[Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017) 1 episode

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     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017)
    Type: documentary
    Production country/region: Japan
    Language: Japanese
    Release date: January 2, 2017 (Japan)
    Length: 91 minutes
    Also known as: Life Is Fruity

    Just now, I saw the documentary "Fruit of Life" of up leader Amway in station B. He said, "Douban is 9.6 points, the best documentary in my mind. If you don't recommend it, you may never watch it. It seems that the evaluation is very high. I went to Douban again and found that there are many five-star players everywhere. Let's take a look at the comments of netizens:

    El á rbol [20180117] It's beautiful. People are not afraid of old age.
    When Qu Low and I watched this film, it suddenly occurred to me that the length of life should not be calculated from birth to death, but should be accumulated from the moment when I feel happy and worthwhile. This is "human" life.
    Maybe I also need such a bungalow and such a courtyard.
    Satan's cousin wind withers leaves, leaves give birth to fertile soil, fertile soil rich fruit, tireless, slow. It will take decades to prepare for a life that conforms to the laws of nature, so as to harvest mature fruits. Every minute and every second of your life is not wasted. This life force from "beginning" to "end" is ordinary and great.
    Shu Xing has seen that she is very simple, beautiful, and has the power not to fear aging. It is not only a model of life in old age, but also a model of life for young people. Life skills are also one of the criteria to consider whether life is complete. How important it is to have a partner who is an architect with all kinds of martial arts. Of course, it is also very important to have a wife who can turn home into a treasure chest of life. Even when she is over 80, she has to change the tablecloth frequently, cook and bake cakes, and cultivate

    Introduction to Life Fruit:

    A very moving documentary film, Life of Accumulated Time, was shot by Japanese director Fukuhara Kenji, with Japanese film queen Hirin Tree as the narrator. It is a documentary film about the life of the Japanese modern Tao Yuanming and his wife Tsundu. Through the rich life experience of the couple, a cabin living in the woods, explore the real treasures hidden in the river of time.
    An extremely moving documentary film was shot by Japanese director Kenji Fuhara, who was a journalist. After three visits to the cottage, he finally received four letters from the reclusive mountain architect Tsujima Xiuyi and Yingko, who nodded "We are willing to help", and began to shoot the film.
    A small house in the woods, located in a corner of the new town of Takashi Temple in Japan. It was built by the architect with great care according to the proud wooden house of his teacher Anthony Raymond. There are thousands of sceneries all year round. Hundreds of vegetables and fruits planted in the garden have become delicacies through the skillful hands of his wife, Yingzi. No matter cooking, tailoring or farming, nothing can defeat her. Their homes are full of thoughtfulness and care, which confirms the famous saying of the architect Kobe Bryant that "a house should be a treasure box of life".
    Tsubata Xiuyi was once the chief architect of the Japanese Housing Corporation. In the 1960s, he put forward the idea of keeping forests open for the wind. He hoped that new construction projects could begin to coexist with nature, but they were not adopted by the policy of giving priority to economic development at that time. Instead, they became pieces of lifeless collective housing. He started from his own, not only putting aside his busy work, but also buying land, building houses and planting trees in residential areas. After half a century, the diligence and elegance of the couple really planted countless treasures for this pure land

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     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017)

     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017)

     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017)

     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017)

     [Japanese Chinese character] The reclusive life of a couple! Douban 9.6 High Score Documentary: Fruit of Life Life (2017) 1 episode

    Online viewing address:

    Link: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzk5MjYwMDc5Ng==.html

    [dplayer url=” https://youku.com-l-youku.com/20181224/6353_7199f246/1000k/hls/index.m3u8&#8243 ; danmu=”false”]

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