How about Mr. Zhou Lixiao's business model and his lectures

 weiwei November 9, 2022 17:15:46 Resource sharing comment one hundred and forty-one Reading mode

Business model refers to a multi-dimensional collection and corresponding matching method adopted by enterprises (companies) to win in the market, take the lead in the market, and continue to maintain such a state; The profit model refers to the ways, profits and customers through which the enterprise makes money under this established business model. So for a company, what kind of business model is very important, and then some people who are interested in these can go to learn these courses. Let's introduce Mr. Zhou Lixiao's course.


Who is Zhou Lixiao

Chairman of Beijing Rongjin Huixin Investment Management Co., Ltd.

※ Main courses (part):

Capital operation and business model innovation

※ Recommended topics (part):

Advanced Seminar on Capital Operation and Investment Practice of Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University Business Administration Advanced Seminar

Advanced Seminar on Financial Innovation and Wealth Management of Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University Class for SME Leading Talents of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Advanced Seminar on Digital Economy and Enterprise Transformation and Development of Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University Enterprise Middle and Senior Management Innovation Improvement Seminar (5 days)

How about Mr. Zhou Lixiao's business model and his class

As one of the most experienced experts in the field of domestic capital operation and business model design, Professor Zhou Lixiao has provided management consulting services for dozens of listed companies and participated in writing the financial sector of the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" of Shenzhen Municipal Government.

This course is different from the traditional model. Professor Zhou explains different business policies and strategies in detail, takes you to understand what is one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and high-dimensional, and applies it to your own enterprises to solve practical problems and improve enterprise value.

Since 1999, Zhou Lixiao has lectured on EMBA and MBA courses at Tsinghua University and Peking University. During his teaching career, he helped entrepreneurs analyze business design cases and founded "Rongjinhui" company to provide consulting services for entrepreneurs.

After a course in 2012, a student (entrepreneur) found Zhou Lixiao. He said to Zhou that he was willing to give Zhou the tickets to the scenic spot that his friends gave him, so that Zhou could share them with his friends as a gift.

Zhou Lixiao felt puzzled and asked Mingyuan why. It turned out that the student hoped to attract more tourists to visit the local scenic spots with tickets, which would drive the local economic development. "A lot of tickets were given to Yuntai Mountain alone, but I didn't have time to travel, so I wanted to give them to others."

Therefore, Mr. Zhou Lixiao's lessons are worth learning, and many of his views are also very insightful, so you will definitely benefit a lot from listening to Mr. Zhou Lixiao's lessons.

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