How can I change my user name? Apple Computer User Name Modification Guide

With its unique operating system and excellent performance design, Apple Computer has won the favor of users all over the world. For many Apple computer users, with the growth of use time, there may be a need to change the computer user name. Next, we will introduce in detail how to modify the user name on Apple computers.


1、 Backup important data

Before making any system level changes, it is strongly recommended that users first back up important data in the computer. This ensures that data will not be lost even if unexpected circumstances occur during the user name modification process.

2、 Method of modifying user name

Apple provides two ways to modify user names: through "System Preferences" and through the "Users and Groups" tool. Next, we will introduce the two methods respectively.

Method 1: Modify the user name through "System Preferences"

1.1 Click the Apple menu (Apple icon in the upper left corner of the screen) and select "System Preferences".

1.2 Click the "Users and Groups" icon in the system preferences window.

1.3 In the user list on the left, select the user name you want to modify.

1.4 Click the "Unlock" button on the right and enter the administrator password to unlock.

1.5 After unlocking, you will be able to modify the user's full name, account name, group and other information. Here, we mainly focus on the modification of "account name".

1.6 Click the edit button (usually a small pencil icon) next to "Account Name" and enter a new user name.

1.7 After input, click "OK" button to save the changes.


Method 2: Modify the user name through the "Users and Groups" tool

If you want to conduct more in-depth user management operations, you can use the "Users and Groups" tool.

2.1 Open the "Utilities" folder in the "Applications" folder, find and open the "Users and Groups" application.

2.2 Enter the administrator password to unlock.

2.3 Select the user name you want to modify in the user list.

2.4 Right click the selected user name and select Advanced Options.

2.5 In the pop-up window, find the "Account Name" field and enter a new user name.

2.6 Click the "OK" button to save the changes.


3、 Precautions

After the user name is modified, the names of some system files and folders may not be updated automatically. If necessary, you can rename these files and folders manually.

Modifying the user name may affect the settings and permissions of some applications. After modifying the user name, it is recommended to check and update the settings of related applications.

If you encounter problems or error prompts during user name modification, try restarting the computer and try again. If the problem still exists, you can consider consulting Apple's official documents or contacting Apple customer service for help.

In short, you can easily change your user name on Apple computers through the above methods. During the operation, make sure to back up important data and follow the precautions to ensure the smooth operation.

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