What should I do if I can't log in to the Apple app store? (Detailed explanation of method)

Users who use Apple phones have a familiar thing, that is, Apple ID. Each machine must have an Apple ID before we can run normally. In the App Store, we can download the software normally only after we log in to Apple ID!

Many friends must have encountered this situation. When Apple ID logs in to the AppStore, it fails to log in. No matter how we log in, we can't log in. What can we do? This article is dedicated to solving this problem.

苹果 appstore 登陆不上怎么办?(方法详解)

Why can't I log in to the AppStore?

1. Network reasons

There is a problem with your own network. Sometimes you can open other pages, but you just can't connect to the AppStore. This is because your network is stuck. Sometimes you seem to display a 4G network, but in fact it is an E-network.

2. The AppStore server is unstable

The Apple AppStore server is sometimes unstable. After all, it is a foreign company, which is related to their servers.

How can I log in?

Here are some solutions for you to try. If you can't, try the next one!

1. Restart the device

If you don't make a decision, restart immediately. For electronic devices, many problems can be solved by restarting the device, so let's try restarting the mobile phone. I have also tried to solve them immediately after restarting!

2. View the System Status page

Check Apple's "System Status" page to see if the service in your country or region is interrupted.

苹果 appstore 登陆不上怎么办?(方法详解)

3. Check your own network

Check whether your network is connected to the Internet. Open other websites to see if they can be opened normally. If not, turn on the flight mode and then close it. As long as you are not in the basement or in the wild, you can usually reconnect to the network.

4. Restore network settings

Enter the mobile phone desktop, find "Settings" and open it;

Click General in Settings;

Click Restore in the general interface;

Enter the restore interface and click Restore Network Settings;

苹果 appstore 登陆不上怎么办?(方法详解)

After network restoration, log in to AppStore again and try to solve it!

5. Update software

Update to the latest version of the IOS system. Sometimes the old system is not as stable as the new system. Generally, the new system has a lot of updates.

6. Date and time of inspection

Make sure that the date and time on your device are set correctly for your time zone.

On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Open the "Settings" app. Tap General, then tap Date and Time.
On a Mac: Open System Preferences and select Date and Time.
On Apple TV: Go to Settings>General>Date and Time.

If the date and time are incorrect, update this information or turn on the option to automatically set the date and time.

Through the above methods, in most cases, you will solve the problem through one or several methods, which is really not feasible. You can go to Apple's official technical support!

 Watson Blog
  • This article is written by Published on January 21, 2022 01:00:13
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