How does Baidu netdisk share files to others? Simple step teaching

With the rapid development of the Internet, we increasingly rely on network storage and file sharing. As a well-known cloud storage service in China, Baidu Netdisk not only provides a large storage space, but also has a convenient sharing function. This article will introduce in detail how to use Baidu online disk to share files with others, making file sharing simple and efficient. Sharing files is easy and safe. Baidu online disk helps you enjoy the convenience of the cloud.


1、 Log in to Baidu online disk account

First, make sure you already have a Baidu online disk account. If not, you can go to the official website of Baidu Online Disk to register. After registration, use your account and password to log in to Baidu Online Disk.

2、 Select a file or folder to share

After successful login, you will see the list of files in the online disk. Find the file or folder you want to share and click to select it.


3、 Generate sharing link

After selecting a file or folder, click the "Share" button at the top of the page. In the pop-up window, you can choose to generate a sharing link or create a shared folder. If you want to share a single file or a few files, it is recommended to generate a sharing link; If you want to share multiple files or folders and want to manage these files with others, you can choose to create a shared folder.

Generate sharing link: click the "Generate Link" button, and the system will automatically generate a link containing shared files for you. You can choose to set the validity period, extraction code and sharing range (public or private) of the sharing link. After setting, click the "Create Link" button.

Create Shared Folder: click the "Create Shared Folder" button, enter the name and description of the shared folder, and then set the access permissions and validity period. Finally, click the "Create" button.

4、 Share link to friends

Whether you create a sharing link or a shared folder, you will get a sharing link when you finish. Copy this link and send it to your friends through WeChat, QQ or other communication tools. After your friends click this link, they can download or view the files you share.


5、 Precautions

Validity of sharing link: When generating a sharing link, you can set the validity of the link. Please make sure to share the link with your friends within the validity period, or the link will not be accessible after it expires.

Setting of extracted code: To ensure the security of the file, you can choose to set the extraction code for the sharing link. Only those who know the extracted code can access the files in the link. Please make sure to inform the friends who need to access the file of the extraction code.

Selection of sharing scope: When generating a sharing link, you can choose to set the link as public or private. Public links can be accessed by anyone, while private links can only be accessed by people who know the link address. Please select the appropriate sharing scope according to your needs.


It is very convenient to share files to others through Baidu online disk, which can be completed in a few simple steps. Whether sharing a single file or multiple folders, Baidu online disk can meet your needs. At the same time, you can also ensure the security and privacy of the file by setting the validity period, extraction code and sharing range of the sharing link. I hope this tutorial can help you make better use of Baidu online disk for file sharing.

  • This article is written by Published on March 15, 2024 17:33:46
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