Morse cipher converter, Morse cipher conversion table online

Today, I would like to introduce a new gadget - Morse password to my friends who like to hunt for novelty. This article will talk about the website of Morse password converter. Let's increase our knowledge together!

one MorsedeCoder .com

摩斯密码转换器,摩斯密码转换表在线 is a free online Morse code text converter website. This website provides one of the best Morse code translators. This translation can convert the text into Morse code, and vice versa. Along with the script, it can also generate acoustic Morse code. This translation is the main highlight of the customization options. It allows you to use any character to represent dot, dash, Morse space, separator. Morse code sound wave, you can define unit period, frequency and waveform.


摩斯密码转换器,摩斯密码转换表在线 is a simple website that converts Morse code into text, and vice versa. This website has an input box and an output box. Whether you need text Morse code or Morse code to convert to text, add your input box and it will let you output accordingly. At each conversion, it provides the option to convert Morse code into acoustic and optical signals. You can preview the light signal online and download an audio file of the Morse code of the sound wave.


摩斯密码转换器,摩斯密码转换表在线 is a free website, free online text converter Morse code. This simple Morse code encoder/decoder is easy to use. It has a box of intermediate conversion options input and output boxes to the left and right respectively. Once you add input, it will output to you immediately. This converter option changes the character, dash, and space of the point. If you have a Morse code message decoded using other characters, you can change it accordingly.

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