Internship Outline of Western Internal Medicine. doc Download

1、 Purpose and requirements

(1) Purpose

Through the practice in the medical ward of western medicine, we will further consolidate the basic theory of western medicine, master the general diagnosis and treatment routines and common diagnosis and treatment operating techniques, and initially master the ability to deal with common diseases in western medicine.

(2) Requirements

1. Master the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in internal medicine.

2. Master common diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in internal medicine, mainly including oxygen inhalation therapy, atomization inhalation therapy, body position drainage, electrocardiography, gastric lavage, thoracic puncture, abdominal puncture, catheterization, arterial blood gas analysis, etc; Be familiar with bone marrow puncture and lumbar puncture if possible.

3. Master the correct writing of internal medicine inpatient medical records, routine medical documents, and the writing of internal medicine doctor's orders.

4. Be familiar with the diagnosis and initial treatment principles of common acute, critical and severe diseases in internal medicine


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