What if Gmail bans Chinese numbers? The phone number 86 cannot be verified by Google

With the development of science and technology, e-mail has become an indispensable part of our life. As one of the largest e-mail service providers in the world, Gmail has hundreds of millions of users worldwide. However, some users reported that they encountered a problem when using Gmail, that is, they could not use the mobile phone number in mainland China for verification, which led to the inability to register or restore accounts. So, how to solve this problem? Now, let's give you a detailed introduction.


Why does Gmail prohibit Chinese number verification?

Service restrictions and policy factors: As an international company, Google needs to comply with local laws and policies when operating globally. In China, due to specific laws, policies or other regulatory factors, Google may not be able to provide certain services, including mobile number verification.

Technical compatibility: Mobile phone number verification services usually rely on cooperation with local telecom operators. If Google has technical compatibility problems with Chinese telecom operators or does not establish a cooperative relationship, the verification service may not work properly.

Network blockade: China's network environment is strictly regulated, and some services may be blocked. If Google's verification service is blocked by the network, it may not be able to send verification messages to mobile phone numbers in China.

Number format and usability: Google's verification system has specific requirements for number format, and the number format of mobile phones in China may not match it completely. In addition, some domestic numbers may not be directly used for international long-distance dialing, which may also lead to authentication failure.

How to solve the problem that Gmail prohibits Chinese number verification?

Method 1: Use foreign mobile phone numbers for verification

If you have a foreign mobile phone number, you can use it for verification. This is the simplest and most direct solution. However, if you don't have a foreign mobile number, you need to consider other methods.

Method 2: Use fixed line telephones in mainland China for verification

If you don't have a foreign mobile phone number, you can use the fixed line phone in mainland China for verification. When you register or restore your account in Gmail, select "Use voice verification", and then enter your fixed phone number in mainland China. In this way, you can get the verification code and complete the verification by answering the phone.

Method 3: Use the virtual mobile phone number to verify

If you don't have a foreign mobile phone number or a fixed line phone in mainland China, you can consider using a virtual mobile phone number for verification. Virtual mobile phone number refers to a virtual mobile phone number that can receive SMS verification codes and can be purchased online. After you purchase a virtual mobile phone number, when you register or restore your account in Gmail, you can enter the virtual mobile phone number to receive the verification code and complete the verification.


How to prevent Gmail account from being disabled?

In order to prevent the Gmail account from being disabled, the following points should be noted:

1. Do not use Gmail for illegal activities.

2. Do not use Gmail for fraudulent activities.

3. Do not use Gmail for malicious login or attack other accounts.

4. Do not use Gmail for improper advertising.

Gmail prohibits Chinese number verification to protect users' security. If you encounter this problem, you can use a foreign mobile phone number, a fixed phone in mainland China or a virtual mobile phone number for verification. When purchasing a virtual phone number, you need to pay attention to its reliability and security. In order to prevent the Gmail account from being disabled, you need to follow the rules of Gmail usage, and do not conduct illegal or improper activities.

  • This article is written by Published on March 15, 2024 16:44:55
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/30627.html
