How to activate the original master ID password if the iPhone does not know? Forcibly release the iPhone ID lock

In today's digital era, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, when we buy a second-hand mobile phone or pick up a mobile phone, we may encounter the problem of not knowing the original owner ID and password, so we cannot use the phone normally. So, how can I force the iPhone ID lock to be released? This article will provide you with a practical solution to enable you to regain the normal use rights of your mobile phone.


Apple does not know how to activate the original ID password

Use a third-party tool to forcibly release the ID lock

With the development of science and technology, some third-party tools have appeared on the market, which can help us forcibly remove the ID lock of Apple phones. These tools use vulnerability and vulnerability mining technology to bypass Apple's verification mechanism, so as to achieve the purpose of unlocking. The security and reliability of these tools are different. It is recommended to select tools with good reputation and high evaluation for operation.

Activate with iTunes

If you don't know the ID and password of the original owner, an innovative method is to use iTunes for activation. ITunes is a digital media player provided by Apple, which can be used to manage Apple devices. With iTunes, you can reset your phone's password to activate your phone.

Exclusive account


If you need a finished Apple ID, you can directly click the icon button to purchase the finished Apple ID. The website ID can be downloaded through the formal channel, which is absolutely safe. Once sold, you can delete the backup information immediately, without repeated sales.

matters needing attention

1. Before activation, please ensure that you have backed up the important data in your phone to avoid losing data during activation.

2. When setting a new password, please ensure that you set a strong password to enhance the security of your account.

3. After the activation, it is recommended to reset your Apple ID password, dual authentication and other security settings to ensure the security of your account.


How to strengthen the security protection of Apple ID account

Change the password regularly: In order to reduce the risk of password cracking, it is recommended to change the password regularly. At the same time, make sure that the new password is complex enough, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Enable dual authentication: The dual authentication function provided by Apple can ensure that only you can access your account. When you log in to Apple ID on a new device, dual verification will require you to enter the verification code received by your phone, thus increasing the security of your account.

Carefully share personal information: Try to avoid sharing personal information related to Apple ID, such as birthday, email address, etc. in public places or when communicating with others. This information may be used by malicious users to try to crack your account.

Keep alert: keep alert at all times, report to the police or contact Apple customer service in case of suspicious situations. If you find that your Apple ID is abnormal, such as abnormal remote login or account fund change, take immediate measures to protect your account security.

Through the innovative methods and practical suggestions provided in this article, you will be able to successfully force the Apple phone ID lock to be released and regain the normal use right of the phone. At the same time, strengthening account security protection measures will help reduce the probability of similar situations. I hope this information can help you enjoy the high-quality experience brought by Apple devices more safely and conveniently in the future.

Related reading

Forcibly clear the ID of the apple found (share the experience of unlocking the ID)

Is Apple Activation Lock really unsolvable? (methodical)

  • This article is written by Published on November 13, 2023 19:02:05
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