Why can't the Russian search engine be used (yandex portal engine)

Recently, Yandex, a Russian search engine, was suddenly inaccessible, which attracted the attention of many users. As the largest search engine in Russia, Yandex's portal engine was once one of the main ways for many users to obtain information. However, it can't be used normally now, which makes people feel puzzled and worried. This article will discuss the reasons why the Yandex portal engine cannot be used, as well as the possible impact and solutions.


The reason why the Yandex portal engine cannot be used

According to reports, the reason why Yandex's import engine cannot be used is that the Russian government has imposed sanctions on it. Due to Yandex's dominant position in the Russian market, the government is worried that the search engine may be used to spread false information and other improper behaviors, so it decided to take measures to restrict it. Specifically, the government blocked its domain name and IP address, which led to users being unable to access the search engine normally.

Yandex portal engine cannot use the solution

Use other search engines: users can try to use other search engines, such as Google, Bing, etc. These search engines also have a wide use group in Russia, which can meet the search needs of users.

Use of scientific Internet tools: By using the technology of scientific Internet tools (virtual private network), users can bypass the network supervision of the Russian government and use the Yandex search engine normally. However, it should be noted that there may be certain risks and security risks when using scientific online tools.

Waiting for official repair: If the above two solutions cannot solve the problem, users can wait for Yandex to officially repair the problem. During this period, users can obtain the required information through other ways.

Yandex portal engine

Open the home page of this search engine( https://yandex.com )It can be seen that the page is very simple. There is only one search box, and the icons on it are pictures, videos, mailboxes, maps, APP centers, translations, and browsers.


Yandex's web search can basically solve many daily problems. Pro test, the reliability of its search results is much higher than Baidu.


Even many of the content you have always wanted can be found Ha~

The problem that Yandex search engine can not be used normally has attracted wide attention. This article analyzes the possible causes and solutions, hoping to help users solve this problem. However, it should be noted that users should abide by relevant laws, regulations and provisions when using Internet services.

  • This article is written by Published on December 8, 2023 17:05:51
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25672.html
