Xiaohongshu website entry (Xiaohongshu official website)

In today's Internet era, social media has become an important channel for people to communicate and obtain information. As a social platform with the main function of sharing and discovering the good life, Little Red Book is loved by many users. The charm of Xiaohongshu's web portal is that it can make it easier for users to browse, share and purchase their favorite products. This article will reveal the access method of Xiaohongshu's web page portal for you to easily explore the wonderful world of Xiaohongshu.


Xiaohongshu website and login method

The website of Xiaohongshu website is: https://www.xiaohongshu.com/

Login method: On the website page, click the "Login" button in the upper right corner, and then enter your Little Red Book account and password to login. If you don't have a Little Red Book account, you can select the "Register" button on the login page, and fill in the relevant information according to the prompts to successfully register.


Main functions and usage of Xiaohongshu web version

Browse popular recommendations: On the home page of Xiaohongshu's webpage, you can see various popular recommendations, including notes in different fields such as fashion, food, travel and beauty. Click on the recommendations you are interested in to view more relevant content.

Search for products or brands: enter the name of the product or brand you want to find in the search box, and click the search button to find relevant notes and recommendations.

Publish personal notes: If you have your own Little Red Book account, you can click the "Publish" button in the upper right corner of the webpage, fill in the relevant information of notes according to the prompts, and then publish.

Follow your favorite bloggers: In the Xiaohongshu website, you can follow your favorite bloggers and check their latest news and shared content at any time.

Buy the products you like: In the website version of Little Red Book, you can directly buy the products you like. Click the product link to enter the purchase page, and complete the purchase operation according to the prompts.

Tips for using Xiaohongshu's web version

Make good use of tags: When publishing notes, you can add related tags so that more people can find your notes. At the same time, you can also search for relevant content through search tags.

Update regularly: To keep your attention, you can update your notes regularly and share more interesting content.

Interact with friends: In Xiaohongshu's webpage version, you can interact with friends, comment, like or exchange personal information.

Find more interesting bloggers: In the process of browsing notes, you can find more interesting bloggers, follow them and explore more exciting content.

Through the introduction of this article, you have learned how to access the website of Little Red Book and how to use its main functions and related skills. Now, you can easily explore the wonderful world of Little Red Book and share your experience and experience. I hope this article is helpful to you!

  • This article is written by Published on November 7, 2023 16:56:04
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