Yahoo search engine submission portal (address submitted by Yahoo search engine)

In today's era of information explosion, search engines have become an important tool for us to obtain information. Among them, Yahoo search engine, as one of the widely used search platforms in the world, provides people with convenient information query services. For webmasters and enterprises, it is very important to submit their website information to Yahoo search engine and increase website exposure and traffic. This article will share Yahoo's submission address for you to help you quickly use Yahoo search engine to submit.


Yahoo search engine submission portal

Yahoo's submission address:

To submit a website to the Yahoo search engine, you need to find a submission portal first. Normally, the submission portal of Yahoo search engine is located at the bottom of its search page. Click the "webmaster" or "webmaster" icon to enter the submission page. In addition, you can submit websites through Yahoo Site Explorer, the webmaster tool provided by Yahoo.

Methods to improve the success rate of submission

Ensure website quality

The prerequisite for submitting a website to the Yahoo search engine is that the quality of the website itself should be excellent. Therefore, before submitting the website, it is necessary to ensure that the internal structure and external links of the website are relatively complete, while maintaining the freshness and originality of the content.

Optimize keywords

Keyword is one of the most important factors when submitting website to Yahoo search engine. It is necessary to reasonably select and optimize keywords to ensure that keywords are related to website content and have high search volume and low competition. At the same time, attention should be paid to the density and location of keywords to avoid stacking and excessive optimization.

Provide complete information

When submitting a website to the Yahoo search engine, you need to provide complete information, including website title, description, keywords, home page links and links to other pages. The information should be clear, concise, easy to understand and conform to the rules and standards of Yahoo search engine.

Interact with other webmasters

Through interaction with other webmasters, you can increase the exposure and link weight of the website. For example, participate in discussions on social media platforms, exchange links with other websites, or participate in relevant forums and communities. These methods can help improve the ranking and submission success rate of websites.


All major search engines submit portal information

Baidu search engine submission portal:

Baidu Deadlink Submission Portal:

Baidu reputation application:

Sogou URL submission:

360URL submission:

360 Search Engine Login Portal:

360 news source access:

Google URL submission portal:

Google News website content:

Sogou website collection submission portal:

Bing web page submission login portal:

Shenma Search Price Increase Entrance:

Search engine login:

Yahoo China website login:

Search engine login portal:

Netease Youdao search engine login:

Submitting to Yahoo search engine is only one aspect of SEO optimization. In order to get better rankings and more traffic in search engines, we need to work hard on website content, keyword optimization and other aspects. I hope this article can help you!

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