How to apply for Telegram's domestic mobile phone number, and how to share the steps of applying for Telegram's account

Telegram (TG or Telegram for short) is a cross platform instant messaging software that allows users to transmit information without network connection. However, due to the strict supervision of the Internet in China, many domestic users cannot directly use Telegram services. Today, we will introduce you how to apply for Telegram account and password in China and how to use them.


What is Telegram

Telegram (informally referred to as TG or Telegram) is a cross platform instant messaging software. Its client is free and open source software, but the server is proprietary software. Users can exchange encrypted and self destruct messages (similar to "burn after reading"), and send all types of files such as photos and movies. The mobile version (Android iOS、Windows Phone)、 Desktop version (Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux) and web version and other platform clients; At the same time, the official application program interface (API) is open, so there are many third-party clients to choose from, many of which are built in Chinese.

How to apply for Telegram domestic mobile phone number

Step 1: Prepare scientific online tools

Step 2: Download Telegram

After connecting to the scientific Internet tool, Google searches the official website of "Telegram" to download it directly.


Step 3: Register to use Telegram

1. Select China in the selected country, fill in the mobile phone number, and finally click "√" to go to the next step


2. After entering the verification code, complete the registration. Here is the English interface, followed by the Chinese version. Enter @ xiyouvpp in the search box, and click the first one to Chinese version.


3. Check whether the localization is successful

Step 4: Join the telegram group

1. Click the "Search" icon in the upper right corner, and each telegram group has a group adding link. Fill in the "Search box" with the group adding link to join the telegram group

2. Then click Open, and click "Join" at the bottom of the screen

Telegram function introduction

Chat: Telegram provides a real-time chat function, which allows us to easily communicate with other users in text, pictures, videos and other forms.

Groups: Telegram allows users to create and manage their own groups, facilitating our communication and collaboration with specific groups.

File transfer: Telegram supports the real-time file transfer function, allowing us to share various types of files with other users.

User defined plug-ins: Telegram also provides some free plug-ins for users to use, such as regular reminders, automatic translation and other functions, to meet the needs of different users.

Telegram, as a world-famous instant messaging tool, has rich functions and services, which can help us better manage social media, handle work affairs, etc. In the process of use, we should pay attention to protecting personal privacy and account security to avoid unnecessary losses. At the same time, we should also abide by the use rules and laws and regulations of the platform, and jointly maintain the order and stability of cyberspace.

  • This article is written by Published on December 17, 2023 09:03:00
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