Can the files of Baidu online disk be transferred to other online disks? Baidu Online Disk File Transfer Tutorial

With the advancement of the digital era, networked storage has become an indispensable part of our life. As a well-known cloud storage platform in China, Baidu Netdisk provides users with convenient file storage and sharing services. However, sometimes we may need to transfer the files in Baidu online disks to other online disks to meet different needs. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the method of transferring Baidu network disk files to other network disks, to help you easily realize file transfer across network disks.

1、 Understand the basic operation of Baidu online disk and other online disks

Before transferring files, we first need to understand the basic operations of Baidu online disks and other online disks. Baidu online disk supports basic functions such as uploading, downloading, sharing and deleting files, while other online disk platforms may have different specific operation interfaces, but generally they are also around these functions. Therefore, familiarity with these basic operations is a prerequisite for file transfer.


2、 Method of transferring Baidu online disk files to other online disks

2.1 Share the deposit by link

If you do not have an account registered on another online disk platform, or want to share the file to others in the form of a link, you can transfer it through the link sharing method. First, select the file or folder to be transferred in Baidu online disk, click the "Share" button, and select "Create Link Share". In the pop-up window, you can select the sharing permission and validity period, and copy the generated sharing link.

Next, open the target online disk platform where you want to transfer files, and log in to your account. In the upload or import function of the target online disk, there are usually "import from link" or similar options. Click this option, paste the Baidu online disk sharing link just copied, and complete the file import operation according to the prompts.

2.2 Transfer by sharing with friends

If you already have an account on other online disk platforms and have friends with Baidu online disk accounts, you can transfer files by sharing them with friends. First, select the file or folder to be transferred in Baidu online disk, click the "Share" button, and select "Send to friends". In the pop-up window, select your friends on other online disk platforms and send sharing requests.

When your friend receives a sharing request, he can view and receive the file you shared in the target online disk platform. After receiving, the file will be automatically saved in the designated location of the target network disk to complete the transfer operation.


3、 Notes and FAQs

When transferring files, the following points should be noted:

3.1 Ensure the security of your Baidu online disk account and other online disk accounts, and avoid disclosing personal information and account passwords.

3.2 According to the rules and requirements of the target network disk platform, reasonably set the file sharing permissions and validity period.

3.3 If you encounter problems such as transfer failure or file damage, you can try to share again or contact the customer service of the online disk platform to solve them.



Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have a clear understanding of the method of transferring Baidu online disk files to other online disks. Whether through link sharing or friend sharing, file transfer across network disks can be easily realized. While enjoying the convenience of cloud storage, please also pay attention to the importance of account security and file protection. I hope this article can help you, and I wish you more handy when using the online disk!

  • This article is written by Published on March 21, 2024 15:23:09
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