How to register an account on the official website of Nexon Port and Taiwan (tutorial on account registration on the official website of Nexon Port and Taiwan)

Nexon is a game development company that is widely welcomed and loved by global players. The games it develops have many loyal players around the world. If you are a Nexon game enthusiast and want to create a Hong Kong and Taiwan account in Nexon's game, you may need to know some specific steps and methods to register. This article will introduce you in detail how to register on the official website of Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts. We will guide you step by step so that you can easily create your own Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts.

How to register on the official website of Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts

If you want to play games, you need to register a game account first.


First, we open the account registration page of NEXON official website in Taiwan, China( )Note that this step requires the use of Taiwan IP, otherwise it cannot be opened.

The specific registration steps will not be detailed here. Although they are all in traditional Chinese, I believe you can understand them. Just fill in the information step by step as required to register.

Of course, in addition to the NEXON account, you can also use a third-party account to log in, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and so on. Here, I recommend the Apple account and have more people.


During the registration process, we will be required to perform real name authentication. You can click "Remind me later" below to skip this step.

How to protect Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan account security

Change your password regularly: In order to prevent your password from being cracked, it is recommended that you change your password regularly. You can choose a strong password and keep it in mind.

Enable dual authentication: The official website of Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts provides dual authentication function. After dual authentication is enabled, in addition to the password, you also need to verify your identity through mobile phones or other security authentication methods to ensure that only you can access your account.

Don't share personal information easily: Don't share your personal information and account information easily in games or on social media to avoid being used by criminals.

Nexon Features

Cross platform games: The Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan version of the game supports cross platform games, which means you can seamlessly switch games on various devices, such as computers, mobile phones and tablets.

Multiplayer online competition: The Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan version of the game usually supports multiplayer online competition. You can compete and communicate with players from all over the world.

Rich role choices: The Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan version of the game usually provides a variety of role choices, including soldiers, knights, assassins, mages, priests and archers. Each character has unique skills and fighting style.

Magnificent scenes: The Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan version of the game is usually set in a variety of different scenes, such as the beautiful coast, majestic step rock mountains, mysterious forests and grasslands. These scenes add more color and atmosphere to the game.

Innovative combat system: The Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan version of the game usually uses innovative combat systems, such as real-time combat, strategic combat, etc. These fighting systems allow players to experience more exciting and diversified fighting fun.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned how to register your Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts on the official website of Nexon Hong Kong and Taiwan accounts. At the same time, we also remind you to protect your account security and prevent potential security risks. I hope this information can help you get more fun and achievements in the game.

  • This article is written by Published on November 10, 2023 18:56:47
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