How to browse youtube website? Domestic use of tubing youtube method

In our daily life, we often need to obtain foreign information or entertainment resources. Youtube is a very popular global video sharing website, which provides a large number of videos, news, music and other content for users to watch and download. However, the use of YouTube in China may be subject to some restrictions, so how should we browse YouTube? Now let's discuss it together!


Official entrance of youtube

Youtube web version login tutorial

1. Scientific Internet access is required to log in to the YouTube web page. After you complete scientific Internet access, enter YouTube in Google browser to search, and then click to enter the official YouTube website, or directly through the official entrance: visit.


2. After entering the official Youtube website interface, click Login on the right side of the page.


3. Since youtube is a Google application, it uses a Google login account. You can log in by entering your own Google account.


If you don't have a Google account, you can click the link to buy a finished Google account, register in a formal channel, and delete the backup information immediately. It is absolutely safe to sell it again.


4. If you forget your Google account, click the forgotten email address on the login interface to go to the retrieval link of your Google mailbox account. You can retrieve our Google mailbox according to your operation.


5. If you forget your password, you can enter the email address and click Forgot Password in the password input interface to enter the account recovery interface. After entering the email verification code we received, you can successfully reset the password.


6. If you don't have a Google account, you can click Create Account in the account login interface, and you will come to the registration link of Google account. After you have registered and logged in to Google account, you can successfully log in to YouTube.


Youtube features

Rich and diverse content: YouTube covers various types of videos, including music, dance, comedy, documentary, etc. Users can find the content they are interested in here.

High degree of internationalization: YouTube is a global video sharing platform with users from all over the world, so its content is also highly internationalized.

Strong social attribute: YouTube emphasizes user interaction and participation. Users can like, comment, share their own videos, and follow other users. This social attribute makes YouTube a very active platform.

Few advertisements: YouTube's profit model mainly depends on advertising revenue, so there are relatively few advertisements on the platform. This provides users with a better viewing experience.

Suitable for mobile viewing: YouTube performs better on mobile devices than on PCs, so it is more suitable for viewing on mobile phones.

In short, youtube is a global video sharing website worth exploring and using. As long as we master the correct operation method, we can browse and use the website smoothly. I hope today's article can help you better understand and use youtube.

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