How to unseal the TT voice seal? Ten year Unsealing Tutorial of TT Voice Seal

In today's social media era, voice communication has become one of the important ways of people's daily communication. As a popular voice communication application, TT voice has a large user group. However, some users may encounter the problem of number sealing during use. Especially for those users who have been blocked, this is undoubtedly a huge problem. This article will introduce the reason of TT voice seal number and how to unblock it to help you get rid of the problem of seal number.


Understand the reason of TT voice seal number

Violations: Some users may publish illegal content on TT voice or conduct other violations, such as fraud and malicious attacks, which will be detected by the platform and blocked.

Abuse: Some users may abuse the privileges of TT voice or conduct other improper behaviors, such as using plug-ins, swiping tickets, etc. These behaviors will also be blocked.

Misseal: Some users may be mistakenly sealed for some reasons, such as system error or misoperation.

How to unseal a TT voice account

Contact customer service: If you think your account has been blocked by mistake or there are other problems, you can contact TT Voice customer service to appeal. You can contact customer service through the official TT voice website or official APP, explain your problem to them and submit relevant evidence, such as account usage records, chat records, etc. The customer service will review and give the corresponding processing results according to your situation.

Compliance: If you want to avoid being blocked, we recommend you to comply with the provisions of TT voice and relevant laws and regulations. Do not publish illegal content or conduct other illegal behaviors, abuse privileges or conduct other improper behaviors.

TT voice unblocking application steps

Step/Mode I

Open TT voice APP.


Step/Mode 2

After entering the main page, open More in the upper right corner.


Step/Mode 3

Click "My Customer Service".


Step/Mode 4

Enter "Application Unsealing" and send it.


Step/Mode 5

Finally, you can see that the application cannot be unsealed. When the ban time is over, the ban will be released. If there is no violation, you can contact the manual customer service to appeal.


TT voice seals may bring users a lot of inconvenience and trouble. If you encounter the problem of number sealing, you should contact the customer service in time to appeal and deal with it. If you want to avoid being blocked, it is recommended that you comply with the regulations and relevant laws and regulations, and do not publish illegal content or conduct other violations.

  • This article is written by Published on December 10, 2023 09:52:00
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