How to solve the problem that Google Browser cannot open the webpage (share the detailed method)

As one of the most popular browsers in the world, Google Browser plays an important role in our daily life. However, sometimes we encounter the problem that Google Browser cannot open the web page. Faced with this problem, many people feel helpless. This article will provide you with detailed solutions so that you can easily solve the problem that Google Browser cannot open the web page.


How to solve the problem that Google Browser cannot open the webpage

1、 Check network connection

First, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. You can try to open other websites or applications to check whether the network is normal.

If the network connection is normal, try to clear the browser cache and cookies. Sometimes, these caches and cookies may cause pages to fail to load properly.

Disable or enable the "Privacy Mode" function in the browser to see if it can solve the problem.

2、 Update browser version

Open Google Chrome and click the "Menu" button in the upper right corner.

Choose Help>About Google Chrome from the pop-up menu.

If the browser has an update available, it will automatically download and install it. Wait until the update is complete before attempting to open the web page.

3、 Reset browser settings

1. This problem usually occurs because Google Browser opens the Google search page by default, and the Google search page cannot be opened directly in China, so this prompt will appear. The solution is simple. Click the custom icon in the upper right corner, and then click Settings.


2. Scroll down to see the search engine options;


3. Then change the search cause in the address bar to Baidu or other domestic browsers. Finally, close the browser and reopen it, and you can successfully open the web page.

4、 Disable Extender

Open Google Chrome and click the "Menu" button in the upper right corner.

Select "Settings" in the pop-up menu.

On the setup page, find the "Extender" option and disable all installed extenders. Sometimes, these extensions will conflict with the web page, resulting in failure to load normally. Try to reload the page after disabling the extender.

5、 Check proxy settings

Open Google Chrome and click the "Menu" button in the upper right corner.

Select "Settings" in the pop-up menu.

On the setup page, find the Advanced option and select System>Open Proxy Settings on Your Computer.

Check that the proxy settings are correct. If you use a proxy server, make sure it is working properly. If you do not need a proxy server, set it to Auto Detect Settings.

6、 Reinstall browser

If none of the above methods can solve the problem, there may be a problem with the browser itself. You can try uninstalling Google Chrome, and then re download and install the latest version. Before reinstalling, make sure to delete all browser related data and configuration files.

The above is a detailed way to solve the problem that Google Browser cannot open the web page. You can try different solutions according to the specific situation. If the problem still exists, it is recommended to seek professional technical support. When using the browser, we should also pay attention to protecting personal privacy and security, and avoid visiting suspicious websites and downloading files from unknown sources. At the same time, keeping the browser updated and secure is also one of the important measures to ensure our online security.

  • This article is written by Published on January 31, 2024 11:25:04
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