How does WeChat video account publish works? Operation guide for video number publishing short video

As an important part of the WeChat ecosystem, WeChat video number provides a platform for content creators to show themselves and share ideas. With the rise of short videos, more and more users choose to publish their works on WeChat video accounts to interact with fans and expand their influence. This article will introduce how WeChat video number publishes works in detail to help content creators easily master the operation skills of video number publishing short videos.


1、 Register and log in to WeChat video account

First, we need to register and log in the video number on the WeChat platform. Open WeChat, click the "Discover" button at the bottom right corner to enter the "Video ID" page. On the video number page, click the "+" in the upper right corner, select "Create a video number", fill in the relevant information according to the prompts, and complete the registration.

2、 Improve video number information

After successful registration, we need to improve the basic information of the video number. This includes setting up avatars, nicknames, profiles, etc. These information will be displayed on the personal homepage of the video number to help attract fans.


3、 Prepare short video content

Before publishing works, we need to prepare short video content. You can choose to use your mobile phone or other capture devices to record videos, or you can use existing video materials to edit. Video content should be attractive, creative and unique to attract the audience's attention.

4、 Publish short video works

1. Open the WeChat video number page and click the "Publish Video" button at the bottom right corner.

2. In the pop-up page, select the prepared video file and click Upload.

3. After uploading successfully, you can simply edit the video, such as cutting, adding filters, and adjusting the volume.

4. After editing, click "Next" to enter the publishing page.

5. On the publishing page, you can add information such as title, description and tag, so that the audience can better understand the video content.

6. Finally, click the "Publish" button to publish the short video works to the WeChat video account.


5、 Optimize the promotion of video works

After publishing the works, we also need to pay attention to the promotion of the works. Here are some suggestions to help your video works get more exposure and attention:

1. Use WeChat social attribute: share your video number works to your circle of friends, WeChat groups, etc., invite friends to follow and forward, and expand the spread of works.

2. Participate in hot topics: follow the hot topics and challenges on WeChat video accounts, create short videos of relevant content, and improve the exposure of works on the platform.

3. Interaction and response: respond to audience comments and private messages in a timely manner, actively interact with fans, enhance fans' stickiness, and improve the influence of the works.

4. Regular update: maintain a certain release frequency, regularly update high-quality content, keep fans' attention, and increase the number of works watched.

6、 Data analysis and optimization

Finally, we need to pay attention to the data analysis of the video number and understand the key indicators such as the number of views, likes, comments and so on, so as to optimize the content creation and promotion strategy. By analyzing the data, we can find the preferences and needs of the audience, so as to adjust the video content, release time, etc., and improve the dissemination effect of the works.



Through the above operation guide, we can easily master the skills of WeChat video number to publish short videos. From registration and login, information improvement, content preparation, to release and promotion, data analysis and optimization, every step is critical. It is hoped that this article can help content creators better display their talents and creativity on WeChat video accounts, attract more fans' attention and realize personal value.

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