Where is the official website login portal of Momo webpage? How to use Momo web version login

In the era of highly developed social media, Momo, as a popular social application, is used by both young and old people to find new friends or keep in touch with old friends. Therefore, many people want to know where and how to use the official website login portal of Momo webpage version. In order to meet your needs, we will directly share the location of Momo's official website login portal and introduce how to use the webpage version of Momo.

Official website login portal of Momo webpage

Search "Momo" through the network search tool, select "Momo Page Version" in the search results to enter, or directly enter the URL: https://web.immomo.com/


In the website version of Momo, you can log in by entering an account and password, or you can log in through a third-party account. The first time you log in, you need to pass security verification. After passing, you can enter the main chat interface.


Click the location button as shown in the figure to enter the chat list, where you can view the friends or groups you are chatting with.


Click the location "Friends" as shown in the figure to view the added friends, followed users, and fans of the account in the login account.


Click the "Live" button in the upper left corner of the page to enter the live page, where you can switch the anchor, watch the anchor room, send the pop-up screen, etc.


Click the account picture in the upper right corner of the page to view the nickname and Momo number of this account. Select "Profile" in the shortcut menu to view more personal information.


Select "Settings" in the shortcut menu to make simple settings for the webpage version of Momo, such as turning on or off sound, message notification, whether to keep chat and records, etc.


Select the Ignore Unread option in the shortcut menu to ignore all current unread messages.


If you want to exit the webpage version of Momo, you can select "Exit Login" in the shortcut menu, or you can directly close the webpage.


Momo Web Version User's Guide

Browsing updates: In the Momo web version, you can browse various types of updates, including social updates, popular updates, etc. In the dynamic page, you can view other users' photos, text, videos and other content, and interact with them.

Chat and make friends: If you are interested in a user, you can click their avatar or nickname to enter their personal homepage. On your personal homepage, you can view their details, photos, videos, etc., and communicate with them privately.

Publishing status: You can publish your status in Momo's web version, and share your mood, photos, videos and other content. When you publish your status, you can add tags, locations and other information to let more people see your status.

Add friends: If you want to add more friends, you can enter keywords or user names in the search box, search for interested users, click the "Add friends" button, and wait for the other party to agree to become friends.

Manage friends: In the Momo web version, you can easily manage your friends list. You can add, delete or modify your friends' information, and manage your friends in groups.

How to protect your Momo account

1. Set a strong password to avoid using weak passwords or passwords that are easy to guess.

2. Do not easily save personal information or important chat records on the computer to avoid revealing privacy.

3. Update your password and security issues regularly to prevent hackers from invading your account.

4. Enable the dual authentication function to ensure that only you can access your account.

Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have learned how to use the Momo web version. In the actual use process, we should also pay attention to protecting our personal privacy and account security. I hope this information can help you better enjoy the convenient service of Momo's webpage version.

  • This article is written by Published on November 10, 2023 18:45:26
  • This article is collected and sorted by the website of Mutual Benefit, and the email address for problem feedback is: wosnnet@foxmail.com , please keep the link of this article for reprinting: https://wosn.net/22434.html
