How can Baidu online disk members get it for free? Baidu online disk super member trial collection

With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people begin to use cloud storage services to backup and share important data. Among them, Baidu Netdisk, as one of the largest search engines in China, has attracted much attention for its membership services. However, many users may be deterred by price. In fact, we can get Baidu Netdisk members free of charge by the following methods. Here's a detailed introduction!


1、 Participation in activities

First of all, we can follow the official social media account of Baidu Online Disk or notice of relevant activities, and actively participate in the official activities. For example, if you participate in activities such as "sign in and send members" and "answer questions and win rewards", you will have the opportunity to obtain free membership. In addition, some forums and communities will also launch similar activities on a regular basis, and you can also actively participate.

2、 Invite friends

Secondly, we can use the Baidu Online Disk's function of inviting friends to get points by inviting new users to register and binding their mobile phone numbers. When the points reach a certain value, you can exchange for free members. It should be noted that the invited friends should be new users who have not bound mobile phone numbers.


3、 Complete the task

In addition to the above two methods, we can also obtain free membership by completing some tasks officially released. These tasks usually include watching videos, downloading specified files, etc., and you can get corresponding rewards after completing them. However, such tasks are relatively difficult and require a certain amount of time and effort.


4、 Super member trial

If none of the above methods can meet your needs, then you can consider applying for Baidu Netdisk Super Member Trial. In a specific period of time, the official will provide free trial opportunities for users to experience the service of super members. However, such opportunities are relatively limited, so we need to pay attention to the official notice in advance and make preparations for preemption.

Conclusion: Through the above methods, we can easily obtain free membership. Of course, in order to truly enjoy high-quality cloud storage services, we still need to constantly learn and explore new skills and methods. I hope this article can help you, so that you can also enjoy the convenience and fun of Baidu online disk!

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