How to cancel the advertising call when the personal mobile phone number is marked

Is it strange that your mobile phone or landline number is marked as advertising, intermediary insurance and other harassment calls? How do these marks come into being? Can I remove the negative marks on these numbers? Today, I will solve the mystery for you.


Why is it marked

Mobile phone numbers or landlines marked as harassing phone numbers, real estate agents, express delivery and other bad numbers may be mislabeled, or they may be marked as marketing phone numbers themselves. So how does this mark come into being? People will say that it must be marked by China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom! In fact, operators do not label numbers, which is generally due to the tag of the address book management software of the user's own mobile phone. For example, Huawei mobile phones maintain an official tag list of the phone, and at the same time, the tag list will be synchronized regularly on the phone address book. Each user can mark the phone number in the call record, This tag will be uploaded to Huawei's server during synchronization. All Huawei mobile phone users can see that a number in the address book is marked as "XXXXX" by "XX" people.

How to mark numbers

1. Active reporting flag. Many mobile management software have an active submission entry, such as mobile APP such as security guard and number assistant. It supports enterprises to submit their own mobile APP. It is also a means of enterprise marketing. If you are marked as a harassment number, you can also directly submit the number marked as your own enterprise after cancellation.

2. The platform is mislabeled. For example, platforms such as mobile phone butler, mobile phone guard, and number assistant may cooperate with third-party platforms such as Meituan, Elemi, and others that have a large number of corresponding relationships between e-huas and enterprises to regularly import some number tag data in batches, so as to enrich their own number tag database. This type of tag mode is most likely to cause accidental injury.

3. Marked by the user who answers the call. For example, if you call a customer's phone, the customer will take the initiative to mark your number on the mobile phone for advertising promotion. When the number of tags reaches a certain number, the platform will adopt the tag and synchronize it with relevant platforms.

How to cancel defective mark

After being marked as a bad number, it will cause some problems for businesses and individuals. How can individuals cancel this mark? First, you need to go to the relevant platform to find out which platform or mobile management software marked your number, one or more, and then go to the corresponding platform complaint portal to cancel the marking.

Here, the editor also collates a set of detailed operation steps for querying and canceling, complaint portals of major platforms, as well as materials and cancellation techniques that need to be prepared for complaint cancellation, for your reference!

  • This article is written by Published on April 26, 2021 10:00:54
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