Whatsapp registration has been stuck in the verification number Don't worry, I'll teach you

In today's digital era, social media has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. WhatsApp, as a globally popular communication application, may encounter various problems during its registration process, the most common of which is stuck in the verification number link. This article will provide you with a solution to this problem and help you successfully complete WhatsApp registration.


Whatsapp Account Registration Tutorial

1. Magic Internet, otherwise the following process will not work!

2. Open WhatsApp, we will come to the following interface, and click "Agree and Continue".

3. Here WhatsApp will ask us to fill in our mobile number. WhatsApp is registered through mobile number verification. If you have a foreign mobile phone number, you can choose the corresponding country. Here, our domestic netizens are basically domestic mobile phone numbers. We choose China,+86, fill in the mobile phone number, and click Next.

4. The system will prompt us to confirm whether the mobile phone number is entered correctly. If it is correct, we can click OK.

5. At this time, WhatsApp will send a text message to our mobile phone number for verification. If we don't receive it, we can click "Call Me" below, and pay attention to answering at this time. We fill in the received verification code information below.

6. WhatsApp will automatically jump to the following interface. We choose "Don't do it now".

7. Here we can enter a name we like, or wear our avatar. After filling in, click "Next".

8. Finally, we will come to the following interface, where we successfully registered the WhatsApp account.

Precautions for whatsapp account registration

Use a stable network environment: When registering, please ensure that the network environment is stable and avoid using an insecure network environment, such as public Wi Fi or unknown proxy IP, because this may lead to registration failure or account blocking.

Confirm the correctness of the mobile phone number: during the registration process, you need to enter the mobile phone number and receive the verification code to complete the verification. Please ensure that the mobile phone number entered is correct, or the registration will not be completed.

Receive the verification code in time: If you haven't received the verification code for a long time, you can try to click "Call Me" or get the verification code again, because this may be caused by the delay or interception of SMS messages.

Clean the mobile device: If the account on the device has been sealed, you need to clean the mobile device and re register. Before re registration, it is also necessary to ensure that there are no other violations on the device.

Synchronize contacts in the address book: WhatsApp relies heavily on contacts in the address book. During the registration process, you can directly obtain the contact information of the address book. If you need to synchronize non address book contacts, you can add them through the search number.

Compliance with relevant regulations: When registering and using WhatsApp account, you need to comply with relevant usage regulations and laws and regulations, and you are not allowed to conduct illegal operations or abuse account rights.

Whatsapp has been stuck in verifying the number

Confirm that the mobile phone number is entered correctly

When registering WhatsApp, you need to enter your mobile phone number for verification first. If there is a problem in this link, it is likely that the phone number you entered is incorrect. Please check whether your mobile number is correct again and make sure that no numbers or letters are entered incorrectly.

Check whether the SMS receives the verification code

If the verification code still cannot be received after confirming that the mobile phone number is correct, the message may be blocked or delayed. You can try to check whether the SMS has received a verification code, or check whether the SMS has been blocked for some reason.

Try using a different phone number

If the above two methods cannot solve the problem, you can try to register with another phone number. This can eliminate the problem of the phone number itself. It may be that the phone number you are using cannot receive SMS messages or is subject to other restrictions.

Confirm country and operator settings

In some cases, the verification code may not be received due to incorrect country/region and operator settings. Please make sure that your mobile phone number is in the same country and operator settings as WhatsApp.

With the above solutions, you should be able to successfully solve the problem of WhatsApp being stuck in the verification number during registration. If the problem still exists, it is recommended to check whether the network connection is normal, or try to restart the phone and try to register again. I hope these methods can help you successfully register WhatsApp and enjoy the convenience and fun brought by this communication application.

  • This article is written by Published on December 4, 2023 20:19:52
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/25366.html
