How to register a Google account? (The most detailed tutorial in history)

Google (Google) account can be said to be a key to general Google products. Now Google implements No. 1 general, only one account is needed, and all Google products can be logged in and used with it! Google has many Internet tool products, such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Play, and so on, too many of which can be logged in and used with Google accounts.

If you are a friend who does foreign trade or often uses Google related products, it is very important for you to have a Google account, which is used too frequently.

In China, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain a Google account. Many friends have tried to register themselves, and most of them failed. There are too many details in it. You don't know that wrong operation will lead to registration failure. Here I will make a very detailed article tutorial to teach you how to register a Google account! I hope it can help you. I will remind you of all the holes I have walked!

Exclusive Google account purchase

Those who dislike trouble can buy ready-made Google accounts directly from here. They are all clean and first-hand accounts, very good!


1. The computer or mobile phone is installed with "Google Browser", which is Google's own product, and it will be easier to register with it.

2. Magic Internet, solve network problems. It's natural to understand what you know. I won't say much here. Pinduoduo is also sold by some people. If you can't find it, you can buy it there.

3. The mobile phone number that can accept SMS messages. It is used to receive SMS verification information.

After the preparations are completed, we will officially enter the registration process!

How to register a Google account?

1. Open Google ( com), and there is a "login" button in the upper right corner of Google search. We click it, and click "Create Account" on the jump page.

If you are a personal account for personal use, we choose "Create for myself". If you are a merchant account for commercial use, we choose "For merchant management". It is generally for personal use, so we choose "Create for myself".

2. At this time, we will enter the information filling interface, and we will fill in the information as required. If there is a gmail mailbox, try to use this one. If there is no gmail mailbox, you can use others.

After filling in the information, we click "Next".

3. In order to prevent machine registration, Google will ask us to verify the mobile phone number. We select China in front of the mobile phone number, and fill in your own number. Remember to add+86 in front, and then go to the next step.

4. At this time, some friends will successfully receive the SMS verification information, but some friends cannot go further and will prompt "This phone number cannot be used for verification", as shown below.

What should I do in this case? This situation, verified by the editor, is related to language! Follow the steps below to set the language in Google Chrome.

Click "...." in the upper right corner of the browser - Settings - Advanced - Click "Add Language" in the language item - Select Traditional Chinese, and set this language as the default language of the browser. Close the browser, we are trying to register. At this time, you will find that you can receive SMS messages.

5. After receiving the SMS verification code, fill in the verification code information and click "Verification".

After verification, fill in the page to remind you of the relevant information you need to fill in, and click "Next".

At this time, Google will remind you to make full use of your mobile phone number in other applications. You must click Skip here to avoid the need for SMS verification in more places. If the verification code cannot be received again, there is no regret medicine at this time!

6. Finally, agree to Google's relevant privacy and terms, and click "Agree".

At this time, the Google account has been registered.

The above steps are not complicated, but there are many details. I have already stepped on some of the pits. Here we share them to prevent everyone from stepping on the pits again. I hope they can help everyone!

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