Download Baidu Cloud (Operation and Maintenance)

Linux, as an operating system, has been well known by most network friends. Today, more than 80% of the server systems on websites choose Linux because of its fast computing speed, simple and convenient operation, and it is widely loved by everyone.

As a system operation and maintenance personnel, it is essential to learn the system of Linux. The Linux operating system is very different from the Win system. The Win system is an operating system desktop that can be directly visualized, but Linux needs to implement the operating system through various commands. Not only that, but we need to learn this course conscientiously if we want to learn the Linux system well. The course starts from the basic introduction. A complete set of teaching videos and materials are excellent courses.

Tutorial Details

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Tutorial Contents

Linux Operation and Maintenance Practice

01. Operation and maintenance of a valley version of Linux in 2019

1. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- Linux basic knowledge

2. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- Linux system management

3. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- shell programming

4. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- Linux service management

5. Linux operation and maintenance discipline MySQL database management

6. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- Linux cluster

7. Linux operation and maintenance discipline -- Linux virtualization

Linux Operation and Maintenance Discipline -- Courseware Notes Test Questions of Phases 1-3

02. A male Linux operation and maintenance architect in 2018

1. Linux from basic introduction to advanced

2. Linux senior operation and maintenance architect

3. The latest senior architect of Linux

03. Cloud computing cluster architect of learning from the god version of Linux

Stage 01 Beginner to proficient Linux operating system

Phase 02 More than 20 services of Linux

Stage 03 Linux advanced O&M architecture

Stage 04 - Linux virtualization - private cloud - locker - with avatar

Software package for learning God

04. Linux shell namely this automation programming practice

Chapter 01 _Shel Can Do (10 episodes). rar

Chapter 02 _Shel Variables (8 episodes). rar

Chapter 03_Condition Test and Process Control (10 episodes). rar

Chapter 04_Cycle and Concurrency Control (15 episodes). rar

Chapter 05_Non interactive expect (3 episodes). rar

Chapter 06_Array Application Practice (5 episodes). rar

Chapter 07_Function Parameter Transfer and Return (7 Sets). rar

Chapter 08 _Shel Built in Commands (2 episodes). rar

Chapter 09 _RE Regular Expression (6 episodes). rar

Chapter 10 _Sed Stream Editor (5 episodes). rar

Chapter 11_awk Text Processing Tools (8 episodes). rar

Chapter 12 System Performance Analysis of Project Practice (5 episodes). rar

Chapter 13 Host Survival Status of the Project (3 episodes). rar

Chapter 14 Nginx Log Analysis of Project Practice (4 episodes). rar

Chapter 15 File Backup and Saving of Project Practice (2 episodes). rar

Chapter 16 Multi machine Deployment of the Project (3 episodes). rar

Chapter 17 Multi aircraft Deployment LNMP (4 episodes). rar

Chapter 18 - Cooperation in Project Practice Zabbix Information Collection (3 episodes). rar

05. 18 classic cases of Linux shell scripts

06. E-book

07. Toolbox

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