Which email registration does not require mobile phone number verification? Detailed process of free email account registration

In today's digital era, email has become an indispensable part of our life. It is not only an essential tool for our work and study, but also an important channel for us to register accounts and receive various information online. However, some people may not want to provide their mobile phone number when registering their email address for various reasons. So, is there any email that can be registered for free and does not need mobile phone number verification?

Which email does not need mobile number verification for registration


Outlook Email is an email service of Microsoft. You only need to set the account name and password, and you can register Outlook email without a mobile phone number

Outlook official website: https/outlook.live.com



ProtonMail is an end-to-end encrypted mailbox famous for security. Its headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland. Proton Mai offers free and paid versions. However, the free version is enough to meet the needs of most users,

ProntonMail official website: https/protonmail.com/



Mai.com is the largest email service provider in the United States. Mai.com supports many top-level domain email formats, such as @mai.com, @email.com, @usa.com, etc. There are about 200. Just set the account name and fill in the name, birthday and password.

4.GMX Mail

GMX Mai is a German email service provider, committed to creating the world's best free email. When registering, set the account name, fill in the name, birthday, password, and optionally fill in the mobile phone number and standby email address to retrieve the password when you forget the password.


Detailed process of free email account registration

1. First, enter the main page of the mailbox, which can be accessed by Baidu searching the name of the mailbox or directly entering the URL in the URL bar.

2. In the email login interface, click "Register NetEase Email" or the corresponding "Register Now" button below.

Enter the email name and password you want to register. Please ensure that the information meets the requirements of the website and is easy to remember.

3. Enter your mobile phone number. The mobile phone number is used to receive the verification code during the registration process to ensure the security of the account. At the same time, multiple accounts can be registered with the same mobile phone number, but the specific number may vary depending on the email service provider.

4. Below the mobile phone number, you may see a QR code. You can scan this QR code using WeChat or other applications that support code scanning, and send SMS messages to verify according to the prompts. This is to ensure that your mobile phone number is authentic and valid.

5. After the verification is successful, click the "Register Now" button. If the information is entered correctly, you will see the prompt of "Successful application". At this point, you have successfully registered a free email account.

6. Record your email address and password. The email address usually includes the user name, @ symbol and the name of the email service provider. Please be sure to keep this information for future login and use.

Please note that different email service providers may have slightly different registration processes and requirements. Therefore, when registering, please read carefully and follow the prompts on the page. If you encounter any problems or questions, you can view the help document on the website or contact customer service for consultation.

  • This article is written by Published on March 7, 2024 16:35:43
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