2022 Strongly recommend TV series to be super good-looking? Top 10 most popular TV dramas

In the twinkling of an eye, 2022 is coming to an end, and we will also usher in 2023, which may be a new year. But those wonderful TV dramas in 2022 are always unforgettable and even more popular. Modern puppet dramas, ancient puppet dramas, mystery dramas, etc., involve various types and themes, so what are on the list?


The World

Lei Jiayin, the actor of Zhou Bingkun, won the Best Actor Award, and this year's Best Actress Award was also awarded to Yin Tao, the actor of the drama crew of The World. The drama "The World" also won the title of excellent TV series, and director Li Lu won the award of best director. It can be said that this Golden Eagle Award "Human World" has won Ma.

Qing Qing Daily

"Qing Qing Daily" is a classic comedy. It's very relaxing and decompressing. The TV play interprets the growth story of Li Wei and Yin Zheng from knowing each other to supporting each other very well. Although they get married first and love later, the relationship between husband and wife is a model of healthy love.

Bottom line

The three generations are different in age and position, but they stick to the bottom line of justice, morality and humanity together. It is expected that there will be a lot of cases that test humanity in this play. Where should we go when wandering between law and morality? This is probably the ultimate goal of the show.

"Swords in the Snow"

The original novel of "Swords in the Snow" itself is a big IP, with many original fans. Its film and television has attracted attention from all aspects, and the audience is also looking forward to this play. The show's reception of "Madam Hu Zhu" was broadcast independently on Tencent Video, which was much more popular than the same period of the show.

Kunlun Temple

This time, the story mainly revolves around the crystal corpse of the Devil Kingdom glacier in King Gesar, and three school captains, Hu Bayi (Pan Yueming), Wang Fatso (Jiang Chao), Zhegushao (Gao Weiguang) and Shirley Yang (Zhang Yuqi), who were employed by Hong Kong Shang Ming Uncle, began the ancient tomb adventure.

The Wind Blows the Pinellia

Seeing their seriousness and sincerity in acting, we can feel pain across the screen, as well as interest disputes. They are both friends and enemies. All kinds of tact and forbearance are embodied in this play. Therefore, I strongly recommend Amway's play, which is a good play and worth watching.

Happiness to Thousands of Families

As a drama of rural realism in different times, Happiness to Thousands of Families has been well adapted to the tide of the times.

"Hunting Crime Manual"

Audiences who are used to watching criminal investigation dramas are impressed by either the criminal police who can judge cases as if they were gods, or the forensic doctors who let the dead talk. Portrait masters are rarely mentioned - from this perspective, "Crime Hunting Manual" is originally very novel.

San Yue Has a New Job

"San Yue Has a New Job" is exactly the theme of "encoffiners". In the trailer, there is a very touching sentence "I feel like entering a new world". Yes, for encoffiners, they live in the world of living people and work in the world of dead people. Changing their identities in both worlds is more proof of their greatness.

The Great Examination

The theme of this "big exam" is the "college entrance exam" that almost everyone in China will experience. The main melody is warm, passionate, young and inspirational.

Ning'an Like a Dream

White Deer plays a woman who wants to stay away from the imperial palace and dignitaries. In her dream, she is kidnapped by power. In reality, she tries to get rid of it but can't escape her destiny. But "love" is the most magical force in the world. Although it can't turn the tide, it can fight for a chance for herself.

Please give more advice for the rest of your life

"More Advice for the Rest of Life" attracted wide attention when preparing to start shooting, mainly because the original novel was very popular, and the reputation of the hero Xiao Zhan and the heroine Yang Zi in the play version was good, both acting skills and popularity were worthy of the play. Sure enough, after the preview was released, the attention directly doubled.

Canglan Jue

After the play was broadcasted, Yuezun, played by Wang Hedi, captured the hearts of many audiences, which was totally different from his appearance in "Encounter the Dragon". He also successfully got rid of the title of ugly man in ancient clothes by virtue of the role of Dongfang Qingcang.

Yu Shuxin's adaptation to the role of Xiaolanhua is very high. Sure enough, the smart Xiaolanhua has attracted many viewers' attention after the play was broadcast.


The popularity of punishment has been high since it was broadcast. It has been connected to 36 hot searches on the whole network, which shows its influence. Since the beginning of the play, the development of the plot has been very tense, and there is no such thing as slow progress. A flaw in the beauty is an unexpected rotten tail, which leads to the loss of many fans and audiences of Punishment.

Each one is worth watching again and again. Do you agree with them? Of course, in addition to the above ten dramas, there are many good ones that are unforgettable to the audience, with outstanding ratings and popularity.

  • This article is written by Published on December 2, 2022 14:13:13
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