How to solve the problem of slow download of Baidu online disk computer version? Two effective speed raising methods measured

With the rapid development of Internet technology, cloud storage has become an indispensable part of people's life. As a leading cloud storage platform in China, Baidu Netdisk provides users with convenient file storage and sharing services. However, many users often encounter the problem of slow download speed when downloading files using Baidu Netdisk computer version, which brings great inconvenience to users. So, what about the slow download of Baidu online disk computer version? This article will test two effective speed raising methods for you.

1、 Optimize network environment

First of all, we should recognize that the stability of the network environment has an important impact on the download speed of Baidu online disk. Here are some suggestions for optimizing the network environment:

1. Ensure stable network connection: Use wired network instead of wireless network to reduce signal interference and transmission loss. At the same time, ensure that the connection between the router and the computer is stable, and avoid using too long or thin network cables.

2. Close other applications that occupy network bandwidth: When downloading Baidu online disk files, try to close other applications that occupy network bandwidth, such as video players, online games, etc., to ensure that Baidu online disk can obtain sufficient network bandwidth.

3. Restart the router and computer: Sometimes, network problems may be caused by the router or computer running for a long time. Try restarting the router and computer to restore network performance.


2、 Use the speed increasing tool

In addition to optimizing the network environment, we can also use some speed tools to improve the download speed of Baidu online disk computer version. The following are two effective speed raising methods:

1. Use IDM (Internet Download Manager) to download

IDM is a powerful download manager, which can significantly improve the download speed. The following steps are for downloading Baidu network disk files using IDM:

1.1 Install and open the IDM software;

1.2 Find the file to download in Baidu online disk and click the download link. At this time, IDM will automatically capture the download task;

1.3 In the IDM download task list, select the task to be accelerated and click the "Start Download" button. IDM will use multithreading technology to divide files into multiple parts and download them at the same time, thus significantly improving the download speed;

1.4 After the download is completed, you can find the downloaded files in the IDM download completion list;

When using IDM to download Baidu network disk files, please pay attention to the following points:

a. Ensure that the IDM software has been upgraded to the latest version for optimal performance.

b. When using IDM to download, try to keep the network environment stable to obtain the best download speed.

c. As Baidu's online disk limits the download speed, IDM may not be able to completely break the speed limit, but compared with direct downloading with Baidu's online disk client, the speed will be significantly improved.


2. Use Baidu online disk super member

Baidu online disk provides users with super member service, and member users can enjoy higher download speed and more storage space. If you often need to download a large number of files and have high requirements for download speed, you can consider purchasing Baidu online disk super member. Here are the steps to purchase and use a super member:

Open the official website of Baidu Netdisk and click "Member Center" to enter the member page.

2.1 On the member page, select the member package that suits you and click the "Buy Now" button.

2.2 Complete the payment operation according to the prompts on the page, and you can become a super member of Baidu Netdisk.

2.3 After becoming a member, you can enjoy higher download speed and more privileges in Baidu online disk client.

It should be noted that the super member service needs to pay a certain fee, and the price varies according to the package and duration. Before purchasing, please make your choice according to your actual needs and budget.


In short, you can effectively solve the problem of slow download of Baidu online disk computer version through the above two speed raising methods. In actual use, you can choose appropriate methods to improve the download speed according to your network environment and needs. At the same time, maintaining a good network environment and regularly updating software is also the key to maintaining stable download speed.

  • This article is written by Published on March 21, 2024 15:22:07
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