comprehensive, and the analysis function is divorced from the specific context.

"Zero Altitude" Flight

1. "Zero altitude" flight means that the maglev train can be suspended at a distance of only 1 cm from the track, and the speed is extremely fast.

2. How to lift the maglev train; How does the maglev train travel; How to ensure the safety of maglev train.

3. The turning radius is large enough; Realize safe braking through operation control system; Advanced isolation devices are installed within 50 meters on both sides of the track to prevent man-made obstacles on the track.

4. Illustrate the length of the maximum and minimum turning radius of the maglev train with specific examples and accurate data, and specifically and accurately explain that the turning radius of the maglev train should be large enough.

Chapter 8: Technology and Life Model

Key words: scientific and technological innovation activities of college students Research learning

CLC No.: G424 Document ID Code: A

The essence of inquiry learning is learner independent inquiry. In research-based learning, learners have changed the traditional way of thinking, no longer taking the inheritance of knowledge to maintain the status quo as the main purpose of learning, but can look at today with a future perspective, focusing on current universal problems and difficult problems, which can quickly trigger them to become their own thinkers or explorers. In traditional education and teaching, teachers provide students with a variety of learning environments, but rarely give students the opportunity to investigate and find problems and determine research topics. Research learning is to find, analyze and solve problems through students' own brain and hands. Research learning is different from receptive learning and interactive learning because of its unique characteristics and functions in education and teaching. Its basic characteristics are "process, application, subjectivity, comprehensiveness, openness, generation, problem, practicality and creativity", etc. Its main function is, on the one hand, it promotes the paradigm transformation of learning methods, and makes the learning methods of educatees and learners leap to a new stage. On the other hand, it has promoted the improvement of the quality of education and teaching, making education and teaching follow the pace of modernization and serve it, which is of practical and practical significance.

In recent years, many colleges and universities throughout the country attach great importance to students' scientific and technological innovation activities. Including various national science and technology competitions; Various scientific and technological innovation research plans have been set up from the country to the province and then to various schools. Many schools have taken scientific and technological innovation ability as an important part of undergraduate student training. The "Undergraduate Innovative Experiment Program" of our university has been incorporated into an important part of the undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform project of colleges and universities, and has become an important measure to cultivate high-quality innovative talents. Although the college students' scientific and technological innovation project has been for many years, it is worth summarizing and improving. In the past three years, I have been guiding college students to carry out scientific and technological innovation projects, and I would like to talk about some preliminary understanding of the learning methods adopted in the implementation of college students' scientific and technological innovation projects.

1. Survey of subjects involved in undergraduate scientific and technological innovation projects

In recent years, there have been many scientific and technological innovation activities for college students nationwide. There are various forms of national science and technology competitions: such as the "Challenge Cup" Chinese College Students Entrepreneurship Plan Competition hosted by, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the All China Federation of Students, and the national animal skills competition; Each province and city also held a series of scientific and technological competitions aimed at improving the scientific and technological innovation ability of college students, and local colleges and universities held scientific and technological innovation activities according to their own actual conditions; Various scientific and technological innovation research plans have been set up from the state to the province and then to various schools; Each school has opened up a wide range of channels, combined with social forces through various ways, and set up scientific and technological innovation research plans for undergraduate students. According to incomplete statistics, in the four years since the author's school of veterinary medicine, students have successfully applied for more than 100 scientific and technological innovation projects, and more than 500 students have participated in the application, accounting for nearly 20% of the total number of students, which is roughly the same as the situation in other parts of the country; The National Animal Skills Competition has been held in our school for four consecutive years, with nearly 100 participants in the past four years. In order to broaden the channels of innovation projects, the college has set up a number of scientific and technological innovation projects in combination with social forces, which has expanded the social impact of enterprises and the way of student training. It is a win-win thing.

According to the grades of students who have participated in scientific and technological innovation activities in our college for four years, the students who have participated in the activities are mainly sophomores, followed by juniors, and some are freshmen and seniors. This result is basically consistent with the results reported in other regions of the country. This distribution is also true. Due to the pressure of postgraduate entrance examination and employment, senior students have scattered a lot of energy and entered the job search period and role conversion period; As a freshman, he doesn't know much about professional knowledge, and scientific and technological innovation activities are still in the stage of enlightenment and adaptation; As a junior, he has a relatively deep understanding and thinking of college learning, and has a relatively large selection of activities in the second class of college; The sophomore students have a certain understanding of their major, but they also have a sense of mystery about their major learning, so they have the strongest desire to explore, so more people participate. Both belong to the golden period of professional learning and quality development. Because of this, the scientific and technological innovation group of college students has its own characteristics and shortcomings: strong curiosity, desire for knowledge and insufficient knowledge reserves. With the continuous accumulation of knowledge and experience, college students' imagination is gradually enriched, and their thinking ability, especially their logical thinking ability, has been greatly improved, and their thinking is more agile. However, due to the narrow range of students' knowledge and the lack of reasonable integration between disciplines, they lack flexibility and comprehensiveness when thinking about problems.

2 Practice of innovative education and research-based learning in the implementation of college students' scientific and technological innovation projects

2.1 During the implementation of college students' scientific and technological innovation projects, teachers should pay attention to guiding students to learn and innovate through research-based learning

Due to the rapid development of modern science and technology, the social division of labor is more detailed, and the requirements for the type and characteristics of talents are higher. Modern education should not only impart knowledge to students and train their basic professional skills, but also give consideration to their self-learning ability, self innovation ability and scientific research ability. This requires the reform of the original traditional indoctrination education model, the introduction of new teaching methods and educational concepts, and the formation of a talent training model suitable for modern society. In order to cultivate students' innovative ability, what kind of teaching methods should teachers adopt in the process of completing college students' scientific and technological innovation? What learning methods should the participating students adopt? We believe that we should pay attention to the cultivation of students' innovative ability, teachers should pay attention to the adoption of innovative teaching methods in the implementation of the project, and students should pay more attention to research-based learning. That is, teachers should emphasize students' main position and role in learning, and emphasize students' innovative spirit and practical ability. This enables students to improve their ability to find problems, absorb new information and solve new problems through learning, so as to cultivate their innovative character and meet the changing society. During the implementation of the project, students can learn to find and raise problems through research-based learning, and study and solve problems through investigation, research, collection and processing of information. In the process of implementation, they will have a personal experience of research and cooperation, so as to cultivate their ability to think, express, communicate and solve problems using scientific methods, and experience the joy of success.

2.2 Define the training objectives and key points of innovative education according to the situation of students in the process of research-based learning

Undergraduate scientific and technological innovation is to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities with undergraduate students as the main body, mainly participating in sophomore and junior college students. For them, their main task is to learn knowledge, and at the same time, use various links to cultivate students' relearning ability and innovation ability. College students' scientific and technological innovation activities are one aspect of college students' innovation ability. Therefore, we believe that undergraduate scientific and technological innovation activities cannot be separated from undergraduate classroom teaching. They should be students' second classroom based on undergraduate classroom teaching, which is a deepening and supplement to classroom teaching. Through the implementation of scientific and technological innovation projects, students can further understand their potential, hobbies and career needs; Expand professional knowledge, so that the knowledge obtained in the classroom and even from other ways can be used flexibly; Lay a professional foundation for some students with special talents. Since the main purpose of learning at this stage is not to highlight their innovative talents, we should focus on gradually improving their ability to find problems, analyze problems, propose solutions and persevere in implementing solutions during the implementation of scientific and technological innovation projects; Pay due attention to the principle of attaching equal importance to the process and results, and definitely say that if they can achieve good innovative results in the process of scientific and technological activities, it will be a great encouragement for their growth.

2.3 During the implementation of undergraduate science and technology innovation projects, attention should be paid to creating a good environment for innovative education and research learning

External cause is the condition of change, while internal cause is the basis of change. The same is true of talent growth. During the implementation of science and technology projects, we should create a good environment for participants to cultivate and grow.

(1) Let students participate in the topic selection, design, implementation, conclusion and other links. Students should be involved in the discussion as much as possible during the topic selection process, so as to cultivate students' ability to find problems (choose the problems to study), analyze problems, and develop solutions to problems. In the process of topic selection, attention should be paid to the difficulty of topic selection so that students can understand and complete the topic within a certain time through appropriate efforts. If the subject is too difficult, it is easy to dampen their enthusiasm for participating in the subject, and if it is too easy, it may cause them to have incorrect understanding of scientific research. College students are still in the primary stage of scientific and technological innovation training, so in the process of selecting topics, attention should be paid to the novelty of the topic, and the interest of the topic should also be paid. It is better that some students have thought about but confused questions, which can improve students' interest. Students are familiar with the basic process of scientific research and scientific discovery by participating in topics selection, design, implementation, and conclusion, so as to lay a foundation for future exploratory learning.

Chapter 9: Technology and Life Model

He said: "I have a profound experience in this respect. When I tried to find some relevant information, none of the classifications were related to my grandparents' care. I was surprised that the digital revolution has taken place for 30 years, and the only thing related to the elderly is still 'I fell down and couldn't stand up'."

At the same time, he also admitted that technology and the elderly are not well integrated. Teaching older people to use smartphones, tablets or computers is a huge challenge. But he also suddenly realized the fact that most elderly people are familiar with a mainstream technology product, television. Therefore, since 2009, he has begun to design a TV based platform, which can be operated with a remote control by combining digital information.

Only a simple remote control is required for operation

Independa, a solution based on software operation, came into being. Caregivers and family members can make video calls via the Internet or mobile applications, send messages and pictures on Facebook, make appointments for care, set medication reminders, and play games with their loved elders. It can also be connected to a blood pressure monitor, a weight scale and a blood glucose meter, and can even be used as an access monitor and an alarm system. At the other end of the terminal, the elderly can use the same function, but do not need to log in to the system and do not need the Internet. Their TV can receive all information and reminders, and operation only requires a simple remote control.

This idea has helped Saneii win $1.1 million in venture capital and the "Tech for a Better World" award at the Consumer Electronic Show 2015. However, for the company with 18 employees headquartered in San Diego, the biggest achievement is to create a strategic partnership with LG, the world's largest TV manufacturer.

When Saneii designed his own system, LG was also designing similar content. Later, the two sides formed an alliance. Now, LG's televisions are pre installed with Independa's elderly care system (called Angela). They also produce an external set-top box, which can convert any TV to Independa machines through HDMI ports. LG televisions for hospitals and high-end residential areas also support the software package.

"It's like a slam dunk!" Saneii said, "In those places, every room must have at least one TV. This greatly reduces the trouble of employees. They can observe patients from a distance, and people can even use it to pay attention to the physical condition of their elderly."

Improve the loneliness of the elderly

Although Independa can be used for medical assistance, it was originally designed to solve the biggest problem faced by an elderly group - social isolation. Loneliness is common among the elderly, and those whose children or other family members live far away are more likely to have health problems, exacerbate old diseases, or even suffer from mental depression. Regular contact with the elderly through video chat, text messages or photos will help their physical and mental health.

Saneii said: "Our existing medical system has a lot of defects, which is based on making up for lost time. For the elderly, the goal of nursing should be to keep them from undergoing treatment as long as possible, so it is a good way to prevent them from living in isolation."

The partnership with LG makes Independa cover the world. The company intends to combine with more devices, such as Apple watch and consumer fitness equipment. Saneii said, "The most beautiful thing is that this market is becoming faster, better and cheaper. Our goal is to innovate infinitely and simplify the road."

More medical innovations

Vida's health training software: For a monthly payment of $49, users can receive health information from Vida's health training software every day, as well as weekly video checks. At the same time, a health coach can collect user information through smart phones to monitor users' daily behaviors and sleep conditions. For patients with chronic diseases, it can also make face-to-face physical examination with doctors, which is expensive.

A smart watch with excellent appearance: Switzerland's Withings Activity é can track users' daily behavior and sleep status, and connect Health Mate software for health training. It has a wonderful virtual interface from inside to outside.

CrossChx's: It is a private and exclusive platform, which extracts encrypted personal information from the medical data management office, and establishes a unique global identity database for each user. Its SafeChx software logs in through user fingerprints, reducing the risk of errors in medical records and improving the quality of treatment.

Virtual sleep expert: Sleepio is a digital platform, which helps users overcome insomnia through personalized behavioral therapy and planning tools. Users will be guided by a virtual sleep expert.

Easy to operate instant messaging tool: Perfect Serve's is an instant messaging tool to create more effective patient care processes. It empowers clinicians to identify and contact the most appropriate nursing team members at the first time, reducing waiting time, phone calls, second-hand information and other obstacles.

Thync: a smart phone and headband combination package. It will stimulate the brain with electrical pulses as needed to make people quiet or excited.