What software is used to play torrent files? Must torrent files be downloaded

When looking for video resources, everyone will download torrent files. At this time, many children are curious about what torrent files are? How to open it? Now let's introduce how to open torrent file. If you need it, you can have a look.

How do I open the torrent file?

Method I

1. We can use Thunderbolt to open it and click the "+" download icon at the top left;

2. Click Add BT Task;

3. Select the seed file to open, and then click Open.

Method II

1. We can also use Baidu online disk to open it. First, upload the torrent file to Baidu online disk;

2. Then find the torrent file in the network disk and click it;


3. The interface appears, change the save path, and click Start Download;


4. After the download is completed, you can find the torrent file in the previously changed path, open it and watch it.

This is how to open torrent files. You can try it when you have time. If you find resources but don't know what to do, you can follow the above method.

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2022 17:10:29
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