How to remove the iPhone ID (removal process)

In today's digital era, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. As one of the best, Apple Mobile has many loyal users. However, in the process of using Apple phones, we sometimes encounter the need to remove Apple IDs. So, how can I remove the iPhone ID? This article will introduce the method of removing Apple ID in detail to help you solve the problem easily.

Remove the necessity of iPhone ID

Apple mobile phone ID is an important identification for users to use Apple devices. It is associated with our personal information, purchase records, application authorization, etc. In some cases, we need to remove Apple ID, such as changing mobile phones, changing email addresses, and unbinding bank cards. Removing Apple ID can help us protect personal information and avoid unnecessary risks.

Exclusive account


If you need a finished product Apple ID account, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account. The regular platform download is 100% secure. When you sell, you can delete the backup information immediately without repeated sales.

How to remove iPhone ID

Method 1: Use dual authentication to unlock Apple ID

Step 1: Click [Unlock Account] on the device lock page. If the phone or email has been bound, you can verify it in this way. Fill in the mobile phone number. If this Apple ID account has logged in to other devices, it can also be verified and unlocked on other devices. If other devices cannot be used, they can be verified by receiving the verification code, SMS or email.

Step 2: Input the received verification code. If the original password has been forgotten, click [Forgot Password?], and then input the lock screen password to be verified by the system.

Step 3: After the system verification is successful, you will be prompted to reset the Apple ID password. Note that this password should not be used within one year, otherwise it cannot be used. After the new password is set successfully, the logged in Apple ID password will be automatically updated to the new password.

Method 2: Go to Apple's official website to reset the password

Log in to the Apple official website, enter the Apple ID interface, which is basically the same as the mobile terminal operation. Reset the password according to the page prompts.

At the same time, you can also retrieve the AppleID account. Just verify the bound mailbox or mobile phone number to retrieve it.

Precautions for removing iPhone ID

1. Before removing your iPhone ID, be sure to confirm whether your iPhone has been stolen or lost. If yes, please alarm first.

2. When removing the Apple phone ID, be sure to back up your phone data to avoid losing important information.

3. If your iPhone is bound to a payment platform or other third-party applications, you need to unbind these platforms or applications before removing your iPhone ID.

4. When removing the iPhone ID, be sure to choose the appropriate method to avoid damage to your phone.

5. After removing your iPhone ID, be sure to reset your iPhone ID and password to ensure the security of your account.

Through the introduction of this article, you have learned the process and precautions of how to remove the Apple phone ID. Before removing the iPhone ID, be sure to make preparations and choose an appropriate method. At the same time, please protect your personal information and account security. I hope this article is helpful to you!

Related reading

What if Apple ID is locked? (Detailed apple id unlocking tutorial)

Is Apple Activation Lock really unsolvable? (methodical)

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