How to download the Apple version of shopee (detailed steps)

In today's digital era, cross-border e-commerce has become the choice of more and more people. Shopee, as a popular e-commerce platform, is loved by many users. However, for users using Apple devices, downloading the Shopee application may encounter some difficulties. This article will provide you with a detailed tutorial to help you successfully download and install the Apple version of Shopee.


What is shopee

Shopee is an e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, China, as well as the preferred platform for Chinese goods to go to Southeast Asia. Since its establishment in Singapore in 2015, Shopee has covered more than 10 markets, including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Brazil. Shopee has a variety of goods including consumer electronics, home furnishing, beauty care, mother and baby, clothing and fitness equipment.

Apple mobile phone download shopee tutorial


1. One Apple mobile phone

2. Taiwan Apple ID


If you need Apple ID, you can directly click the icon link to purchase an exclusive ID account, and download it through official channels. It is 100% safe!

The Apple ID account in Taiwan is the key for Apple to download shopee, because shopee will be searched only after an Apple ID account in Taiwan is logged in to the Apple App Store.

Download Tutorials

1. Find the app store on the mobile desktop and click to open it. And as shown in the figure below, exit the Chinese ID account we logged in to the app store. If there is no login account, this step will not matter.

2. Then log in to our Taiwan ID account in the app store, as shown in the following figure:

3. After successful login, the appstore will automatically refresh. When we enter the main page of the appstore, we will switch to the zone.


At this time, we will search for "shopee" again, and you will be surprised to find that the Xiapi APP Taiwan station can be searched out. Click Download to successfully download and install.

Shopee features

Diversified product categories: Shopee provides a wide range of products, including daily necessities, fashion accessories, electronic products, household products and other fields, attracting a large number of consumers.

Active social interaction: Shopee is not only a traditional e-commerce platform, but also provides a wealth of social interaction functions, enabling users to leave messages, like each other, share product information, participate in various online activities and lottery activities, and enhance users' shopping experience and stickiness.

Discount and promotional activities: Shope often holds various promotional activities, such as limited time discount, full discount, and second kill activities, so that users can buy the goods they need at a lower price, increasing their shopping desire.

Convenient payment methods: Shopee supports a variety of convenient payment methods, including credit card, Alipay, WeChat payment, etc., to meet the different payment needs of users. In addition, Shopee also provides a cash on delivery service, providing users with more flexible payment options.

High quality customer service: Shopee pays attention to user experience and provides high quality customer service. It enables users to contact the customer service personnel of the platform through online customer service, telephone customer service and other ways to solve various problems such as orders and after-sales, which enhances users' trust in the platform and improves users' satisfaction.

Convenient logistics distribution: Shopee cooperates with many logistics companies to provide fast and reliable logistics distribution services. Users can track the logistics information of orders through the platform, understand the delivery progress of orders, and ensure that goods can be delivered in time.

Cross border shopping: Shopee allows consumers to buy goods from other countries, enabling consumers to access more brands and products, including international brands and unique imported goods.

Through the detailed steps and tutorials provided in this article, I believe you have mastered how to download and use the Apple version of Shope. While enjoying convenient shopping, please pay attention to protecting personal privacy and information security.

  • This article is written by Published on November 10, 2023 17:40:02
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