How can baishi tv watch videos on a computer? The method of baishi tv projection to computer

As a popular online video platform, Baishi TV provides a large number of high-quality content such as film and television dramas and variety shows. However, many users encounter difficulties when trying to watch 100 TV on their computers. This article will give you a detailed introduction to how to watch 100 TV on your computer, and share how to project 100 TV to your computer, so that you can enjoy video entertainment.


Ways to watch Baishi TV on PC

Browser viewing: open any browser on the computer, search the official website of Baishi TV, and then enter the official website to watch various movie resources. It is recommended to use Google Chrome or Firefox for the best viewing experience.

Download client: download the corresponding client software on the official website of BSTV and install it on the computer. Open the client to watch the movie and television content of 100 TV anytime and anywhere. The client supports offline download and online play functions, which is very convenient.

Mobile screen projection: watch directly from the mobile phone to the computer

How to project the 100 TV screen to the computer

Find Video

The phone finds the 100 TV software, finds the video, and opens the video playing page.


Find the projection screen

Open the video playing page and find the projection function.


Select projection equipment

After opening the screen projection function, select the projection device.


matters needing attention

Network environment: ensure that computers and mobile phones are connected to a stable Wi Fi network to ensure the smoothness of the screen projection process.

Compatibility: Mobile phones and computers of different brands may have compatibility problems. It is recommended to read the product description carefully or consult customer service personnel before screen projection.

Privacy protection: In the process of screen projection, please pay attention to protecting personal privacy to avoid disclosing sensitive information.

Baishi TV provides a variety of ways for users to watch film and television resources on the computer, and users can choose appropriate viewing methods according to their own needs. Through the introduction of this article, I hope it can help you better watch the content of 100 TV on your computer and enjoy a more comfortable viewing experience.

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