Discord mobile login tutorial (domestic usage tutorial)

Discord, This popular social software has attracted countless users with its powerful voice chat function and rich community resources. It not only provides a convenient way of communication, but also creates an interactive communication platform for like-minded people. However, for many novices, how to successfully create an account on Discard and start using it may be confusing, so this article will give you a detailed introduction to the use of Discard.



Make sure your phone or tablet is connected to a stable network.

Download and install the latest version of the Discard application. You can go to the official website( https://www.discord.com/ )The latest version of the application was found on.

Open your phone's settings app to ensure that you have been allowed to access your mobile data network and Internet connection.

Discord Mobile Login Tutorial

Step 1: Open the Discard application and enter the login page.

Step 2: Enter your email address or mobile phone number and password. If you have multiple accounts, you can select one to log in.

Step 3: If necessary, check Agree to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and then click the "Login" button.

Step 4: Now you have successfully logged in to the DISCARD Mobile Edition! You can view your account information, including your avatar, nickname, etc.


Discord Usage Tutorial

Create a new channel: click the "Channel" option on the bottom navigation bar and select "New Channel". Name the channel and select the corresponding topic tag, then add the content you want to discuss.

Manage users: You can invite friends to join your channel, or invite others to join through the review mechanism. This can make your channel more active, and can control the behavior of users.

Upload pictures and videos: upload your photos or videos in the "Media" section of the channel, so that more people can see them. Pay attention to comply with the provisions and guidelines of the platform to ensure that the content meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.

Post: Post text, emoticons or other types of messages in the "Post" section of the channel. You can choose different fonts, colors and backgrounds to highlight your posts.

Use voice chat room: create a voice chat room in the channel to communicate with others. You can freely choose music as background music to create an exclusive voice chat experience.

Interact with other channels: browse other people's posts and videos, or leave comments under the channel of interest. This can help your channel attract more followers.

We hope that the above introduction to the Discord Mobile Login Tutorial and usage methods can help you! If you have any questions or other questions during the operation, please feel free to ask me. I will try my best to answer for you! In addition, it is also recommended that you consult more relevant materials and tutorials, combine your own practical experience, and constantly explore and improve the use skills. Let's enjoy the fun brought by this dynamic and creative platform!

  • This article is written by Published on February 17, 2024 09:57:00
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/29132.html
