[Mandarin Chinese Characters] Discovery Channel Documentary: Da Vinci's Invention, Full 10 Episodes, HD 720P

    Discovery Channel Documentary Home Three years ago (2021-02-05) 5230 views

     [Mandarin Chinese characters] Discovery Channel Documentary: Da Vinci's Invention Cracking 10 episodes of HD 720P pictures No.1
    Many people's understanding of Leonardo da Vinci may still stay in the "story of an egg" in primary school textbooks. He has been promoted as a great painter. He has painted eggs for many times since he was young. What you don't know, however, is that Leonardo da Vinci dabbled in a wide range of fields. Some netizens said that he was said to be the worst at painting. The documentary in this article is about several young guys who are going to restore da Vinci's design drawings with high technology. It can be seen that da Vinci is still a great inventor.

    Introduction to Da Vinci's invention:

    HDTV1080i was 67 years old from Leonardo Di Serpiero Da Vinci, April 15, 1452 Julian calendar (April 23, 1452 Gregorian calendar) to May 2, 1519. European genius scientists, inventors and painters in the Renaissance. Modern scholars call him "the most perfect representative of the Renaissance", and he is a unique all-round talent in human history. He is a profound, knowledgeable and versatile painter, astronomer, inventor and architectural engineer. He is also good at sculpture, music, invention, architecture, mathematics, physiology, physics, astronomy, geology and other disciplines. He is versatile and industrious.

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     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Discovery Channel documentary: Da Vinci's invention, complete 10 episodes, HD 720P picture No.2
     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Discovery Channel documentary: Da Vinci's invention, full 10 episodes, HD 720P picture No.3
     [Chinese characters in Mandarin] Discovery Channel documentary: Da Vinci's invention, full 10 episodes, HD 720P picture No.4

    The first episode is watched online:

    Full 10 episodes Address:

    Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1is411r7fa

    Documentary Home (WWW.05JL. COM) collects and arranges [Mandarin Chinese Characters] Discovery Channel Documentary: Da Vinci's Invention, Full 10 Episodes, HD 720P , Thank you very much!
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