Which one is good for mall applet development? how much is it?

Many companies or individuals will need a mall applet to better complete customers' online orders! Why do you choose applets? Today's small programs have become very mature. WeChat is also an app for hundreds of millions of users. Tools based on it will be very popular, and users will be very convenient to use. WeChat applet is also very convenient to promote. Users only need to scan the 2v code with WeChat to enter our application, and share WeChat users with WeChat, giving them a feeling of holding their thighs.

So, if we want to develop our own mall applet, how should we find a suitable applet development company?


The first thing we need to consider is the professionalism of this company. Generally, development companies do not develop all small programs. For example, when developing mall small programs, their main product is mall small programs; The main product of the company that develops the reservation applet must be the reservation system. To put it simply, if we do mall apps, we must find a company that specializes in developing mall apps. Their product maturity and functions will be more powerful.



Price is also one of the factors we mainly consider. The price of mall applet development can range from thousands to tens of thousands. When looking for development companies or individuals, we should try to find those who have finished product systems. Generally, the price of finished product systems will be several levels lower. The advantages of the finished product system are low price and mature functions; The disadvantage is that it is difficult to find small programs that are exactly the same as your own needs, unless your requirements are not high.



When we look for mall app development companies, distance is also something we need to consider. The local advantage is that the after-sales service is more convenient in the later period. We can go to their company to communicate at any time. However, it can also be considered in other places, because it is not always easy to find powerful ones in the local area. If the search is not good, it will bring us great trouble in the subsequent operation. Many powerful companies may not be in our local area, but they also receive orders nationwide, and customers all over the country do it. They also have online maintenance and management personnel, which is very convenient.


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