Online cancellation method of telecom card In 2022, is it necessary to go to the business hall to cancel the phone card

 weiwei November 10, 2022 17:07:43 Resource sharing comment five hundred and fifty-two Reading mode

In the process of using the telecom card, some people will feel that the balance in the card is not much, and they will not write off the card if they use it frequently, nor do they know how to write off the card. In addition, sometimes the cancellation needs to go to the local business hall to cancel, so many people will feel very troublesome and want to cancel online. Let's introduce the method of online cancellation.

Telecommunication network cancellation process

1. Use the mobile phone number that needs to be closed to log in to the mobile phone business hall of China Telecom, and click "Query and handle"


2. After entering the business list, click "Handle" on the left, and then select "Single card dismantling"


3. After entering the phone dismantling business interface, confirm that the mobile phone number is correct, and click "Handle immediately"


Do I have to go to the business hall

If the real name system has been applied for citizens' mobile phones, the number belongs to them. If citizens no longer need the number, they can take their ID cards to the business hall for unbinding and cancellation.

1. ID card An ID card is a document used to prove the identity of the holder. It is usually issued to citizens by governments of various countries or regions. It will serve as a tool to prove everyone's unique citizenship. The emergence of a large number of new technologies allows ID cards to contain biometric information, such as photos, facial features, palm features, iris scanning recognition or fingerprint recognition. Other information that usually appears on ID cards (or in databases) includes: full names, parents' names, addresses, occupations, nationalities (in multi-ethnic countries), blood types and coagulation factors.

2. Apply for certificates

1) When you go to apply for a card, you should bring your residence booklet, two color photos of yourself (you can also collect photos on the spot) and the first generation resident ID card you originally applied for.

2) When going through the formalities, it is necessary to fill in the Registration Form for Application for Resident Identity Card and collect the fingerprint of the identity card, assist the staff to accurately verify the registration items of the identity card, and pay the cost of the certificate.

3) It should be noted that the floating population needs to return to the residence for fingerprint recording.

The above is about the process of online cancellation of everyone's telecommunications. You can refer to the content in the article according to your own situation. Generally, you will go to the business hall to handle it. Just take your ID card with you.

  • This article is written by Published on November 10, 2022 17:07:43
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