Where is the serial number query portal on Apple's official website? The process of querying the serial number on Apple's official website

In the digital era, Apple products have been favored by global consumers because of their excellent performance and design. However, there are also many fake and inferior products in the market, which has brought great trouble to consumers. In order to ensure that the purchased equipment is genuine Apple equipment, the official website serial number query has become an essential link. This article will introduce the serial number query portal and its process on Apple's official website in detail, to help consumers easily master authentic product verification skills.

Apple official website serial number query portal

The serial number query entry on Apple's official website is: https://checkcoverage.apple.com

The hardware serial number of Apple's products (such as iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc.) is called Apple's serial number for short. The serial number of each product is different, which is a hardware identification to identify authenticity.

The Apple serial number is generally composed of 11 digits plus letters. Each digit has a certain meaning and will be arranged according to your factory batch, sales place, equipment type and other factors. At the same time, through the Apple serial number, you can find the equipment model, production date, purchase date, sales place, warranty date and other information on Apple's official website or third-party query website.


The process of querying the serial number on Apple's official website

On Apple's official website, click Technical Support. As shown in the figure


Click the search box and select warranty status (serial number) query. As shown in the figure


Enter the serial number and verification code, and click Continue. As shown in the figure


Notes and FAQs

When querying the serial number, consumers should pay attention to the following points:

Make sure to inquire on the official website to avoid information leakage or inaccurate inquiry results caused by visiting fake websites.

When entering the serial number, please check each character carefully to avoid mistakes.

If the query results show that the warranty period of the device has expired or relevant information cannot be queried, please contact Apple's official customer service for further consultation and processing.

frequently asked questions

Q: Why can't the related information be queried after entering the serial number?

A: Possible causes include wrong serial number input, refurbished machine or replaced serial number. It is recommended to check the serial number carefully or contact Apple's official customer service for consultation.

Q: The query result shows that the equipment has passed the warranty period, does it mean that the equipment is not genuine?

A: Not necessarily. The warranty period of equipment may vary due to factors such as purchase time, maintenance records, etc. If the device functions normally and other information is consistent with the official website, it may still be genuine. It is recommended to contact Apple's official customer service for details.

Through the serial number query service on Apple's official website, consumers can easily verify the authenticity of their devices and ensure that they have purchased genuine Apple products. When making a query, consumers need to ensure that they operate on the official website, carefully check the device information and serial number, and judge the authenticity of the device according to the query results.

  • This article is written by Published on March 11, 2024 16:52:45
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