Decoration company safety management system. doc download page 28

1、 Safety production responsibility system
1 Principal managers at all levels
1.1 Seriously implement the national laws and regulations on safety production, decide the safety policy, objectives and annual safety work plan of the unit, and take full responsibility for the safety production of the unit.
1.2 Organize the establishment of the safety assurance system of the unit, formulate the management rules of the unit, and have the right to amend and repeal the provisions in the rules, preside over the work safety meeting, and decide on the safety rewards and punishments.
1.3 Regularly carry out safety production education for lower level leaders, functional departments and employees.
1.4 Allocate funds for safety measures in proportion every year, and be responsible for reforming working conditions, reducing heavy physical labor, eliminating noise, and controlling dust and poison hazards.
1.5 Every 2-3 years, a construction enterprise must apply for a safety qualification examination certificate.


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