Impression Notes Website Login Portal, Impression Notes Sharing Method

In the information age, people need to record, sort out and share their knowledge and experience more conveniently and efficiently. As a well received note taking application, Impression Notes not only performs well on the mobile end, but also attracts much attention on its web version. Therefore, the editor will share the login website of the web version of Impression Notes for everyone, and introduce the methods of sharing notes on the web version of Impression Notes to help you make better use of this tool and improve work efficiency and personal knowledge management.


The login portal of the notes web version

To access the web version of impression notes, you need to enter the official website in the browser: Then, click the "Login" button on the home page and enter your impression note user name and password to login. If you don't have an impression of the note account, you can choose to register a new account on the login page and complete the registration according to the prompts.

Features of the web version of impression notes

Record anytime, anywhere: With the web version of Impression Notes, you can record your ideas, inspiration and notes at any time and anywhere. You can open the browser and input your notes at any time whether you are travelling, working or studying or in daily life.

Multiple note formats: The web version of impression notes supports a variety of note formats, including text, pictures, video, audio, etc., which can meet your recording needs in different scenarios. For example, you can insert pictures, tables, charts and other elements into your notes to make your notes richer and more vivid.

Automatic synchronization: The web version of Impression Notes will automatically synchronize your notes to ensure the safety of your data and will not lose data due to the loss or damage of the device. Whether you use a computer or a mobile phone, you can view and edit your notes anytime, anywhere.

The sharing function is powerful: you can easily share your notes with other people, or you can share your notes with social media platforms to share your thoughts and experiences with more people. The sharing methods are flexible and diverse. You can choose public sharing or private sharing according to your needs. At the same time, you can also set sharing permissions and access passwords.

Impression Notes Web Page How to Share Notes

1. First, click to open the impression notes on the computer, then find and click the "All Notes" option on the left side of the page.


2. Second, after clicking "All Notes", we can select a note to share on the note page, and then find the sharing icon on the top right corner of the page.


3. Third, after clicking the share icon, we can select the software we want to share on the pop-up page. WeChat, QQ, QQ Space or Weibo are all available. Clicking WeChat and QQ will bring up a QR code. Clicking Weibo and QQ Space requires logging in your account on the web page and then clicking Share.


4. Step 4, we can also click the "Share Link" option, and then click the "Copy Link" in the pop-up box of the link, and then paste the link to the place to be shared.


In a word, this tool can not only help you record and organize various ideas and inspirations in your work, study and life at any time and anywhere, but also share your notes easily with other people or social media platforms. You can better manage and use your knowledge and experience, improve work efficiency and personal knowledge management level by flexibly using the features of the impression notes web page.

  • This article is written by Published on November 5, 2023 09:02:00
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