How to solve the problem of garbled Chinese subtitles in movies, and how to deal with garbled Chinese subtitle files

 weiwei November 17, 2022 16:51:29 Resource sharing comment three hundred and fifty-five Reading mode

People often watch movies, and many people like watching foreign movies. Then we will find that there must be a subtitle below. Otherwise, we cannot understand it. However, we will find that the subtitles are confused. How to solve this problem? What can I do to solve the problem of confused subtitles.

Correction method for disordered subtitles

1. Open an existing subtitle file


2. Double click to open with Notepad


3. File -- Save As


4. Select unicode as the encoding method - click OK


5. Reload file -- successful

How to deal with downloaded Chinese subtitles that are garbled

1. First, open PR on the computer and click to enter

2. Click to create a subtitle box to enter.

3. Then I randomly input the text. At this time, I found that the input text was not fully displayed, because the English font was chosen.

4. You need to select the Chinese font in the computer from the drop-down list in the font to switch.

5. Finally, it can be displayed normally by switching to Chinese font.

The above is to teach you how to solve the problem of garbled subtitles. If you encounter these problems, you can use the method of small editor introduction to solve them, and you can easily solve this small problem.

  • This article is written by Published on November 17, 2022 16:51:29
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